Coming soon to a store near you! Cricket powder!
Posted by katrinam41 2 years ago to News
The EU has begun the insect insertion. Now you will be buying flour-based foods complete with cricket powder additives. People in Europe who are bugged by the whole insect mess will now be truly bugged by laws allowing partially defatted ground up cricket carcasses. Are we next? Starr learning how to grow, harvest and process your own grains or find a way to barter with someone who does--and do it soon!
Next, will big pharma need to create special steroids to get huge crickets? Will it be safe to eat crickets on such steroids?
The only insect "food" I care to eat is honey - preferably spread on and melted into a hot English muffin.
"Spread and melted into?" Sounds delicious. Me dino gonna try that.
I think intentional murder of the populace should be judged as treason and genocide, punishable by death.
need to