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Lutefisk (lye fish) is a delicacy known throughout Scandinavia, including Minnesota. My father, never given to strong language, called it, "THAT Damned Stuff!" (He was half Danish, half Swedish, and thus un-technically Norwegian.)
Be thankful you don't have to partake of this other fish delicacy:
Surströmming is a repulsive Swedish kind of preserved rotten fish. Even native Minnesotans don't bother trying to eat it. Videos abound, showing how to open the bulging tin. Outdoors. Challenge your non-Scandinavian Minnesota Democrats to try some of it. Let them show how inclusive they are.
And yes, the "pink" one is great. But I like the anagrams even better.
Three more memes to the right reminds me that I learned last night that Ukrainian high government officials are buying property in Switzerland.
Don't ask the Deep State Quid Pro Quo Joe military industrial complex how those officials became such fat cats with We The People's printed money in the middle of one helluva devastating war.
By the way, Zelensky him sez, "Gimme more money! Gimme more! Gimme more! After all, Hunter's prosecutor got fired! Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! Feed me, Seymour! Feeeeed me!"
Thanks Dob.