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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
    As soon as the Stimy Checks started being printed all I could hear was President Camacho saying “We ALL gonna be MILLIONAIRES!!”
    I remember my final parting comment on FB with a particularly nasty little leftist relative. It was “ENJOY the Hyper-Inflation you’re going to experience in two years. You’ve all earned it. And here’s some extra punctuation in case I forgot any .,!,.(-.-).,!,.” (He’s an English Major with some BS degree in Literature. Goebbels would be impressed with his strict grammar standards.)
    Just a month ago he was bitching about how expensive used cars were. If it weren’t for the NonAggressionPrinciple I’d have gone to his house and beat him down with sock full of nickels. But, I don’t want to spend time in a cage. So, instead I just reminded him to take his COVID booster.
    There’s nothing I can do to him that would be worse than what he does to himself.
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      Sounds familiar, MK! Addressing President Camacho, when Obama was first elected I recall an on the street interview with a POC 20 something in Chicago who was asked (axed?) who she voted for and her answer was Obama "'cause he gonna get me a free car and put gas in it 'cause he gots a stash." When asked where the stash came from the reply, "I dunno, but he gots a stash."

      My lefty relatives don't complain to me about current events (inflation, crime, foreign policy) anymore because I ask them if they voted D and when they say yes I tell them they are getting what they voted for. They don't like hearing it.
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      • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
        I’ve just hit the point where I still get angry but I’m trying not to care anymore. It’s GONE the Republic we were told we lived in is gone.
        I have a nice houses, trucks, boats, RVs, food stash, land to grow and a familial tribe. Things won’t be as good as they could have been but we’ll be OK.
        Where I live the density is low and you can’t be a lazy slob or you’ll freeze to death 3 months out of the year.
        The county is the reddest in the entire state bordered by other red counties. They have adopted a 2A sanctuary status.
        I have gone Galt and work for myself now. I am looking forward to spending time my time fishing and watching the whole rotten corrupt mess fall to pieces. When I look into the SE and see a faint glow and smoke on the far horizon I will know that our Major Metro is getting exactly what it voted for. Good and HARD! And a contented smile will creep across my face as I pop the proverbial popcorn.
        I have warned my kids the best that I can to avoid debt and be self reliant. What the big “THEY” say is wealth is not actually wealth but servitude. Time will tell if they heed my warning.
        I am Blackpilled. I realize there is no pulling out of this nosedive. Doesn’t matter who takes the controls. The leftists brainwashing is too vast. Too complete. All we can do is duck, cover and wait for it to do what it inevitably does, crash and burn.
        The epitaph for the US of A should read:
        “Done in by Easy Money and Cheap Labor”
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        • Posted by katrinam41 2 years ago
          As much as I hope for the best, I have to agree with you, Markus. There is a lot of wishful thinking out in the world, but our response is at least 247 years too late. There is only one way to survive now. Go Gulch. That means get rid of all debt, get self-sufficient , get barter items, get away from populations. Those of us who can't do it all will just have to do everything we can.
          +++ for your comment.
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        • Posted by 2 years ago
          Can't ++ you enough MK! Not sure where you are, but if in NY it must be near the Adirondack region as it is rather red and NYC would qualify as SE for the big glow you will see. My wife is from up on the St. Lawrence area and there has been family and friends up there and in the Adirondacks - yeah we all know about winter living. Too far up to be amused by a glow over NYC, but lighting up Albany may be seen in the sky, LOL! We're in western NY at the moment and likely too old and settled to move, but doing what we can to survive a bad turn to the worse.
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  • Posted by jack1776 2 years ago
    Seems like a recurring theme here as well, all the time I keep saying to my wife, doesn’t his seem like a scene out of Idiocracy?
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      Although I watched it for the first time last night, I've seen some of those scenes over and over again in the real world and they seem to be playing out more often. IMHO, a society that idiotic can't survive much past primitive tribal existence, but the movie is a great illustration.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 2 years ago
    Definitely going to look that one up, I admit I am still watching reruns of "Manchurian Candidate" and such I just read they are flagging the books of Jane Austin for not being gender correct. I cannot stand much more out of schools of education, which then ssend idiots into our local schools. How will any graduate have the reading skill to read "Atlas Shrugged" ever?
    Visited our broker today, and her first words were about how the young adults know nothing about money, are entitled, whine, and do not want to learn. That is the brain drain which goes at least back to Clinton days.At 17 I was translating Cicero, Virgil and Epictitus from Lating to English and working after school job! I understood and wanted capitalism.It seems this movie is closer to reality than my high school years seem today. Sad.I long for an AI buddy to make sense of it all, they seem more real than today's public.Wonder if the alien craft which followed our car for seevral miles when I was about 8, expected us to devolve?
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
    All we need are some serious food shortages -- not just a few empty shelves as we witnessed during the covid crisis with stampedes for TP... real, open-faced shortages. Flash mobs of hungry, angry parasites looting the Walmarts, Costcos, Safeways... that will signal a turning point. Of course, I am just dreaming. TPTB will move things ahead in short incremental bursts... a fine balancing act to keep the house of cards upright.
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    • Posted by henxco 2 years ago
      Don't forget the purchase of our farm lands by the Chinese. Stay locked and loaded.
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      • Posted by 2 years ago
        It's my understanding the Chinese are not purchasing our farmlands or other properties to grow food. Their real estate of choice, with a few exceptions, is adjacent to or very near military or other strategic resources. Food, of course, can be a strategic resource, but if the US and China go head to head I'm sure confiscation of those properties will be a high priority (we wouldn't want a Chinese owned meat packing plant to be supplying our military if things go bad).
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  • Posted by bobbitchen34 2 years ago
    As much as I want to agree with everything here and do agree with much of it I still think we are being played. A lot of the commercials we see are "engineered" to bring out the worst of us in people. For years we had politics but we could sit down and discuss our differences and still carry on and be good neighbors and friends.
    Somehow that has changed. And there are a lot of factors. Social media, bogus media stories are part of it.
    People are people and it didn't use to mean you had to hate someone who disagreed with you. Something is whipping both sides up into useful idiots. Listening to Richard Dreyfuss on Glenn Beck the other day was most enlightening and he's a liberal. But his heart is where it needs to be.
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      I agree we are being played and something has changed over the past few decades. I think the biggest change is the American Democrat party that once held the main tenets of what America was to be has completely morphed into the totalitarian communist party and the Republican party has been inching down the same road. Totalitarians and free people will always be at odds. It's an ancient scenario playing out again only with modern tools and weapons.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
    Let's not forget that Dwayne The Rock Johnson was entertaining a Presidential run. He's been in the spotlight. A pro wrestler movie star! Who knows what kind of job he'd do, but on the surface, there's life imitating art!
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years ago
      Considering his stated politics were leftism...
      I figured he would make a great Comancho!
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      • Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
        I think he started off Republican and then slid to the left.
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        • Posted by 2 years ago
          If that's true, he probably switched to get Hollywood contracts.
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          • Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
            Yes most likely a publicity stunt to sell movie tickets.

            Camacho for President!
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            • Posted by 2 years ago
              He's got my vote! LOL, couldn't possibly be worse than what we have now. Camacho may be an idiot, but he's an honest idiot.
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              • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
                I would settle for an honest idiot. I’d settle for President Musk unsealing files and revealing the truth. Nothing more nothing less. Ironically as the meme goes....They would hate him for telling them the truth. That’s how bad it has gotten.
                Governor Hocul is STILL clinging to the narrative that the vaxxed can’t spread COVID. That’s a level of psychosis that you can’t negotiate with. Empirical evidence and even testimony from Pfizer disproves that assertion. Soundly I might add. But she’s doubling down while people wait 5hours in parked ambulances to see an ER doctor. That’s a terminal level of cognitive dissonance. Meaningful compromise is not possible with someone like that.
                I’m in Northern Michigan. And my Major Metro is the infamous Detroit. If it broke off and drifted into Lake Erie the rest of our state would rejoice.
                Our Governor GRETCH is barely better than Hocul. Gretch is at least pretending that nothing happened 2 years ago. While disingenuous at least it’s not in my face 24/7 anymore. Fun Fact our Sheriff was one of the ones that said he wasn’t going to enforce any of her bullshit. We moved about freely during the “pandemic”. The 3 friends I did lose to IT were because they were too stubborn to seek help when breathing became difficult. Because of the heavy politicization by the left. Objectivity went right out the window on both sides of the aisle.
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                • Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
                  They should be given 10,000 vaccines so they they cannot spread. I think Ho-cull is channeling piglosi with those eyebrows. Sorry you have a Grouch. My governor has succeeded in banning gasoline lawn equipment.
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              • Posted by Aeronca 2 years ago
                "I detest the rotten stench of lies" Colonel Kurtz
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                • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
                  Kurtz Reference.....Awesome movie. I am just insane
                  /principled enough to be a cross between Kurtz and Kilgore if unshackled. The whole point of that movie was that Kurtz was actually the good guy. He was like “Uncle Sam wants a body count as a metric? Fine I’ll give them what they want. But they won’t like it when they get it.”
                  He assassinated two South Vietnamese intelligence agents whom he suspected of being spies. He was probably right, because the number of unexplained American killings plummeted. But no matter. He's gone off the grid, and in the army, the chain of command is everything.
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  • Posted by lrshultis 2 years ago
    FreeVee also has the 3 part Atlas Shrugged movie, The Passion of Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand: A Sense of Life, Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas shrugged, The Fountainhead, ANTHEM: The Graphic Novel, and Hardfire's Ayn Rand Revealed. I have not watched the last one, so not sure whether positive toward Objectivism or not
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      Thanks for the heads up. I have the 3 part AS and The Fountainhead in my home video library, but not the other items. I'll look them up.
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      • Posted by lrshultis 2 years ago
        Also on youtube are many videos from the Atlas society if you are not locked into the belief that Objectivism should not be questioned or extended.
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        • Posted by 2 years ago
          I am not "locked in". As much as I do agree with her philosophy, Rand would probably toss me out on my butt for the parts I don't agree.
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          • Posted by lrshultis 2 years ago
            I learned of Rand and Atlas Shrugged in 1968 from a guy in my computer class. He had just had his subscription to the Objectivist canceled for asking a question wrong. Never saw him again because he had just gotten drafted.
            I see Objectivism as a rational philosophy with a lot of true believers and haters but with a lot of critics who will discus it and not over look the early cultism of the Collective. The collective was discussed well in " The Ayn Rand Cult" by Jeff Walker and the alienation felt by those who tried to adhere to Objectivism and Rand's pronouncements as what was good such as in music, smoking, love, and rest of there lives in Sid Greenberg's "AYN RAND and ALIENATION", Former members and others close to those of the collective seem to consider Objectivism of great value but had problems with Rand and all of the religious like excommunications from the group.
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            • Posted by 2 years ago
              Regarding the Collective personality cult-like behavior, I figure she was definitely a believer in herself and her own infallibility. Dare I say she became her own Stalin? As for me, I overlook those traits because she brought to the world something greater than that petty behavior. The same as I overlook some petty behavior in Trump, because he brings to the table something greater for America.
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              • Posted by lrshultis 2 years ago
                I agree. With trump, I recall him saying when asked about nuclear weapons that if we have them, why don't we use them? I said WTF. We do use them as a deterrence of Russia and China. I thought he meant having them physically used. I cringed a little when he asked that because bleach can kill virus, is there a way to introduce it in the body. I thought that some ignorant people would do that. Sure enough, some tried drinking bleach out of fear of the virus.
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                • Posted by 2 years ago
                  The whole "bleach thing" was a media contrived I-Hate-Trump concoction to the detriment of some misinformed people. Disgusting misuse of the First Amendment on the part of the MSMM. Goebbels would be proud. Be careful what the MSMM says Trump said without actually knowing what he said and in what context. You may be being mislead.
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                  • Posted by lrshultis 2 years ago
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                    • Posted by 2 years ago
                      I'll give you a point for bringing this to the discussion, but I watched the dialog with Trump live and I don't buy Reason's spin for a second. An unknowing individual, even if POTUS, blowing out thoughts for those in the know to address is something any curious individual would do. I never thought for a second he was suggesting people run out and take a bleach injection, but at that time I hadn't fully realized how much the MSMM has converted so much of America into an Idiocracy. The later statement about TRUMP throwing out crap for the I-Hate-Trump MSMM to lap up is probably a move made on advisement of someone on his staff to spin the spin of the MSMM. It seems "Reason" regardless of its name is still subject to unreasonable TDS when it fits their political narrative to keep the "bleach thing" going - more Idiocracy painted over in a nicely written format.
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                      • Posted by lrshultis 2 years ago
                        The video with the article is what I remembered seeing. For me, it was a WTF or Oh Shit moment. Perhaps you don't deal with ignorant people who get an idea and just do it People put poisons into their bodies such as ethanol, chemicals from burning tobacco and pot, etc. The body has enzymes to handle, for example , the about half once of ethanol produced in the intestines a day, after that it is a poison causing mind body symptoms which can be pleasant making one think I need more of that. It becomes a food when the intake of glucose is reduced to for some alcoholics. But still it is the dose that makes the poison.
                        Even the Washington Post's article had some truth hidden in it but mostly drivel accept for the video clip.

                        Sorry, is MSMM the same as MSM, main stream media. Could not find an acronym for that that fits.
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                        • Posted by 2 years ago
                          Sorry about that acronym that has been used in the Gulch and a few other places. I should have offered the definition: the Main Stream Media (MSM) morphed into the Main Stream Marxist Media (MSMM) and is meant to be accurately sarcastic.
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