What is the US “Gas Stove Ban” REALLY about? What sounds like overeach in itself, is actually a cover for something potentially far, far worse. Removing the rest of your freedom.

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 1 month ago to Politics
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"As part of “backing down” from the stove ban, they will introduce a new bill which sees “smart air monitors” become mandatory in all new-build houses, hotels and rented accommodation.

Just like smart electricity meters, smart air monitors would almost certainly be used to harvest huge amounts of data and give states or corporations the ability to control your home.

If your “indoor air” isn’t “clean” enough; if you use your stove too much, burn too many scented candles or emit too much co2, expect to get penalized in some fashion until you learn how to be more responsible.

More smart technology, more monitoring, and ultimately more control."
If you care so little about your freedoms, then move to Commifornia and leave all the rest of us to enjoy our freedoms.
The entire population of DC, most of NYC, most of Chicago, etc. should immediately move to San Francisco where you'll be welcome to leave your excrement anywhere.
SOURCE URL: https://off-guardian.org/2023/01/12/what-is-the-us-gas-stove-ban-really-about/

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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 2 years, 1 month ago
    Great, ANOTHER sensor. I already have a running battle with the batteries in my smoke and CO detectors! Sadly, I think this article is correct, One always has to look two or three chess moves ahead anymore, to figure out what is really going on.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 1 month ago
    I have a Viking range/stove in my kitchen. Nobody will be able to make me give it up. But...it gets better. I may be asked very soon to help this administration draft a related standard (indoor air quality and health). That would be interesting. I'll fill you in more if it happens.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 1 month ago
    This operation is funded by a WEF slime ball who has waged war on so called fossil fuels. Follow the money. Money spread around to the likely suspects and wha la ,a cause is born and cried about.
    The WEF needs to be aborted and the blood royalty that created and supports it.
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 1 month ago
    Now FFA, listen good because you know I am 'only' a woman! It seems to me we had more protection all around utilizing electricity and natural gas and/or butane. And both these utilities need each other to produce energy. Right? Wrong? I need to enlighten my children and grandchildren who work in the oil refineries and those who are working to put up those windmill thingys and start up solar farms! Where will they go to work? Seems doubtful to me this is gonna work. Just like the stupid EV's.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 1 month ago
    Wood for the WIN!
    I’m telling ya....it’s time to start living like it’s 1899. Get the F off the grid. If we start preparing for it now by the time the latest crop of indoctrinated woke zombies make it out of the university system it won’t matter. You want to be far enough out that it’s too much hassle to mess with you.
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 1 month ago
    wind turbines and solar panels are all hazardous waste, with at this time no real way to recycle/dispose of them

    to not use oil, gas, coal for energy production would require several things
    high temp super conductors
    fusion power
    fission that is safer and likely uses different fuel types
    solar in orbit using panels that do not degrade 1% a year as they do now

    geothermal is possible, i'd like to see a plant near Yellowstone, draining the heat from it

    energy use only goes up as we advance (and get more toys like smart phones, video games, ect)
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