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Is how I describe them. I know he claims to be a Jew , but there is nothing dutiful to Yahweh in his behavior. Satan on the other hand would applaud.
I fixed the last one for you:
My Christmas wish list is simple:
1) We get things Fixed
2) We acquire the skills to eliminate the globalists, one by one, permanently. And the people who support them, give them money, sign contracts with them... And we trace it down into the Deep State Operatives, and keep cleaning house... Until the average Politician is SCARED STRAIGHT, and they turn States Evidence against their own, in order to save their hides, and fix the rules that allowed this.
In the end, we establish some level of "Internal Affairs" that monitors:
- Anyone giving commands to our servants
- Anyone paying for consideration
- Anyone colluding with the media to lie to the American Public
- etc. etc. etc.
And we have 3 groups that do this.
1) The Dems
2) The Republicans/Conservatives
3) The Citizens [Private, HIDDEN, like judges handling FISA warrants]
All given the same access to all of the information.
And they produce WEEKLY reports of concerns.
Any group "skipping" things on their side, or the other, is called out!
Just a thought...
We need some way to help prevent the system from coming back where it is today.
Where the WEF gives $100 Million in donations and gets $ Billions in support... Imagine that!
George Soros did.... And you can probably find the proof.
BTW, Why is it that Soros money in our elections is not OUTSIDE interference? And how came we cannot use SOROS words "He hates America and wants to see her DESTROYED"...
And tie THAT YOKE around the NECK of ever DA he has funded.
The RNC should be making sure 100% of America KNOWS who SOROS is. What he funds. And taking money from his, or ANY of his NGOs should be SO TOXIC even DEMS won't vote for him.
I'm so tired of losing because we have these self-created rules that the other side laughs at. Ballot Harvesting... sure. Ballot Stuffing.... Sure... Lying, Cheating, Stealing... Of course. Blue no matter WHO.
Remember: People apparently WILLINGLY voted for Fetterman... AFTER his debate. And they called TRUMP supporters LOW-INFORMATION voters. Well... If you voted for Fetterman... You are a MIS-INFORMATION voter, and you should be ashamed!
Dec 11, 2017 1:44:10 PM EST
Q !ITPb.qbhqo ID: 4a55e6 No. 74037
We have a SPECIAL place picked out for GS.
What we have come to learn is that there is a Uniparty. There are also Rep/MAGA people.
Capt if you look at the polls . The number of people who think the elections are rigged has increased significantly in the last two years. First you have to know what the problem is then you can fix it. 100+ years of infiltration and setting up the system of systems will not be reversed over night.
Fetterman was clearly a red pill for many Dems, even they can’t defend his instillation. Personally,I think he is better than OZ who was just another uniparty sloth ready to undermine reason and logic. With Fetterman we know that he will stick his head up his ass.
But NOTHING changes if we don't start taking action and demanding it.
BTW, You know what I've heard NOTHING about...
What the Mid-Term Election turnout was like?
It seems like where we lost, they had Above Average Democrat Turnout (Ballot Harvesting).
But nobody is talking numbers? Have you noticed?
The numbers that they have talked about was a significant increase in Rep voters. This fraud for the mid terms will be revealed imo.
This leads to a question~~just how may little girls did scumbag Schumer kiss on the lips that day? Was that pathetic pedo creep having a little girl kiss fest on that beach?
At least the meme before it gave me a good laugh. I didn't know Sir Issac Newton invented homosexuality with a prism.
Dog schiffen in the Tree...perfect
Hiltery clintonside ornament, IS THE PERFECT DECORATION!!!
Soooo many classics...best job ever. The last one was a great one too
I have to find one of those finger Santa hats, LOL!
Cheers to all the legends . . .
Never forget . . .