What's Missing From the School Bus Beating Story

Posted by $ Abaco 2 years ago to Education
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There's no mention of a father of the two white kids who were beaten by the older black kids. I think that's notable. Many, many kids don't have fathers in the homes anymore. I think the establishment likes that because it allows them to push children and their mothers around. Allows them to abuse a lot of kids, at least neglect them, without any recourse. I've had to stand up for my kids. I mentioned one account a few years ago when my daughter's school were allowing some fat slob kid to physically assault my daughter. I'm 6', 220 with pretty much the same measurements as Mike Tyson. When I walked my daughter to class you would have thought there was a guy walking on campus with a machine gun. Panic mode by the administration. After all that - When the principal approached me that morning and said, "Well, we're on it" I said, "So am I." Her response?...."That sounds threatening!" In truth...it was. The abuse stopped. If I had caught the bully's father or grandfather in person they would have either soiled themselves or had their heads caved in by my fists. Luckily, it wasn't required. The unfortunate truth is that might still makes right. And, if there's no man in the household, let alone a guy like me, you're at the whims of the system. Your kids are at the mercy of leftist, collectivist, angry useful idiots.

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  • 14
    Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
    Fortunately, I have never witnessed first hand any of this kind of uncivil violence. It triggers in my mind violence as a response. I want to just smash those fuQing abominations. I have seen countless animalistic violence recorded on cell phones and posted on Gab in the last few years. Thanks to the Mayors , Governors , Police and AG’s lack of n response for the rioting , killing , looting and arson during the George Floyd Psyact. (see Gen Flynn’s “The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare”)
    The result of that Psyact was to entitle a black race to commit random acts of violence due to the slavery 150 years ago of some of their descendants. Most arrested were bailed out by Kameltoe Harris and charges dropped by the prosecutors Funny Harris and BuyDem got most of the BLM donations as the BLM website believe it or not brought you directly to BuyDem’s Campaign web site . Just like Antifa.com brings you to the Whitehouse.gov The blm founders took the rest and then went to buy some houses for these Marxist’s who organize the terrorist cells (if we want to call them what they are.)
    A Psyact takes a created event or an organic event
    and from that “act” they shape a narrative to push on the masses psychological techniques to control and manipulate reality. Clearly understanding this Hegelian dialectic tactic we can see how we have been duped.
    From JFK to MLK to Desert Storm ( goodby peace dividend) to 9/11 ( hello guilty until proven innocent civilians/ think TSA)
    A thought comes to my mind, I wonder if black men have murdered more humans in the past 150 years than the number of all black slaves who in most cases
    Did not lose their life.
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    • 10
      Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
      Chaos is the overall intent. Anything to grab more power and control. Flood the country with lawlessness from the South, flood the country with violence from within, all creates the situation where more government control is considered warranted. Divide and conquer. We've seen posts on here for robots sanctioned by state governments to be used in public. Most likely for the coming food riots.

      Que Mala ("The Bad") was suddenly absent during the inauguration. Where was she? As soon as Joe was officially sworn in as President, he had a heart attack and died. Que Mala suddenly jumped up into view, wiped her face off, and shouted "I sucked my way to the top! The first black female President!" The first black female President by quarterback sneak. By any means possible.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
        Agreed ... I think it will be the food riots next. 100-300 vermin descending on a Walmart or Safeway... Thinking about 2024 and KamelToe, I think that would do it for me. I think I would take up arms ... gives me another two years to get my shit done (the accomplishments and self-fulfillment), then Fuq it. Start taking out bureaucrats Molon Labe style.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
      Unfortunately I witnessed more of this kind of violence before I was 18 than anyone short of an infantryman. Girls, guys, Biker Gangs of all tribes (1%-ers) These people would start a fight at the drop of a hat. These were for the most part some combination of Irish, Italian, French-Canadian. What they all had in common was they were poor. Minorities didn't hang around long in this environment. Everyone would band together to dog pile on a minority.
      Violence begets violence. To this very day these enclaves are still strictly lower class European Caucasian (a.k.a. White Trash). Minorities (or any "outsider") enter at you peril. I left in 1975 and never looked back, but I still hear the stories.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
        What city it sounds like Canada?
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
          Not a city. A small North East agrarian town (pop. 4,000) that become a vacation destination because of a private lake: Nutting Lake, (purchased in whole, subdivided into 500 sq foot lots in the 1920's, sold as what would be known today a condo-campgrounds) the confluence of two rivers, Concord and Shawsheen with the Merrimac river. On the Shawsheen The village of Pinehurst was noted for it's amusement park: Pinehurst Park located on the Shawsheen River it was largest amusement park in the North-East until the hurricane of 1938 wiped it out completely. It had hosted one the the largest wooden rollercoasters and Ferris wheels of the time. In the early 1960's the rivers and lake became polluted to the point of swimming bans. Cottages were abandoned, real estate values plummeted. The electric trollies and steam locomotives coming from Boston and surrounding cites were abandoned, the tracks torn up. A lot like what happened to Venice Beach, CA (Dog Town). By the 70's Defense contractors Raytheon, Avco, Cambridge Nuclear... snapped up the cheap land, high-tech followed suit, Wang, Honeywell, Sun Micro and host of little outfits. But the town was not a destination, rather the engineers and CEO's didn't/wouldn't live there, they lived in the neighboring affluent towns: Concord, Lexington, Lincoln, Carslie and commuted. Billerica remained a hard scrabble blue collar town with more pickup trucks than sedans.The football and hockey teams are named the Billerica Indians. Yeah, perfect fit. By the 1960's you bought a cottage Billerica, because you had just enough money to not have to live in the housing projects and tenements of Lowell. (Which I did until age 5). If you had one penny more, you moved out to greener pastures.
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    • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
      Thanks for your thoughts -- I also would like to bring down the business end of a shovel on the heads of the silverbacks ... Burn Loot Murder. Psyops / Psyact. I agree. Controlling and shaping the narrative. Good question: how many victims of the silverbacks over the past 150 years? I can ask these questions here -- I would be booted from Mensa if I inquired in the same context on their boards.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
        Those oh so smart Mensa folks apparently lack common sense. My IQ according to my school records was 139 , I wouldn’t last an hour on that board.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years ago
          I just mentioned that to my kids last night. My brother and I were struggling in school (clear at this point that we were bored) so they tested he and I in elementary school. He was 139 and I was 137. My kids commented that I'm higher than he is now...haha! That's a story for another thread...
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          • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
            Looking forward to the thread. Lots of Objectivists and L/libertarians on this board ... Mensa has lotsa smart lefties and progressives -- which can offer its own playground for mischief ;)
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        • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
          Dob ... trust me ... you would have a delightful time on those boards ... currently discussing Raparations.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
            Lmao , I have gotten back on Twitter after being suspended on the first tweet I ever made 4 years ago , I was responding to a tweet about the Evil Hag(HRC). I am very thankful for the Gulch as I can describe her as the Satanic Luciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedoh she truly is and have never been censored for the telling Truth ,bravo!! Again hats off to this tremendous Galt’s GulchOnline forum for not being a tool of the evil invisible enemy, who has lost their invisible cloak.
            On Twitter now, I love trolling Rob Reiner and other idiot blue Checkmarks. Meathead is always calling for Trumps arrest so I respond with a meme of the ugly fat man Reiner in a tiny speedo on the Beach
            I added text to that photo , it says “I identify as a Speedo/ file” with a list of Epstien Island visitors and his name circled. LMAO.

            Mar 17 2018
            They think you are STUPID.
            They think you will follow the STARS.
            They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.
            BIGGEST FEAR.

            Jan 31, 2020 12:22:57 PM EST
            Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: ef52a4 No. 7978436
            What happens when people learn the TRUTH?
            What happens when people WAKE UP?
            They will not be able to WALK down the street.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
    Now everybody, pay attention! Don't dare say children without the 'care' of their father suffer! They suffer because their mother is uncaring and selfish.My first one was so consummed with making his first million (he made others) he didn't have time for my child. I returned to my job when he was only two weeks old (my mother kept my infant son at her infant daycare. Then he had the audacity in later years of an attempt to secure custody of said child! The Judge asked me if I wanted him to have custody. Since I had seized his bank account, child support, and had absolute care, custody, and control of said child I responded 'Oh your honor he can have custody of my child over my dead body!' The Judge laughed and told him, 'Sir I think you better forget ever having custody of this child. I don't think she will ever grant you that.' We remained friends. My second husband had to work on his 20 year career in the Army and I knew it even before I married him. He did a pretty good job however. And if you think for one minute anyone ever abused my child (except a couple of teachers) I corrected their behavior). Hell hath no fury like a real momma if someone is abusing her child. When he was a teenager three black boys stopped him and started a word game. Three more black boys joined my son and physically sent the miscreants on their way. I reported one teacher to my child's Principal, and both my boys I reported to the School Superintendent. I assured them I'd be happy to come assist their teachers by taking time off from my job in Washington and he said that wouldn't be necessary.My X2 (when he got out ot the Army,) joiined our County Sheriff's Department and was made a Lieutenant. A stupid Coach slapped his child in the face! When it was reported my X2 was on the campus, all of the 11 coaches locked theirselves in the head coach's office. My hero was a fearsome 5;8" tall and weighed 160 pounds. Then the Superintendent of that school called me and said my X2 was banned from the campus. I laughed and said, 'In your dreams, darling!' He rescinded his silly order.. I assured him I knew what the penalty for child abuse was.
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  • Posted by $ splumb 2 years ago
    Ah, memories.
    This reminds me of the halcyon days of my youth in 1970s Detroit. /sarc/

    The schools were 95+% black, and God help us few white kids. It was open season on us 24/7.

    It was a constant battle to avoid being beaten, stabbed, shot, robbed or raped.

    I got shoved down a flight of stairs by two black girls I'd never met, all for the crime of being a white girl. My right knee has never been the same since.

    I carried a knife on my person at all times after that. I only had to cut the first potential attacker; they left me pretty much alone after that.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
      Yes, ah memories. Back in the days of my youth in the '60s I was beaten by black gangs several times, slapped around a few times, and as an adult I've been spit upon, car damaged, threatened, and asked to leave a restaurant all for the sin of being a white guy - and I NEVER did anything to any of those people. It seemed things may have been getting better for a time in the '90s and early 2000s, but now are getting much worse. This isn't going to end well.
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      • Posted by $ splumb 2 years ago
        And that's why I left Detroit and never went back.
        I now live in a nice, leafy, peaceful suburb.
        But we're armed to the teeth, just in case things change before we can move.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
          "I now live in a nice, leafy, peaceful suburb.
          But we're armed to the teeth, just in case things change before we can move."

          Yep, same here. Moved here 40 years ago, but things are getting "darker" and "trashier" so It's looking like time to get out.
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          • Posted by JohnWesley 2 years ago
            These few comments are as close to the truth as anything I have seen printed. In my 80 years, I have traveled all over the U.S. and Asia in the USAF. I have been targeted for being white, and without my black friends might have been injured, or killed. I have watched Atlanta go from an area where, I thought, all were friends, until now when there is a distinct divide between black and white. Our GOVERNMENT is taking this country apart. The weak-minded are going to be our destruction.
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            • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
              I don't live in Georgia, but when I was working I had a couple of job contracts near Atlanta around 2005. I wasn't too keen on it then and today I would not go back. It was weird contracting at a company where almost nobody spoke English and I needed a translator to communicate. I was thinking Atlanta is a long way from Mexico. The people at the factory were not the reason I wouldn't go back, it was the people in the city itself.
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          • Posted by katrinam41 2 years ago
            Feeling the same about our home of three--yes, only three--years. It was a peaceful place and we have enjoyed visiting my son and family just 800 feet away as the crow flies for nearly ten years before that. Things started changing last summer after the beautiful new play park was finished across the street.Swarms of middle school kids of all colors have found it and we've had two factions screaming at each other, running rampant in the park, on the streets, in the yards twice last fall. Fights, obscenities, gang graffiti are already showing signs of firing up again this spring, and this whole area is regularly patrolled by our local police. Over Halloween, carloads of teens from the hard neighborhoods flooded our street and created havoc, starting fires, scaring parents and their costumed little children from the trick-or-treating, fighting, and several pulled knives. The police were on it quickly and firmly without raising hackles or making things worse. We are down a LOT of officers this year and the worry is that they may not be able to keep control. The bad boys and girls are bolder now.
            (Edited for spelling)
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            • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
              Seems you have it worse than me. RUN, katrinam41, RUN!
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              • Posted by katrinam41 2 years ago
                I can't yet. Still preparing. When we bought the house, it had bars on all the windows. They will remain in place. As of right now, the kids see me as a harmless old lady who likes to garden and isn't afraid of things. What they don't understand is why I don't fear or hate, but as of now there is a fear, not of them, but of the ideas and shadow figures that drive them. I am well-supplied with everything I need to wait out a situation or to load up my toyhauler and flee. RUN is definitely an option.
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                • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
                  When I had a job contract near Oakland, California I saw whole neighborhoods of houses with bars on the windows and doors. Never saw that before. I asked if that was the decorating style as some were ornate and was told criminals and gangs ruled those areas after dark and the bars were needed. Kind of sickening where the criminals run free and the innocent are locked behind bars. I disliked Oakland and was glad to leave. Never went back no matter how much money I was offered. Side story: I had an old friend that lived about an hour away on a farm and contacted him to meet for dinner. We met at a restaurant outside of Oakland and he said it was very rare for him to come into the communist zone, lol.
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                  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago
                    Shut the borders and shoot to kill anyone trying to cross illegally. Examine closely, every single vehicle prior to crossing.
                    Kill off the illegal trade in people and drugs and the crime rate will drop precipitously (after a short period where the addicts go crazy trying to feed their addictions.) Manufacturers of bars would be harmed though.
                    But DC would never do anything so rational when the Ukraine border is in such danger.
                    An investment in Coast Guard and Border Patrol is the best investment possible for honest Americans. (Let Germany bankrupt itself for Ukraine.)
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
                      Our military does need deployment along our southern border. Catch and release tactics only if release is in Gitmo. Then start cleaning up the cities using the military and immediate deportation for illegals to Gitmo. Open borders only for those leaving before they get caught.
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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 2 years ago
    Our youngest son got punched by an older kid, on the bus. Not knowing how he hurt his mouth (he told us he fell down), we took him to our doctor to have his teeth checked.
    When the doctor said the injury was NOT from falling, he said he would have to inform Child Protective Services (about US!).
    Our son admitted to the bus incident, and we reported it to the school. The school's response was "boys will be boys", but that they would "investigate".
    When my wife told the school that CPS was already investigating (I didn't tell them they were investigating us), the representative suddenly sat up and ordered a temporary "ride along" on that particular bus.
    Might makes right...
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
    I just watched the video, pretty nasty. I was pummeled like that once in the 7th grade. Got some bruises, it was an emotional scar mostly not a physical one.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
    Thanks for sharing your personal account of being a father and a parent. As you indicated -- after you made your presence known, the abuse stopped. Well done.
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  • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years ago
    I walked back and forth to school during most of my school years in grade school (because we moved to a dirt road down which the bus wouldn't come.) I started riding the bus when I entered 8th grade (which was in the high school complex, and operated, for practical purposes, the same way.) So I got in plenty of fights.People thought they didn't have to let me sit down, when it didn't suit their social arrangements. This was finally alleviated (somewhat), when I was in 10th or 11th grade, and my father sent me to the school office with a message that he was "G d_d sick and tired of this", and that he knew some people" he could talk to. Just which "people" he was talking about is unknown to me. Still, it somewhat abated. (Also, a lot of the people who were bigger and older than I apparently aged out of the system.
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  • Posted by 73SHARK 2 years ago
    When I was in high school on the school bus, another kid that was both older and bigger than me decided to pick a fight when we were about 2 mi from the school just inside the city limits. The driver stopped the bus and invited us to get off and he continued on to the school without us. The rest of the kids on the bus were watching out the window to see how we were going to fight and we actually disappointed him because we just looked at each other and went on to school. How times have changed.
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