Egg supply and increased price

Posted by mhubb 2 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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on Tucker Carlson last night, he reported on a decrease in output of eggs from chickens
seems the cause is the food they are eating, when people switched to a local supply for chicken feed, the issue of the decrease in egg output went away
details in the video

so WTF is going on and are other food sources being threatened??

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZkYeOxWiVzs

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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 1 month ago
    Funny I was eating scrambled eggs with butter and salt while I watched this report. About $5.39 a dozen for Jumbos. Before the Communist Lockdown they were about $2 a dozen.

    China sells us garbage. Lead paint on toys. Shrimp grown in tanks fed with human feces. Wait until we finally start accepting pharmaceuticals manufactured in China. I once had a pharmacy switch a generic from one manufacturer to Taro and the formulation released too fast because they cheaped-out on the ingredients and it caused me a severe problem. The dose was correct but the formula was changed. And that wasn't a Chinese company.

    My Dad hates buying machine tool bits made of tungsten carbide (cuntsten targlide) because they snap a lot. Made out of Chinesium metal he calls it. A lot of tools have sintered metal gears and parts which do work but wear out faster.

    Our government has been selling us out to China for decades. Now the food supply. I remember when China was adulterating pet food and people's cats and dogs were dying.

    They manufactured drywall with formaldehyde and when people lived in government shelters during Hurricane Katrina so many of them got horribly sick from the formaldehyde.

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    • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 1 month ago
      Agreed. Remember when China put plastic in dog food? It was to manipulate the label to make the percentages appear normal. I too have zero trust in Chinese products. Thank you Richard Nixon.
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      • Posted by rhfinle 2 years, 1 month ago
        Nixon opened relations and trade with China, but he didn't foresee what China would do with that. Under the pretext of moving toward capitalism (so that they could trade 'fairly' with other companies around the world), China allowed the creation of corporations - but - each corporation is owned at least 51% by the Communist party, so, effectively, you're still dealing with the Communist party only. They call all the shots, and if anything goes awry, the slightly lower level corporate executives are there to take the hit, or bullet, as necessary. This is entirely a win-win situation for the Communists, and in this country, skim-off-the-top politicians and corporate execs who are glad to sacrifice quality and national security for a cheaper product. So many American companies have either gone out of business or farmed production out to China because they can't compete with Chinese competition, not understanding that they aren't competing with honest little independent companies - they're competing with the Communist Bloc. I have a new acronym for Chinese products which I wish would become common: SMIC. It stands for S**t Made In China.
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        • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
          Take a look at the cost of labor in china. The chinese workers are a lot more industrious, and less entitled than American workers at their $15 per hour pay. Americas need to wake up or USA will crash.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
    This was independently shared with me last night from first hand source in N. central WI.
    Changed feed (from designated chick to goat) and chickens started laying again. Feed was originally purchased at Tractor Supply.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 1 month ago
      I watched a video on this two days ago. It was an independent farmer, who also raised chickens as well as his neighbors. They all said something has happened to the TS feed. The farmer doesn't blame TS because TS gets its feed from a central supplier already bagged with the TS label. That supplier also supplies feed to other outlets with their respective labels. Like you, Commander, he suspects something serious has happened to the feed supply. What it is and where it originated he can't say. This does not look good.

      Add to that is cases of bird flu are showing up and whole flocks are being destroyed to prevent spread. So far millions of birds have been put down. So, less birds and less eggs per surviving birds is a bad situation.
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      • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
        Avian flu is just another "cold", until a specific strain is isolated and identified.
        Folks around me are feeding duck mix. Fed law (as if this really matters anymore) prohibits chemical additive and other things from the feed. We also "shop" the discarded produce from the local groceries for chickens and pigs.
        Keep your RADAR up for fungi in plant, animal and human infection this spring and summer. The past two years I have seen a 200-300% increase in mushroom growth on my property despite drought of over 6 weeks each year. One of our folks is growing low level production, and seeing a huge uptick in growth rate and size for his 8 or so species. So much of what I read as a kid is fiction no more.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 1 month ago
          Wow, Commander, the fungi presence does seem to have increased since last summer around my house as well. I even took pictures of some I've never seen before. Oddly, I've also noticed a white mold on firewood I've never seen before - I had to switch to a different supplier than usual this winter and the wood seems awful wet as well. I chalked the mold up to the wetness, but who knows.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years, 1 month ago
            I too have noticed all kinds of mold on the trees I've cut and split. White mold as well.
            Wonder if that is what has caused a lot of flem in my throat lately with no other symptoms.
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        • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
          Every day is a new day
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          • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
            And I am having a much better time that I moved from Minneapolis 3 years ago. It has taken this much to establish sustainable food production and association with folks who have commodity to trade for my excess. This is like being 3 years old again ... the rate of learning. Despite the pressures, I find real Joy in the activity.

            The greatest blessing: The youngsters call me or stop by. My babies didn't make it. I'm being adopted when I thought all hope lost.
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            • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
              good to hear you are happy. I live in Las Vegas and am totally tired of this place, with all the entitlement and phony bahavior here. Soon we will be swamped with illegal aliens with no skills but a desire to get the goodies the leftists want me to pay for. Its time to move I think.
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              • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
                Get out while the property values and the water last.
                I will never leave the snow belt. It takes a lot of effort to live outside large metro areas. Those seeking freebies are scrutinized more closely and easy to $&$%$ .... if you understand ambiguous code.
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  • Posted by Exitstageright 2 years, 1 month ago
    On my ranch, I raise chickens, goats, and cattle. Added together, a few hundred animals. I buy all my feed in pallet quantity from a local (60 miles away) feed mill that processes and bags product.
    As for eggs, I no longer sell grocery stores as they refuse to pay what I need to pay my cost. So I sell locally to individuals at 4 bucks a dozen for large brown eggs from free range chickens. FDA would frown on this, so it is low key. Small town locals are grateful however.
    Selling Alpine goats milk is almost impossible however due to FDA restrictions (pasteurized). I do have lactose intolerant household kiddos whose parents I can trust insist on buying from me. I did have a libtard move in from Ca who asked me if I pasteurize . I told her, “hell, I don’t even think its past their teats. “
    Not a customer…..
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
      $4 a dozen is CHEAP. walmart eggs are more like $7 a dozen here in Las Vegas
      I think in the future, we will have to buy from local farmers and ranchers- no choice.
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    • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 1 month ago
      Ranch sounds good. We had to give up our 1 acre mini-farm a few years ago because I could no longer keep it up while caring for my Alzheimer’s hubby and my own failing health. I miss it so much, especially the neighbors who understood my preparations because they did the same. Now doing our best to hide in plain sight as we are entrenched in a suburb of Cleveland.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
        hiding in plain sight is the watchword for the future. To be truly independent is very very difficult as we get older. We would have to endure a much lower standard of living. Raising crops is NOT easy, and attending to chickens, etc. isnt any easier.
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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
      I found I have a special talent for pruning fruit trees. I trade my insight/service for eggs, pork, beef. I help with the raising, through processing, of the meat birds for "portion".
      Within consortium we are growing heritage grains and milling
      I'm testing diesel/kerosene mix with veg oil filtered to 1um for my truck and a couple tractors. Missing is a 10 to 20hp wood boiler to turn a 3 phase generator ... have the raw materials but thinking a purchase may be of better value.
      And for the past 3 years I get to consume unpasteurized products. My guts have settled down quite a bit. First 9 years of life I was raised like this.
      Like you, we have quite a few urban migrants. Considering buying longer bill caps to hide our eyes when we have to drop our heads and look sidelong at each other in wonder/disbelief.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 1 month ago
    I watched footage from that huge fire and not on TV. The Blaze newsletter had it covered. Not only is our food supply being obliterated, our renewable fuel supply being curtailed, our children being taught drivel and trash, etc.,etc.,etc, but our infrastructure is being eaten by neglect as our government sends billions of worthless dollars all over the world and this country's citizens are being relegated to the bottom of the pile for anything and everything. I am beyond disgusted. When the shooting war starts, count me in.
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    • Posted by $ splumb 2 years, 1 month ago
      And it's all by design.
      Crash the economy, destroy our power supply and infrastructure, starve us out, and turn our children into crazed neurotics.

      They want us dead.
      Those few that survive will be feudal serfs.

      I think everybody who participated in engineering this needs an introduction to Madame Guillotine.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
        The left either wants destruction, or they are too stupid to see the result of their policies, or they just dont care what happens when their policies are implemented. I dont know which, but I and dead set on assigning blame to the leftists as their policies are being adopted.
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        • Posted by teri-amborn 2 years, 1 month ago
          I have been saying for many years that it seems like they are blindly following an "instruction manual"

          Perhaps it's titled: "TO SERVE MAN" and they haven't figured out that it's a recipe book ?
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 1 month ago
        Thank you for articulating my thoughts.
        I live next to Tombstone Arizona -- they have a working gallows. A good strong rope has a low cost per unit use and there's very little mess.
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        • Posted by $ splumb 2 years, 1 month ago
          I wasn't thinking about mess, I was thinking about marketability.
          Put the executions on Pay Per View, and watch the national debt evaporate overnight.

          It also serves as a warning to future demagogues.

          "To obliterate, to punish, and to discourage others." - Smiley's People
          (wish I knew how to say that quote in Latin. I bet it sounds much more impressive.)
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          • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years, 1 month ago
            Dang. Your visuals are quite attractive -- and marketing is a good angle on bringing in revenue.

            Bob Ferguson, AG in Washington State (my former place of residence for 30 years) is pushing for the Ministry of Truth. That got shot down at the national level, but it is being drafted for state-wise implementation. Quietly disappearing BF, Molon Labe style, would be a nice simple place to start the cockroach clean up process.

            As for the guillotine, I would make a road trip to enjoy the proceedings in person.
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
      to destroy a capitalistic society, make its currency worthless (which the left is doing) and then take away their food and energy and you got em cold.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 1 month ago
    One of the Amish guys said...

    Look, I know people who are building incubators to grow the eggs into Chickens, to start raising their owns.

    This is smart, but be careful. Everyone sees the same opportunities, and the next wave will be that we have too many eggs.

    ANYONE Here know how to store farm eggs (NOT store eggs) in water for about a year?
    Anyone else freezing them? (Experienced with that).

    I used to buy Frozen Egg Whites back in the day.
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
      Supposedly there is some talk about a coating that is on the egg as its laid that helps protect it from infection. And that when you wash the eggs, it removes that coating and results in less resistance to going bad.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 1 month ago
        Yes, many places wash with bleach, and that breaks the natural seal of the egg. Once done, you cannot safely store it in water.
        But many farm houses would store it in a container with water (and I think SALT), for up to a year! FWIW any egg that floats to the top gets thrown away. Only bad eggs float to the top!
        But don't quote me. I am ignorant like most city dwellers...
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        • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
          When the left completely pulls the plug on our lifestyle with its RESET, I hope they arent able to get rid of this forum and YouTube. I learn so much from these (probably more than I ever learned from schools).
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 1 month ago
            Also, I have a few solar panels, and also quite a few "rechargeable" batteries with charger packs, so that I can have batteries for a while. Maybe 2yrs after the lights go out.

            One of the good lessons is to decide how you plan to survive, and which extreme cases will have you not bothering. For example, if we lose the power grids, every nuclear reactor will start spewing radiation after some time. That's a bridge too far for me.
            Some people draw the line at cannibalism. Each person has to draw their own lines. And they will have to figure out how they intend to handle the NPC/Zombie neighbors who will be utterly lost and likely not survive the first 90 days of extreme hardships.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 1 month ago
            One of the things I TRULY Recommend...
            Learn to generate PDF Files from websites that have useful topics. Save them.

            Load them directly onto Kindle devices. I have like 5 kindles. One of them has over 1,000 PDF files on it, and I often replicate those to a thumb drive.

            This includes things like how to make soil, bleach, soap, candles, tallow. I also have a variety of 5V systems to use to charge these, and can charge them from solar. As well as USB type battery packs. So, you can charge with solar during the day, and read after the sun goes down, and when the devices battery gives out, you can use the USB battery feature.

            A Few of these would be nice for a community. One can be used to teach from.

            I do NOT have a good solution for YouTube videos other than downloading them, and playing them, but that requires a PC and real storage.
            Personally, I would clone Kahn Academy to teach math/calc/physics.

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    • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
      This is almost identical to what I do. I have 8-1/2 dozen water glassed right now. It is a slower production time so I am now into this supply. They have been at room temp for 8 months.
      Used distilled water. Don't trust evap of chlorine or fluorine. Don't use containers of more than 5 quart. Inspect every egg for potential cracks ... one broken will ruin the batch. Once the solution is mixed and eggs are resting in their container, pour the solution onto the eggs keeping the sediments stirred up.
      Happy glassing!
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      • Posted by Exitstageright 2 years, 1 month ago
        Good input Commander. Have tried that, works well, plus freezed yokes ( https://youtu.be/o4Cvzz8zLRE).
        Ultimate (for super long time storage is this, freeze drying)
        This couple are friends of mine, they do a decent job of training how to “go Galt”.
        Regardless, it’s always prudent to make yourself less dependant from the slavers.
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        • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 1 month ago
          Two in our group, couple, one 35 years allopathic pharmacist, other 35 years homeopathic pharmacist, have the medium freeze dryer. I'm thinking on buying a large ..... I can contract service and do my own. Independence leads to respected interdependence ... Capitalism.
          Your friends, from the sound of the mid-western lilt voice pattern, are either raised near me or still living within 500 miles. Region of WI, MN, IA, MO, IL and MI have distinct "as seen on tv" patterns.
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  • Posted by Owlsrayne 2 years, 1 month ago
    I watched this Tucker Carlson broadcast and came up with a conspiracy theory regarding these events. So, here goes: first, you have CCP buying up significant farmland across the country. second, Food processing plants are clandestinely burned to the ground. Third. millions of chickens are destroyed because of the bird flu (shades of Wuhan). Fourth, chicken feed is tampered with to prevent hens from laying eggs. I see the CCP is responsible for all of it. China will control our agriculture and the federal government is in bed with the CCP and will not stop it.
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 1 month ago
    chickens are essentially egg and meat machines. Changing almost anything about their lives will affect their output. If I were a chicken raiser, I would pay particular attention to the food and the housing conditions and their relation to output of eggs and growth of the chicken itself.
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