Observations on FTX
Posted by mshupe 2 years, 1 month ago to Philosophy
From the article - "The number of FTX creditors seeking restitution is estimated to be one million and nearly all of them are account holders. While government and media investigators try to sort out the money trails, there are two questions that deserve greater attention: 1) Why do so many people consider cryptocurrency to be an investment? 2) Why does the CEO of FTX appear morally self-satisfied with his behavior? Yet, two primary questions must be answered first: 1) How does one define ‘investment’? 2) How do we define a morally defensible code of conduct? Specifically, what are their attributes?"
i'm not going to trade food, ammo, or weapons for it
He was a cool guy. He wanted to leave. Another captain friend was going to stay. The each had ships, met in the middle of the ocean. Whoever wanted to stay, when to his friends ship. Whoever wanted to leave went to my buddies ship. His friend sailed back. He sailed to the Philippines, called back to Cambodia, and said: "Your ship is here. Come and get it." He eventually got to the US, and became an excellent electrical engineer. He had the distinction of being the youngest graduate ever from the Cambodian Naval Academy.
Coincidentally, my brother's wife's father was the ambassador from Cambodia to the US before the Khmer Rouge took over. He just stayed here. Also an electrical engineer.
Never trust a fat vegan.
In this world of today we can't even trust our real cash deposited in our banks because the government can freeze it at will. If we all notice that our 401K investments have decreased by a minimum of 30-35% since this asswipe took office then ask yourselves where exactly did all that money disappear to? If you had $100K back when Trump left office I bet it is closer to $60K today. I call that the RAPE of the American citizen doing his/her best to be OK in retirement. The Democrats see that as a piggy bank like SS investments they now call Government funded entitlements like welfare.
The dollar has no backing, so its not a store of value, but neither is crypto. I am not sure which is going to collapse first, but both will eventually become a disaster.
Lenin said it best when he was asked how to bring doen capitalist societies- he said to destroy their money. He was right.
"A fool and his money are soon parted."
This story will just get bigger.
It would be weird if human trafficking and such
enter into the mix. Behind the Dam of lies is a flood.
The Dutch Boy has all his fingers and feet in the dike ,and yet drip drip drip ….the storm is coming.
Nothing can stop what is coming !
FTX. Will it be the gift that keeps on giving? (http://worthypolitics.com)
Posted by $ Dobrien 2 days, 4 hours ago to News
16 comments | Edit | Delete
it sure made a lot of the wrong people rich
unless people want it
unlike food
ugly little bureaucrats" (from Galt's speech in Atlas Shrugged)
"So long as men, in the era of savagery,
had no concept of objective reality and
believed that physical nature was ruled
by the whim of unknowable demons –
no thought, no science, no production
were possible. Only when men
discovered that nature was a firm,
predictable absolute were they able to
rely on their knowledge, to choose their
course, to plan their future and, slowly,
to rise from the cave. Now you have
placed modern industry, with its
immense complexity of scientific
precision, back into the power of
unknowable demons – the unpredictable
power of the arbitrary whims of hidden,
ugly little bureaucrats. A farmer will not
invest the effort of one summer if he's
unable to calculate his chances of a
harvest. But you expect industrial giants
– who plan in terms of decades, invest in
terms of generations and undertake
ninety-nine-year contracts – to continue
to function and produce, not knowing
what random caprice in the skull of what
random official will descend upon them
at what moment to demolish the whole
of their effort. Drifters and physical
laborers live and plan by the range of a
day. The better the mind, the longer the
range. A man whose vision extends to a
shanty, might continue to build on your
quicksands, to grab a fast profit and run.
A man who envisions skyscrapers, will
not. Nor will he give ten years of
unswerving devotion to the task of
inventing a new product, when he knows
that gangs of entrenched mediocrity are
juggling the laws against him, to tie
him,, restrict him and force him to fail,
but should he fight them and struggle
and succeed, they will seize his rewards
and his invention..."
The whole point of FTX was to make crypto investing the opposite of a "firm, predictable absolute".
FTX Funded $18 Million Towards Research that Claimed that Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Didn’t Work Against COVID
By Joe Hoft
Published November 21, 2022 at 1:30pm
I would write the headline a little differently…
FTX steals account owners money to fund the killing of as many humans as possible during the PlanDEMic
NEW - Sam Bankman-Fried, his parents, and FTX top execs built a $121 million property empire in the Bahamas over the past two years.
Google is becoming worse than malware. I've tried scrubbing all Google items off my Apple laptop and it still bogs down my system. I run "Activity Monitor" to determine what tasks are active and there are times there are multiple versions of "GoogleSoftwareUpdate" burning up CPU time. I have NOT been able to find WTH schedules it to run so I can turn it off. I suspect other Google invasive theft-and-spy-ware is also running, but not leaving evidence and may be hiding behind something legitimate. I may be paranoid, but my laptop is suffering the slows and no apparent reason for it. My Apple desktop does not have this problem.
get gold and silver
ammo and guns
a piece of paper has no value
just sayin'
I am elated that in less than a year everybody can see one way that they do it. Proof is truth and that cannot be denied.
As for FTX and these 'exchanges' - in particular this SBF character -- I saw a shifty schlub, lacking in self-awareness. Even more -- I saw a raft of lazy, mathematically-illiterate 'investors' ... does the word due-diligence mean anything to these louts? Fools and their money are soon parted. I hope some lessons were learned.
As for why do so many people consider CC to be an investment?
1. Most folks would like to identify as 'investors' instead of 'speculators' -- or 'gamblers.'
2. They want to convince themselves that they hold 'something' instead of the distillate of 'hopium.'
3. In reality, they are simply gambling to the extent of wishing for a Win instead of earning it.
4. They want 'something for nothing' -- convince other schlubs to 'get in or miss the win' -- then, they liquidate their position to buy a lambo [at least that is both the hope and intention -- and to 'look smart'.]
SBF is essentially a useful idiot... you know, he might have gotten away with it had he really been 'smart' -- and sold out a significant stake and vanished near the FTX high water mark. But no, his overwhelming messiah complex ('effective altruism' indeed), inflated by other schlubs (magazine publishers, celebrities, politicians, speculation shills...) guaranteed his downfall -- and the fall continues. This quickly unfolding disaster has been interesting to observe.