Hi. My name is...Mimi

Posted by $ malberu 1 year, 10 months ago to The Gulch: Introductions
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I first read Atlas Shrugged in my junior year of high school (1970). Lost count of how many times I re-read it in college and beyond. Met my first husband through a discussion group. Since I lived in New Jersey at the time I attended a lecture in NYC where I got Rand's autograph on my hardcover copy. Unfortunately that poor book is dogeared, underlined and in otherwise poor condition, but I would never consider selling it anyway.
I recently rode an Amtrak train and ironically decided to watch parts 2 & 3 or the Shrugged movies. Part 3 was particularly appropriate for that trip. I thought it was the best but was disappointed that Esai Morales did not have the role of Franciso D'Anconia.
Anyway, I found this site because I was searching for a bumper sticker that says, not WHO but WHERE is John Galt? Unfortunately I can't think of anyone today who could fill that role. Glad to be here.

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