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    Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
    I noticed the line, "Right-wing news and media company The Daily Wire...". Has anyone ever seen the line, "Left-wing news and media company New York Times..."?

    It would be nice if they can succeed with the AS endeavor.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
      Great observation.
      This will convince me to subscribe all by itself.
      I do think they need to be careful bringing the Ayn Rand institute onboard. Scuttlebutt is that they’ve been subverted and their CEO is a little bit leftie.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years ago
        I'm trying to reconcile the strong Daily Wire religious bent with Ayn Rand's stated atheism as reflected in AS. I have not really been tempted to pay for the Daily Wire but I might have to make an exception for the time period this is on. Haven't decided yet.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years ago
    I am one of those who were both thrilled and disappointed by the 2011 trilogy on which this website is based.

    It is good to see some of the same names on this proposed version. They would have got some good feedback from this site ten years ago.

    Can we keep this thread alive?
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    • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 years ago
      Agree on "thrilled and disappointed" and feel that the trilogy may have done a disservice to some, such as my wife who has not read AS. Her attitude, but not her words: "Saw the movie, but the book's too long. Won't read it."

      In my view the most important character in the book is Eddie Willers. He's at the very beginning, telling a lie. He's at the end, twisting in the wind. What becomes of him? Ayn Rand said that Eddie's fate belongs to the reader, to each and every one of us. He is YOU!

      Will any dramatic presentation of AS ever convey the essence of Eddie as Rand intended?
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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years ago
    It would sure be fun to see where they find the actors to do it! If there are any such actors left in
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years ago
      Kevin Sorbo would make an excellent John Galt.
      Dean Cain could fit in nicely. Melissa Joan Hart as Dagny..... oh yeah. Candace Cameron Burr if she can get past the adultery between Hank and Dagny.
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      • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years ago
        I don't know all these people, but despite the eye candy, the John Galt of the movies just wasn't what I ever thought to picture. IIRC there was an extended description of John Galt's golden hair and fair complexion (not a quote but paraphrasing). The guy they used, while exceedingly handsome, just didn't fill the bill, appearance-wise. I looked up Kevin Sorbo. He may be a little old.

        In any case, I'm more interested in who they choose for Francisco. To me, he was a far more important character (I know, that's practically blasphemy, but hey, that's me).

        I think I could accept pretty much anybody if they just use the same actor for every episode! That jumping around (yes I understand why) was an overall detriment to the movies.
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  • Posted by Joseph23006 2 years ago
    This is a real chance for the repudiated Democrat politicians to step into roles which are exactly like the real life personas they have. They would need little preparation because they already know the dialogue from the book, they've already spoken it time and time again over the past few years. Spots can be found for Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and of course Dr. Fauci!
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  • Posted by BostonTEA 2 years ago
    From the article, from the Daily Wire, company who acquired the rights. Note it is a subscription service (which frequently has "specials" if you are contemplating subscribing). They also have Jordon Peterson, Candace Owens, among others.
    "John Aglialoro and Harmon Kaslow are producing for Atlas Distribution Company. Scott DeSapio,... executive produce."
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  • Posted by andrewtroy 2 years ago
    "The deal was negotiated by... on behalf of the Peikoff Family Partnership and the Estate of Ayn Rand." I presume that Ms. Rand's STRICT insistence that no changes be made to her masterpiece has been written into the contract due to the Peikoff's oversight this time (though I am grudgingly a "fan" of the trilogy).
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years ago
    I'd be happy to play an extra! Just hope they don't film it in NYC. Mark Harmon would be a great Ellis Wyatt. Sorbo would handle Kenneth Dannager easily. Antonio Bandaras just might be a good Francisco. My daughter and I have played Cast the Atlas Shrugged movie for a long time, so long that our John and Dagney choices are now too old. Finding un-woke big names will be extremely hard and no woke actor/actress deserves a role in this film.
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