Beauty and the Beastly Death Merchant
Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 2 months ago to Politics
"Griner, of course, is an international celebrity by now. A black lesbian sports star who was jailed on what sounds to any reasonable person like a bogus charge — and certainly not one that deserved a nine-year prison sentence. Whelan is a white middle-aged businessman imprisoned on an espionage charge — a profile that pushes literally none of the buttons for the Democratic base that Biden depends on. Given those alternatives, Biden’s evident decision to pander to the impulses of the left was embarrassingly predictable. What’s even worse, though, is what Biden was doing the night before the world learned that he had bought the freedom of a woman who is a cause célèbre on the left by freeing a man who made a living dealing deadly munitions. He was attending a vigil for “all victims of gun violence” at a church in Washington, D.C."
Meanwhile, ex-marine Paul Whelan still languishes in a Russian prison on suspicion of spying.
Worst trade ever.Babe Ruth for a Musical or Griner…..
Posted by $ Dobrien 40 minutes ago to History
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Tell me again about White Privilege. Because I’m having trouble discerning it in this case.
Second... Of Course the news changed the story so the WH does not look like the Pieces of Sh!t they are!
Finally, Tim Pool offers a Translation:
When they say "Our Democracy"
In your head, you should hear: "Our CULT"
So, These people are a threat to "Our CULT" is what they are saying. And that's how they ACT, and REACT. It 1000% explains their behavior.
Our Existence threatens their ability to LIE to their CULT members...
BTW, how do you know if you are in a CULT...
It's based on what happens when you LEAVE.
Tim Pool was a LEFTY... He left... Notice what they call him now... I think this is what made him realize what their language means...
And what gets me is why would anyone want to go vacation in a place like Russia or Iran or North Korea?
Hell, I wouldn't want to go to one of those made for Americans to play resorts in Mexico.
And well before that senile old Puppet-In-Chief was instructed to allow an unconstitutional invasion, I wouldn't even go anywhere near the Mexican border, though I crossed it just to drive from Mexicali to Tijuana in one day during 1972.
Mexico wasn't as dangerous way back then.
Much more attractive to me than Mexico.
(I've been to Mexico and have very little desire to return there.)
Sorry, but she's not a "beauty." She has an ugly soul. You can tell what the Biden admin think of our military when they traded an arms dealer for her yet left a marine stranded. So despiccable.
He has a great deal of experience with both drugs and Russians. Remember the $3 million he got from the former Mayor of Moscows wife. Or the Russian girls trafficked to him when they stole his other laptop for their pimps.
Try them and execute those guilty of treason and/or murder/genocide.
The leftist darling was guilty of the drug charge in Russia.
This is another great example of applying more "rights" to those that
the Deep State approves of and no rights to the people who have
peacefully demonstrated against the Deep State, e.g., those accused
of Jan 6 "insurrection" who have been in jail for nearly 2 years without
trial guaranteed by the Constitution.
after we get those Jan 6th people out!!!
PUBIC radio talks about how wonderful it is that an intersectional wonder goddess gets freed and what it means for the spineless old leader of the Dopeocrats.
Sean Vanity is harping with his shrill voice on the trading of the Merchant of Death for this doper black lesbian ball player.
They are both talking about the same thing, but each with its narrative. I don't care who is right. I hate it that one story is spun in so many different ways.
The woman is an idiot, going to a foreign country and thinking she's a goddess and could get away with anything. Putin knew her intersectional value to America and used her as a chess piece to get a murderer turned loose.
She should not be rewarded for being an idiot. Who cares she sucked a bong. But in a crazy country, look what can happen.
FJB - The King of the Idiocratic States of America.
I apologize to the people, but we really are idiots if we keep voting in corrupt looters over and over and over.
shows like 90 day fiancé, American idol, oprah's TV channel....
do not paint a good picture for the future of the world
me, i hope for a massive solar flare
nations less reliant of computer chips will fare better
i have a Faraday Cage with vital stuff in it and other things wrapped with Faraday cloth
i prefer an Act of God over malice
God did promise no more floods, He did not mention other methods :-)
but my concern was for We the People
Did you ever see the actual evidence of the effect of an EMP or could it be another 'global warming?"
and the solar storm that hurt the city in Canada (name of city escapes me)
and i've seen TV shows demonstrating them, non-Nuclear sources
and you can make an EMP device... plans on Youtube
Obama sent Taliban and Isis terrorists in trade for Bo Bergdahl a converted Muslim and military deserter.
But then again the head clown making these bad decisions is the guy who poops himself, so what did you really expect?
I think, well hope, that there is a long-term trend toward individual rights and reason. Maybe there was some evolutionary advantage to collectivism in a hunter-gather tribe. Then people formed nation-states that had a collective narratives so strangers from the same-nation state could work together. My hope is humankind is going into a post-nation-state era where the only collective narrative is reason and respecting rights, so all of humanity can work together on all kinds of productive endeavors as individuals seeking their own self-interest.
It's also a mental thing, because most civilizations throughout history until only really in the last 80 years or so have been subsistence economies. The US since WW II has really been one of the first economies in the history of man where the majority of its citizens were so well off that even the poor had creature comforts and could afford to watch copious amounts of television and gorge themselves on fast food. I really don't think "evolution" has had anything to do with it. If anything, society has devolved away from the critical virtues of independence and hard work toward victimization (both of self and of others). Probably the single biggest metric confirming this can be seen in the black communities here in the United States where even before the Civil Rights act of 1964, the black population was generally healthy and happy. Look at it today: it's a wreck - filled with violence, gangs, and fatherlessless.
If the world would be acting with reason and respecting one another's rights if it weren't for a few bad guys, a idea that I think is patently absurd, that would be a good situation because the bad guys can't stay organized forever.
I just find the few-bad-actors idea absurd, though.
The billions of people of the world respecting one another's rights but working together through mutually-agreed trades is not easy to execute. People need a shared narrative of human interaction. The ancient narratives that historically allowed people to work together and are still with us today are often collectivistic, or at least are often interpreted that way.
So "it's a few bad guys" is a dead end for me, so absurd I can't imagine there being any truth to it. I think there are many good guys, good guys not acting through any of that political crap you mention, who move the world forward.
"The ancient narratives that historically allowed people to work together..."
Uh.... The framework of natural rights is an extreme outlier in the annals of history - it certainly isn't the norm. Most of the history of the world has been aggression and coercion through monarchy and dictatorship. The United States' founding and rise to prosperity was a rather extreme anomaly. I'm not saying it isn't the way things ought to be, but one paints a 1619-ish, ie fabricated, portrait of history when one attempts to imagine a period in this world's history where natural rights represented the dominant cultural theory. To my knowledge, only the ancient Israelites (pre King Saul) and the Anglo-Saxons had any claims on a society based on natural rights prior to the American Founding.
Yes. I agree 100%. It's an anomaly, with no guarantee it will continue. I sometimes say liberty is "not the default state for humankind", but I like your wording better.
When I was talking about ancient narratives that allowed large groups of people to work together, I was not suggesting they involve respecting individual rights or that they were anywhere nearly as effective at generating prosperity as liberty is.
This is one reason why I find the notion of a few bad actors or one political party being the source of undermining liberty absurd. It's probably pointless to talk about it because I find it absurd on its face. I would be happy if it somehow turned out to be true (it isn’t) because it would simplify the problem of maintaining a government with limited powers granted to it by people who believe in personal liberty.
Galt’s Gulch couldn’t exist without everyone playing their respective parts. We are all differently skilled.
No one man is an island. Together we do fill in the pieces of the puzzle and make it complete. But no one ever should be forced to comply. That’s a slippery slope.
I think, although I'm always open to new ideas, that not initiating violence flows from reason and respecting one another's rights. Even if it does flow logically, it does not hurt to err on the side of restating it.