Dolly Parton Tells The Devil To Go To Hell

Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 3 months ago to Entertainment
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People of faith believes America and our liberty is under attack by clueless people influenced by evil spiritual forces.
If this offends you, you don't have to read the article and/or watch the performance. Or consider it Entertainment if you want. This is a free country or whatever it is now.
Satan shows up during the song and dance routine as a good-looking stud (Lucifer means "the bright one" after all) with two pretty demon gals. Evil dresses up to be alluring, right?

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 3 months ago
    Thanks for posting. Good vs Evil. The satanic Luciferian genocidal Globalist pee dohs have infiltrated much of entertainment.
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    • Posted by $ 2 years, 3 months ago
      Appears to me that a tsunami of evil has swept over the USA. $ell-out$ who have been moving jobs out of this country for decades have become a swampy for a secretive treasonous elite who seek to trade in our Republic for globalist dictatorial rule by bleeding our freedoms away.
      Truth has become cancelled, elections have become rigged, our DOJ is corrupted and politicized, our very language is being taken over by a group think pronoun absurdity and most obscene of all our precious children are having their innocence soiled by depraved sex molesting evildoers who betray the trust of parents by exposing their kids to pornography at times read to them by drag queens all grooming as many as they can for sex change butchery by so-called doctors who all deserve to be be lined up and shot.
      I could go on and on. It's hideous. Usurping constitutional law, we have a government that has opened our borders to a chaotic mass invasion actually run by murdering cartels who rape trafficked women and children and smuggles in fentanyl that kills 800 young American citizens a day.
      Yeah, I could still go on and on about being engulfed by an evil movement that threatens to enslave us all.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 3 months ago
        Yes yes yes ,but dino they have just lost the most important asset . Secrecy it is all being exposed
        And the swamp is very deep in positions of power.
        We have this one chance to save the children and their future as a free people. This will historically be remembered as the war of all wars. President Donald J Trump was the only celebrity willing to assist the FBI on Epstiens game. As he stated many times he would work to end human trafficking. The only President to ever combat it.
        Epstien was re-arrested as you remember during 45’s watch. All the others before were Epstiens customers. Trump through executive orders made it clear he was closing the border “Wall” , just so basic isn’t it, but, hell no the xenophobic racist can’t build a big beautiful wall. The con- criminals would not give a dime to fund his wall ,yet they live and work(steal) behind them.
        This war requires the disclosure of facts about this and of course you now know the media is just a cover-up operation. The great awakening has had to skirt them and all the censoring to get this info about Biden the sniffer and his inappropriate showers with his then 14 yr old daughter according to her diary. Versified by the fact a person went to jail for stealing her diary. The recent Balenciaga story has many more tentacles and even ties to (Surprise) Jeffrey Epstein. Louis Vuitton is also now got some splainin to do. Sadly this perversion ,it’s huge , yet just the tip of the iceberg. This satanic system of systems that uses children for blackmail in addition to the worst the devil himself could conger up. This system is only now being revealed for all to seen , thank God. The countless deaths in this most vile and horrific attack on humanity has never been seen to this scale and yet many are unaware, that were are being attacked. The invisible enemy has had to move at warp speed because of Trump and the loss Hillary had._They never thought she would lose. They were going to use the Uranium one to blow up a nuke ,blame Putin and we would have had a kinetic war . Trump and the key military stopped that. Remember a trump and the soccer ball or Trump shaking hands with The “Rocketman”.
        Still they had plan B , That’s where Dr FuQii comes in with The Covid Plandemonic.
        Millions of deaths from the Fentynal, the Covid protocol of remdisivor (sp) , the jabs , the shutdowns on and on. Deaths among the 18-45 yr olds have skyrocketed last 2 yrs same with OD’s.
        Suicide’s up. The battle field is the mind and body ,
        It’s not the trenches in ww1 , but 6 feet under is the same result. Keep up the good fight and never give up. We will win and these demons will see judgement.
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        • Posted by $ 2 years, 3 months ago
          It's going to be a hell of a war. Fully expect the Deep State to become nastier than ever. Secrecy is being exposed but the massive mainstream propaganda machine ain't gonna change one bit to help out with that.
          But don't worry about the dino giving up. I don't bow to enemies foreign and especially not to domestic traitors, especially those who take a politician's swear to God oath and turn around to do the devil's work.
          That also goes for doctors who swear to do no harm and butcher groomed little kids. Or do new doctors still take the Hippocratic Oath in what so-called higher education has become?
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