"You Murderous Hypocrites": Outrage Ensues After The Atlantic Suggests 'Amnesty' For Pandemic Authoritarian
Posted by saucerdesigner 2 years, 3 months ago to News
Excerpt: "...The Atlantic has come under fire for suggesting that all the terrible pandemic-era decisions over lockdowns, school closures, masking, and punishing an entire class of people who questioned the efficacy and wisdom of taking a rushed, experimental vaccine - for a virus with a 99% survival rate in most, should all be water under the bridge.
"We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID," writes Brown Professor Emily Oster - a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.
"Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward," she continues.
Except, they weren't “in the dark” about Covid. There were numerous sources pointing out the actual science that ran contrary to the mandate claims, and they were deliberately silenced by a vast media campaign. Evidence suggests that media platforms worked in tandem with Big Tech, the CDC and the Biden Administration. It was not a simple matter of overreaction, there was collusion to remove all counter-information.
Nice try, Emily...."
"We need to forgive one another for what we did and said when we were in the dark about COVID," writes Brown Professor Emily Oster - a huge lockdown proponent, who now pleads from mercy from the once-shunned.
"Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward," she continues.
Except, they weren't “in the dark” about Covid. There were numerous sources pointing out the actual science that ran contrary to the mandate claims, and they were deliberately silenced by a vast media campaign. Evidence suggests that media platforms worked in tandem with Big Tech, the CDC and the Biden Administration. It was not a simple matter of overreaction, there was collusion to remove all counter-information.
Nice try, Emily...."
No way!
Nuremberg trials, followed by public execution for crimes against humanity.
A reckoning for them still came when avenging Israeli Jews began to hunt them down.
Me dino remembers Eichmann being caught and taken to Israel to be tried and hanged when I was a kid.
Eichmann's trial was filmed. I may have to watch that tonight. Too bad they didn't film the hanging.
Most everyone I know who took the jab continue to pick up all these strange colds and virus-like illnesses. Hint: their immune system has been reprogramed. The "boosters" are simply new programs being added to augment a depleted immune system. Basically they are now wedded to Big Pharma for life. Brilliant marking strategy? No?
In my case, I got CV, got over it, unaware. But I suspected that the persistent dry cough I had attributed to a smoky environment might have been due to SarsCov2. So, months later I went to get an anti-body test which returned positive.
What did we do in 2020? There weren't any birthdays or church fairs. We spent that money anyway, with the little ponies paying for their hay and their bags of feed with their credit cards.
Emily and her partners in amnesty owe me and my ponies several thousand dollars.
I sometimes wonder what my competitors (or more properly my colleagues) in this pony-ride "business" did. Did they sell off their ponies? To what fate? I'd rather not know.
so-called animal-rights crusaders. They are not working for the good of animals, nor for people. As one of them told me, "I'd rather see your ponies DEAD than owned by you!"
Another day, at a festival years ago, two aminal rgihts people (won't grant them proper spelling) were watching as I put the ponies into the trailer to go home. "Watch," said one to the other, "how they have to whip the ponies to get them into the trailer." The ponies stepped in with no fuss. No whip at all. The anminull rugst person was livid. I must have "done something" to prove her wrong!
I'll try to forget all those lying pigs too after they are lined up and shot for all the treasonous damage done to both the USA and the world.
As for the conclusion I came to at the very beginning of the pandemic, me dino still supports severing all economic ties with China for their deliberate biological attack on the world.
Is it possible that Xi's CCP and the Deep State (with deep, deep $$$ ties with China) colluded to get rid of Trump or was the timely release of Covid-19 was just a coincidence?
That pandemic really helped with fixing the election with all that mailing of ballots and unwatched drop boxes~~not to mention those rigged Dominion machines and the cheating poll worker antics to be viewed only on Fox News.
Forgiveness: no.
Fair trial: yes.
A female George Soros.
It really does tell me all I need to know.
For the damage that has been done to the economy, the elderly, and most especially what has been done to the young and their education. These people will eventually burn in Hell and we REALLY should make it that way for as many of them as possible for whatever time that they have left on Earth.
No - Those who did this need to be held accountable.
Small businesses closed and bankrupt while maga-box store raked in the cash and stole market share.
Children societal development set back years, possibly never to be recovered. Sheeple so traumatized they are STILL driving alone in their cars with their face diaper on.
Lies about the origin of the bio-weapon, I mean virus. Lies about who died, Lies about the effectiveness of cheap, readily available, proven effective over decades, medications like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, there by allowing tens of thousands of the targeted population (the elderly and weaken) to die unnecessarily.
This was a PLAN-Demic, a SCAM-Demic. All to weaken the Trump Presidency (didn't work), -Close small businesses (and steal their property, that worked better than they ever imagined). Force and experimental mRNA therapy on an duped populous. - See just how effectively they could corral the Sheeple (again, beyond their wildest dreams). The massive rise in drug and alcohol abuse, domestic abuse and broken family relationships that resulted in uncounted deaths. Was that part of the plan? Depopulation? Sure looks that way to me.
I remember Mockingbird Media probes about permanent travel bans, lockdowns and shunning of "Vaccine Deniers". Jab at the point of a gun. Interment camps. My wack-a-doodle sisters-in-law (obviously parroting NPR talking points) talked in front of my wife like see wasn't there "what do you think WE should do with the "Vaccine Deniers"? What, like shoot us? Imprison us in FEMA camps?
This was an Psych-Op start to finish, they are caught by the short hairs and now want a mea-culpa? Bring back my mother who committed suicide from being locked down in her assisted care facility because her children were not allowed to see her for 18 months.
These evil bastards are facing just the tiniest blowback they so richly deserve. This planned scam has permanently ruined the lives of hundreds of thousands. Damage that can never be repaired. This pooch that can not be unscrewed.
You want forgiveness? Go kiss a rat. The Woke Left is dead to me. May they burn in hell.
And we're not done until they are brought to justice!
Edit add: Around where I live there are still a few people still wearing masks in the stores and while driving alone.
But let me add:
Dear Emily, you mention "... the face of deep uncertainty..."
REALLY? Is that what it seemed like to YOU at the time. To me...
it seemed like 100% CERTAINTY on ONE SIDE of an argument. And 1000% SHUTDOWN of any other side of said argument.
Point out they confused IFR/CFR and you were shut down. Mention a LAB in the SAME CITY, famous for Bat Virus Lady... And you got shut down.
The VERY DEFINITION of "Vaccine Hesitancy" is "INFORMED F-ing Consent!"... if you have ZERO hesitancy YOU AINT LISTENING!
MEANWHILE. The FLCC doctors are CONTINUING to be Harassed with the licenses threatened. Having to pay their own legal fees to defend against this crap. But Fauci gets to slink away and hide his emails.
MAYBE if you called for 100% Visibility to what happened. ZERO REDACTIONS, ALL COMMUNICATIONS so we can review the extent of the collusions and the damage... Then we can talk. And only if you agree that SOME must be punished harshly to prevent this from happening again...
Refusal to face facts is verified in this context and is fatal. We The People might not have access to immense medical literature and the benefits of higher education, but the Powers That Be have no such excuse.
The CDC is still running TV commercials (during World Series ballgames!) touting its “booster” shots when only weeks ago a top Pfizer executive, Janine Small (“Regional President for Vaccines of International Developed Markets”), revealed in testimony to the European Union Parliament that her company never tested its “vaccine” for preventing transmission of SARS CoV-2. The CDC under Director Rochelle Walensky is still extra-super-busy concealing or fudging its statistical data to obfuscate the emerging picture that MRNA “vaccines” are responsible for the shocking rise of “all-causes deaths” in the most heavily-vaxxed nations. In short, the authorities are to this minute still running their whole malign operation.
Notably, Ms. Oster’s plea for amnesty and forgiveness, showcased in The Atlantic, omits any discussion of accountability for what amounts to serious crimes against the public. A whole lot of people deserve to be indicted for killing and injuring millions of people. At the heart of her plea is the excuse that “we didn’t know” official Covid policy was so misguided. That’s just not true, of course, and is simply evidence of the thinking class’s recently-acquired allergy to truth. The part she left out of her petition for pandemic amnesty is: we were only following orders.
"The Atlantic" is a part of that globalist network via the ties they have (members menacing and funding it) with this list of the single greatest national security threats. Find an individualist among them!
The ball's in your court!
Can you say "Fall Guy"?
I had a relation who went to prison, for cocaine dealing, in a plea deal so his other drug dealing buddies would go free. To me...this is a fall guy scenario.
(Be warned: Swearing here.)
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