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But should we ever extend the deranged influence we mistake as our humanity beyond our star system, we shall become considered Killer Klowns from outer space and the Gort Police Force shall come to reduce our planet to a burned-out cinder.
A solution to consider is convincing those who would rule us to cancel our presence as outcasts to create a Galt's Gulch on Mars. There we may last 2022-1776=246 years before the grays are way into laughing at a shit show once again.
As Benjamin Franklin told a woman, "It's a Republic---if you can keep it."
"There is no intelligent life, in Washington, DC. Details to follow."
Before the Invasion, it was typical of them to transmit information from various public sources back to their home planet, where they plan how to take us down, and move to our planet.
Unfortunately, this quickly became the Fastest Growing Reality TV show, and the government realized that they are better off using it to amuse their citizens and show how much less inept they are...
It culminates in a weekly VOTE (Saving the Stars?) where the various M-Class Planets are pitted against each other, unknowingly, and the citizens just keep choosing to Save Earth because we are so damned stupid/funny.
In fact, their lack of shirts meant they never wore meme shirts... BUT NOW they are in vogue! All the kids have them!
In the future... Our culture ultimately ends up destroying theirs, and they are destroyed and replaced by an even more aggressive species than they were...
And we keep getting dumber and dumber...
I wish we could get a button with this javascript:
$('a.thumbnail').each( function(idx) {window.open( $(this).attr('href'));});
If you go into inspect / console / paste that in...
It will open each thumbnail in a new tab (super fast).
Almost seems like a waste of effort to write a plugin for this, but I might do it...
Excellent batch!
"Beauty is skin deep but ugly goes all the way to the SOUL!"
i.e. The raincoat picture