Term Limits Anyone? Anyone….,
Posted by Dennis55 2 years, 1 month ago to Ask the Gulch
I bring this up a couple times a year.
Are we ready yet? Are the arguments against term limits more valid than what we tolerate now?
Tonight Hannity said —it’s a bad idea whose time has come. I’m not in lockstep with Fox News or CNN. My own mind says let’s try it. Along with a number of other restrictions on lawmakers when they leave (or are currently ) in office.
Who is John Galt?
Are we ready yet? Are the arguments against term limits more valid than what we tolerate now?
Tonight Hannity said —it’s a bad idea whose time has come. I’m not in lockstep with Fox News or CNN. My own mind says let’s try it. Along with a number of other restrictions on lawmakers when they leave (or are currently ) in office.
Who is John Galt?
If as you say we have a handful of great honest Congress people I believe that makes my case. If we have 5 ( or 10 or 50) great people out of 435 then we need a change. Maybe if the elected had 4-6 years to make a difference there could be less corruption. They wouldn’t spend their FIRST term building a personal war chest of questionable funds to maintain their kingdom. They need not spend two years taking the bucks and making promises to the Lobbyists and reflection.
I think term limits would strike the funding source of this nonsense right in the heart.
And as others have said-they have to live like we do. Overpay for healthcare. Try to add to their own 401k, and when policy trashes their funds they rebuild-like us.
We have created a royal class and it’s time to stop it.
I'd toss them all and set term limits to ONE TERM of 4 years.
Never have to raise funding for re-elections and never have any 'professional' looters, er con-men, er reprehensiblatives.
Hell, call them by the true name, traitors.
If you get a fair election and not an infiltration this would not likely be an issue cause the frauds wouldn’t get re-elected.
Plus 1 , 6 yr term for President.
That will make them nearly useless as corrupting influence to industry.
The idea is to make politics a dead end and that only patriots who value liberty will want to serve there for a short period.
more laws on insider trading that covers politicians
they get the same retirement as We the People
they get the same medical care once out of office as We the People
they cannot keep unspent campaign funds once out of office
you can hold any one office for 2 or 3 terms, then you must stay out for at least one term for the office you want to run for
not going directly into industry you regulated, a cool off period is required
no lobbyist jobs, for a cool off period
details to be worked out
and we need to short the time Lame Duck congress critters are allowed to screw with laws
Lifetime IRS annual auditing during and after office.
Bureaucrats stay, Individual Rights diminish.
The only ways back to freedom are to;
Vote them out,
Shoot them out or,
massive civil disobedience them out.
The first way hasn't worked. The second hasn't been tried in 247 years and the third has never been tried.
What can we do as men of action to reduce the number of bureaucrats?