Puerto Rico status being changed

Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years ago to Politics
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Having been to puerto rico twice, both times in the USN docking in Roosevelt Roads Naval Base, I can say with all honesty they are the epitome of a welfare state. They want out money but quite a few detest us. Each time I was unable to wear my uniform off base, people waited and jeered when the buses left base and in san juan there was always a few ass hats trying to pick a fight (and we obliged).

To be honest, I'm not sure how I feel about this but I lean toward negative.
SOURCE URL: https://www.oann.com/newsroom/puerto-rico-status-being-changed/

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago
    So the 'lame duck' con-gress finds another way to destroy what was once our free country.
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    • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
      FFA, I think you are right! This has to be their goal. They can' t be this stupid, so it must be an agreed upon goal but why?
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
        Let me take a shot at this in broad terms. The Democrat party has been moving towards Marxism (socialism) for about 100 years. The assassination of JFK was like a stake in the heart of whatever was left of Free America within the party and as the blood of Free America bled out it was transfused with a Marxist toxic bilge resulting in what I have been calling the Neo (new) Communist Party. The Democrat party of Free America no longer exists. Its successor will do almost anything to destroy what's left of Free America and replace it with its Marxist dream. It will compromise and ally itself with any players foreign or domestic to make that happen. There is no shortage of enemies of Free America in the world. IMHO, many Republicans are traveling the same road, but are not as far along. The unholy alliance that manifests itself when there is compromise between the two parties to the detriment of what's left of Free America is the definition of the Uniparty. This is the political evil, which is only one evil assaulting Free America.
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        • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
          A fair assessment. I would add that many of those trying to destroy us are rich. This is not an indictment of wealth. But an indictment of psychopaths who have gotten bored owning everything else. So now they want people.
          Pure Marxism is intolerable. This is NeoFeudalism masquerading as Marxism. And that’s a HARD no from me.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago
    PR should vote on secession instead, but like DC, the politically connected want to eat from the federal trough. Oink, oink. Snort, snort.
    (With apologies to actual pigs.)
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
    I think we should contemplate on what advantage to America there would be in granting statehood to these people? I can see where it might benefit them but that isn't the question. At this time, we are struggling to help the 50 states we are. Do we need to pick up more baggage?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years ago
    If they hate us so much then they should vote for independence and cut ties with the US.

    They are most welcome to exit our cities TOO!
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    • Posted by $ 2 years ago
      The factor no one seems to be pointing out is that this is a no win situation for the US. As a commonwealth there is a degree of influence we can exert over their alliances. If they become a state, which I highly doubt, this influence will remain, and they will have more influence over US government. Should they go autonomous they could ally with Russia and/or China and allow that nation to act as a staging point or house missiles or defenses against US logistic capabilities.

      The US no longer honors the Monroe doctrine just as its politicians no longer honor their oaths, the Constitution or its people. I can easily see someone with ill intent setting up shop in Puerto Rico and using it against us.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
        Makes sense to me, AJA. Currently, the only option regarding PR is maintain the status quo even if sitting on that fence hurts a bit. The PRs I know personally are all good people, but one look at the news shows there are others I wouldn't want to know.
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