Would this change your mind on Putin?
Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 2 months ago to Politics
Okay, I was sent a before/after picture of a city in Ukraine that Russia will keep (their captured territory).
From a Free-Market, Salesmanship position. He is clearly winning.
It's 8 minutes long. It's only in Russian, IGNORE the comments.
My wife speaks Russian (and 4 other languages), and explained that he was outlining what the street was.
Russia has rebuilt a huge section of this city in 6 months.
This video is ALREADY 4 weeks old. So, more progress has been made.
IMHO, I do not believe Putin could have had all of this built, if it was NOT PART OF HIS PLAN from day 1.
Not sure about Hitlers march (as Putin has been compared to, so much)... But I don't recall the...
Rebuilding the cities, leaving them better than he found them...
These are MODERN buildings... And he is having them built at amazing speed.
Of course, some will disagree, but Russia has similar capacity to the USA to building this stuff
(Unlike China who cuts so many corners, the buildings crumble)...
Anyways, I doubt anyone who thought Putin was a monster/Hitler will change their mind.
If you do, leave a comment.
Regardless... Has YOUR news media covered this rebuilding???
Meanwhile the WEF is buying huge swaths of Ukrainian land... So, now those people who have their land stolen
will have to choose. Live in the old/damaged parts of Ukraine, or the New, Fresh version, in Russia...
Mind Blowing...
From a Free-Market, Salesmanship position. He is clearly winning.
It's 8 minutes long. It's only in Russian, IGNORE the comments.
My wife speaks Russian (and 4 other languages), and explained that he was outlining what the street was.
Russia has rebuilt a huge section of this city in 6 months.
This video is ALREADY 4 weeks old. So, more progress has been made.
IMHO, I do not believe Putin could have had all of this built, if it was NOT PART OF HIS PLAN from day 1.
Not sure about Hitlers march (as Putin has been compared to, so much)... But I don't recall the...
Rebuilding the cities, leaving them better than he found them...
These are MODERN buildings... And he is having them built at amazing speed.
Of course, some will disagree, but Russia has similar capacity to the USA to building this stuff
(Unlike China who cuts so many corners, the buildings crumble)...
Anyways, I doubt anyone who thought Putin was a monster/Hitler will change their mind.
If you do, leave a comment.
Regardless... Has YOUR news media covered this rebuilding???
Meanwhile the WEF is buying huge swaths of Ukrainian land... So, now those people who have their land stolen
will have to choose. Live in the old/damaged parts of Ukraine, or the New, Fresh version, in Russia...
Mind Blowing...
SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-V0FUJH_iQ
he is their Trump.
He threw out the Rothcilds.
He has all the right enemies.
The only thing I did NOT like was his being in the WEF Young Leaders Program...
But I will give him the benefit of the doubt, that he was figuring out what THEY wanted,
so that he knew what to expect when he did the opposite.
Because his actions (unlike Tulsi Gabbard), are the OPPOSITE of the WEF goals.
I could be wrong. But my read on him is that he is a SERIOUS leader, doing REAL WORK for his country. The way he punished the guy who was letting people in Siberia suffer... That was Epic.
Meanwhile... The rotting flesh of a country we live in, is propping up a Moron we helped Soros install with a Color Revolution... And the spending and fraud are just shocking...
Since Hitler is MOST LIKE what they WANT TO BE!
One appears to be working with the globalists.
The other appears to be working AGAINST them, and paying a high price...
I would easily ascribe your comments to Xi
Keep in mind I have no use for our own dictator either but he sure does get one of the lowest rankings.
Have you been to Russia?
This is NOT the USSR... They have been throwing OFF communism, not embracing it.
This started a LONG TIME ago. If you look, they are much more Capitalist than you realize.
They have Private business ownership. I know, I am a partner in one.
And we do NOT have the RCP/CCP that owns 51% or has any right to steal our technology.
[They can and will steal. But this is true of ALL governments today]
IMHO they are more American than the average American...
Meaning they are more interested in their children, than their own comfort.
Their education is better. I am blown away by the quality of the University Students.
And in talking to the EDUCATED people (not the equivalent of their leftist mal-contents,
who WANT communism, and money for nothing)... Things are improving every year.
And Putin has been stripping power from previous power holders who behave like communist thugs.
Russia cannot change overnight, just like 4yrs of Trump could not fix all of our problems.
But they are a PRAGMATIC and INTELLIGENT nation.
The best example is this one:
We have a SHITTY IRS and TAX CODE system (Free Market as it is, good luck changing it).
The best suggestion was doing your income taxes on a POSTCARD.
But we spend a SIGNIFICANT amount of GDP on tax documentation... See Trumps Taxes!
In Russia... The company that pays you, uses a SPECIAL service through the bank.
The Payment goes through the bank, to the employee AND the amount of taxes owed,
are sent, in real-time, out of the same payment... For their income tax, and social taxes.
But their is ZERO requirement to FILE taxes. There is no IRS. It's done electronically.
And there are no deductions, because there are no lobbies for them, nor should there be.
And it's a FLAT tax, applied to all such income.
Furthermore, due to PUTINs influence, they now have a (no-expense income tax),
for self-employed people. They pay (like 5%, I forget the %), but that's on GROSS revenue.
No paperwork required, NO FILING/TRACKING expenses.
From my perspective, as a Business Owner. Holy cow. How nice.
It's not perfect, and my friends will tell you: "Only morons and the desperate see the FREE doctors".
Real health care is available, at a price. But it WORKS, because they cannot hide behind "Standard of Care" while killing people. The Russians would run them out of town.
EVERYTHING Most Americans think they know about Russia and Putin are SIMPLY Propaganda in my opinion.
Final comment, when I was first in Russia in 1996... It was a scary place, and their driving was INSANE. The rudest drivers I have ever seen. 3 Lane roads with 5 lines of cars, had me create the Joke "The only reason they painted lines on the roads is because they saw it in satellite photos of America"...
The last time I was there, they use their Hazard Signals, after Passing someone or when they let them in... To say "Thank You"...
It blew my mind. The before and after, again, is very similar to what you see in This Ukraine Video.
Meanwhile, America is far more Communist these days... We are heading in opposite directions.
That's the point...
I recently realized my whole life has been a lie; propaganda is everywhere, and you are correct, it influences everything, I’m always open to changing my mind with new information. To be honest, there are no governments that are truly capitalist so I’m only pissing in the wind…
We are worst then the communist…
With all of that said, I still think we have the best chance of turning this mess around.
Try to teach that crap in his country.
And FWIW, I don't care about any one individual, I fight against the indoctrination!
I believe Putin is a Patriot.
And to the degree that he is a Communist...
Is like calling our Forefathers English Citizens..
They WERE at the onset...
The Thought experiment was successful.
Thanks for the honesty!
Why do I say this? Because Russia doesn't pursue communist ideals any longer. They permit the free exercise of religion (as long as it isn't Islam). They are moving swiftly away from a controlled market and controlled economy - though that movement has been painful and foreign to its people. They no longer attempt to export communism to other nations, choosing instead to find regional allies in order to gain influence and secure their own interests. They no longer devote an inordinate amount of money to their defense industry instead of basic infrastructure improvements, etc.
Now that doesn't mean that I would consider them as stable or law-abiding as a European nation or America. It is still very much a land of bribery over rule of law. Now does Russia support a Constitution like that of America? Not yet. But one can argue that America is guilty of the greater sin of turning its back on its Constitution while Russia strives to adjust to a new ideal.
That right there explains why there is so much pressure to fight Russia over it. They're covering their decades of corruption.
To make it simple. If a Democrat or the media say Gee. I say Haw, and reconsider the entire thing later at my leisure.
NATO is pushing him
ukraine is corrupt and was on the side of the Germans in WW2 (for valid reasons, but the people of ukraine also helped to murder Jews and others)
me, i just want to stop all the $$$$ going to ukraine, we have given them more than enough
as there is no way to know where everything we sent has gone, efforts to track it have been blocked by the US government
I think that Russia is heading for a demographic cliff, and their headlong lunge in that direction will not have been helped by the hundreds of thousands of [mostly] men and [fewer] women who have headed for the border after Feb. 24th. I find the stories of women and children being forcibly evacuated to Russia to be, on the whole, credible, which bodes ill for any kind of peace, for what moral adult human is willing to make peace if his wife and children were stopped at the border and, instead of being allowed to proceed into Poland, were unwillingly sent to Russia?
I would also remind you that Russia was famous for its Potemkin villages -- it is easy to put up showplaces. I'd be more impressed if he stopped taking out all of the Ukraine infrastructure in the hopes that the people will just leave Ukraine to be taken over by Russia. When his own generals are live-miked on Russian TV admitting that they are counting on sewage-borne plagues to do the work of decimating what population hasn't died or fled, then he's no Gandhi.
About the Ukrainian Infrastructure. They BOMBED the bridge to Crimea on his Birthday, and said "Happy Birthday".
(Certainly the US was involved, as they have videos of 2 missiles). FWIW, that bridge is completely fixed...
BUT, it was ONLY AFTER that event, that he started targeting infrastructure. And personally, I can't blame him.
In fact, I am surprised he did not do that early... But the purpose was NOT to take ALL of Ukraine. Just the land Mass that gets him to Crimea, without traveling in Ukraine. (Rightly or Wrongly, and I've heard BOTH sides from 4 different viewpoints, LOL).
BUT, it was ONLY AFTER that event, that [Putin] started targeting infrastructure."
Do you have a source for this claim? It seems doubtful.
Back in the day, it wasn't that bad.
Taking my daughter through there, she said:
I really have to go to the bathroom...
But I know you are not stopping around here... How long till we get somewhere safe?
"[Putin is] Rebuilding the cities, leaving them better than he found them"--only if you ignore all the dead people!