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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
    where to go?

    you do know that if nukes go off, no place is really safe

    we do not have the miracle energy system, nor do we have the miracle metal from the book

    and i am not sure the book predicted a global camera system (in orbit) that can find anything on the surface and some distance below ground

    we will do the best we can, the book is a warning, not a solution
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  • Posted by $ Commander 2 years ago
    I have cut all large corporate ties. I quit feeding the beast. I "Gulched". I am insulating myself from the corporate/political fascism that is rampant. I am not giving up my hope or assertions of right relations.
    We, US, and globally are in another cycle of large trade feudalism. The pawns of the game. It just so happens that the US is the rebellious child within the historic matrix, and must be disciplined to conform. Try to push a string, herd cats or tell the rebel teen to conform, crush a handful of sand only to find more grains slip from the hand. Go ahead.

    Two poems come to mind: 1944 prose interpretation from Tao te Ching by Witter Bynner
    Those who would take over the earth
    And shape it to their will
    Never, I notice, succeed.
    The earth is like a vessel so sacred
    That at the mere approach of the profane
    It is marred
    And when they reach out their fingers it is gone.
    For a time in the world some force themselves ahead
    And some are left behind,
    For a time in the world some make a great noise
    And some are held silent,
    For a time in the world some are puffed fat
    And some are kept hungry,
    For a time in the world some push aboard
    And some are tipped out:
    At no time in the world will a man who is sane
    Over-reach himself,
    Over-spend himself,
    Over-rate himself.

    A man of sure fitness, without making a point of his fitness,
    Stays fit;
    A man of unsure fitness, assuming an appearance of fitness,
    Becomes unfit.
    The man of sure fitness never makes an act of it
    Nor considers what it may profit him;
    The man of unsure fitness makes an act of it
    And considers what it may profit him.
    However a man with a kind heart proceed,
    He forgets what it may profit him;
    However a man with a just mind proceed,
    He remembers what it may profit him;
    However a man of conventional conduct proceed, if he be not complied with
    Out goes his fist to enforce compliance.
    Here is what happens:
    Losing the way of life, men rely first on their fitness;
    Losing fitness, they turn to kindness;
    Losing kindness, they turn to justness;
    Losing justness, they turn to convention.
    Conventions are fealty and honesty gone to waste,
    They are the entrance of disorder.
    False teachers of life use flowery words
    And start nonsense.

    The man of stamina stays with the root
    Below the tapering,
    Stays with the fruit
    Beyond the flowering:
    He has his no and he has his yes.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years ago
    It's my understanding that the original title of the book was "The Strike". Very applicable. I've read and seen enough to be of the mindset that western civilization will just keep getting worse. I'm rounding the wagons a bit in my life.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 years ago
    What are the fundamental ideas that Rand presented to us in AS? Are they the actions of the characters? Or their words? Or something else?

    Was AS actually prophetic? "Now, in NON-FICTION!" Did Rand instead intend it to be preventive and constructive? Who among us has the power to be constructive?

    Consider the fate of Eddie Willers.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
      Exactly.....Eddie Willers is the living embodiment of Normalcy Bias. He couldn’t accept that what was, was. How does one not be Eddie? Leave early and avoid the rush.
      I’m not just going to sit on my couch and bellyache. I’m still going to do things. But because I don’t have the aggregate of civilization providing all the “energy” coming up behind me those things are smaller. Just for example, and I’m not judging just suggesting, instead of buying a flea collar I would delve into why the flea collar works. Is there a better way? Granted the opportunity cost may not justify spending time looking for a flea collar alternative. $4.95 and we get hours of our finite time back. But, hopefully everyone gets the idea. We will live “smaller” lives. John and his Gulchers lived smaller lives compared to what they had. But hopefully more fulfilling lives than if they had just kept the yoke on and kept plodding along “ for the good of society “. Especially a society that openly hates us.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years ago
    You should read "Enjoy the Decline" by Aaron Clarey. We are at an "Atlas Shrugged" moment. the looters and moochers vastly outnumber the producers, and vote accordingly. There aren't enough of us to turn things around, so the best you can do is insulate yourself and enjoy life as much as possible while you can.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
      I agree with your concept. It's only me and my old four legged friend, Fred. He's got fleas but I bought him a flea collar. What a shame we can't get rid of those idiots in Washington. I'm so glad I no longer work there. I'd probably end up in jail.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years ago
        As for fleas, we have had the best luck with a once-a-month "treat" that we feed our dog (golden retriever mix). We are currently using "Nexgard" but have also had good luck with "Trifexis". We went through flea infestation with previous dogs and NEVER want to go through that again. Good luck to you and Fred!
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    • Posted by bradAnderson 1 year, 12 months ago
      Do the looters and moochers outnumber the producers and contributors? Or do they just have the louder voice? Speak out. Share your opinions. The majority of people do not agree with looting and mooching, but they are afraid and quiet. We only need a few to begin speaking and it won't be long before a chorus rises up.
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