Is there anything the MSM COULDN'T refuse to report?

Posted by $ rainman0720 2 years ago to Politics
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If someone could prove with court documents that Illicit Omar did in fact marry her brother and therefore stayed in this country illegally, would the MSM just sit on it and hope nobody showed that proof to the rest of the country or tried to ridicule it if it was made public?

If there was irrefutable proof that Paul Pelosi was having a sexual relationship with David DePape and that Pelosi wanted to break it off, DePape refused to leave, Pelosi called the police, and DePape only attacked him when he saw the police at the front door, would the MSM refuse to cover it?

And if there was also proof that the Wicked Witch of the West knew full well her husband was involved in this relationship with DePape and approved, would the MSM keep it quiet?

If there was DNA proof that Bill Clinton has multiple children resulting from his many trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s estate, would the MSM try their best to bury it?

If somebody could produce concrete proof—evidence that would stand up in court—that the Clinton Machine had a body count nearing triple digits, would the MSM conspire with the Clintons to increase that body count by one, and suppress everything?

If there was undeniable proof that our addled disphit president ordered a nuclear strike against Florida, could the MSM hope to keep that under wraps?

My question: Is there anything that would be so bad, so severe, so harmful to the left that the MSM couldn’t ignore it? Is there anything they would reluctantly be forced to acknowledge and report, knowing that it showed Dems for who and what they really are?

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  • 12
    Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago
    The MSM is corrupt and perverted, and a guilty party in the Deep State treasonous conspiracy.
    Expecting the MSM to expose the corrupt and perverted is not rational, imo.
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  • Posted by fairbro 2 years ago
    No. Along with destroying the moral foundations and dismantling the ethical framework of functioning society, they are railroading the anti-Western Civilization runaway train to hell, and won't stop until it smash-crashes into the stockade of reality and they are all incinerated.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
    For a brief moment I thought the MSMM couldn't possibly ignore the idiot in the WH nuking Florida, but then it would make one heckuva hurricane story to sell. Think of the ad revenue they can suck in as their cameras pan over the high wind destruction.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
    I keep hoping this will not end in bloody revolution. Not looking too good.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years ago
      I think it will go one of two ways: complete collapse of society if the libs/progs win, or in a revolution to prevent that collapse. If the revolution occurs, as long and hard as the lefties have fought to get us to where we currently are, I suspect that they will not go quietly into that good night. I don't see how the revolution can be anything but bloody.

      "A little revolution is a good thing." -- Thomas Jefferson
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