No, There Will Not Be Any "Pandemic Amnesty"

Posted by markjr 2 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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The same people who wanted to destroy your life for non-compliance and questioning, now want to let bygones by bygones.

But, as Robert Louis Stevenson famously said,

"Sooner or Later,
Everyone Sits Down to a Banquet of Consequences"
SOURCE URL: https://bombthrower.com/no-there-will-not-be-any-pandemic-amnesty/

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    Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 4 months ago
    I will never forgive them. It wasn't stupidity and ignorance, it was intentional and planned. These murdering monsters need to accept their punishment then I might remember my Christian upbringing and try to find forgiveness in my heart. My daughter died, three friends are still ill and suffering death causing illnesses.
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    Posted by jack1776 2 years, 4 months ago
    I’m not religious so I don’t have to uphold the ideas of forgiveness and I will not forget or forgive. We should not accept stupidity or ignorance as an excuse for malevolent intent and the same for those that facilitated the malevolent intent of others. Our government doesn’t have a single exemption to any law due to stupidity or ignorance. There should be no place to hide from those that seeking retribution for forced jabs in exchange for employment.

    A “Pandemic Amnesty” is only a plea from the stupid, hoping for leniency.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
      "...a plea from the stupid." Except I'm not buying the plea and handing out a "stupid pass". Much of what transpired was deliberate and calculated as the busy body control freaks had a heyday shutting down any and all data indicating a massive fraud was being perpetrated.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 4 months ago
    The response should have been:

    Emily, could you Imagine Adolph Hitler suggesting a "WWII Amnesty" because of the confusion and loss of life being so significant, and so many Germans dying...

    That somehow, we should forget?

    Do you remember the painted signs in Germany:

    Gas the unvaccinated?
    Or those without the vaccine being denied medical care?

    Not only CAN WE NOT have Amnesty. We must PROSECUTE this to the FULLEST extent of the law. Reasonable People lost their careers because of people like you!

    You combined "Poor Logic/Science" with "Punishing Silencing of any other view".
    FWIW, Exactly how Climate Science has been operating.

    So, sorry. We must PROSECUTE THIS, then PROSECUTE the Climate Alarmists.

    Re-instate Free Speech, and restore ANYONE who wrongly lost their practices, licenses (McCollough comes to mind, still under attack)...

    And we must declare CLEARLY new RULES that prevent this type of behavior and makes uncovering it easier, and punishing it easier, and the punishments FAR MORE EXTREME.

    FWIW, people like you who influenced so many of our youth... Should be asked to pay a particularly high price. (Stripped of all assets, moved into a campus dorm, provided meals/room and a tiny stipend to teach for the rest of your life seems about fair to me)...

    But I tend on the kind and forgiving side...
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 4 months ago
      Me dino is a Christian who is forgiving and kind. During my 21 years as a corrections officer, I was kind to inmates--when they let me.
      Some of the worse inmates saw my kindness as a weakness but the smarter ones knew better and one told me so.
      An inmate told an infirmary nurse I was dating that I was a good guy before he added, "Just don't make him mad."
      As for the conniving criminals who made the recent pandemic a lot more worse than it had to be, I don't want revenge. I want a just reckoning.
      Criminals who commit felonies belong in prison as punishment and to safeguard the citizens.
      Traitors should be shot for being better off for everyone dead and since a bullet is cheaper than a rope.
      It's just common sense.
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  • Posted by starguy 2 years, 4 months ago
    Yes, a Nuremberg-like tribunal is called for; they need to answer for their crimes.
    They can throw themselves on the mercy of the court, after they are held to account.
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  • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 4 months ago
    Michigan Gov Gretchen Whitmer is a prime example. She was ruthless in her pursuit of power. Shutting down "non-essential" businesses while her husband was getting their boat out of the marina. Now running for re election in Michigan she paints herself as a benevolent governor solving Michigan's problems. Not ONE mention of the pandemic in her advertisements. Wonder why?
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
    From the article: "Innumerable careers, reputations and lives have been destroyed in order to enforce a completely debunked narrative as truth. The mainstream media, Big Tech, governments at all levels, neo-liberal glee clubs like the WEF, all coordinated to gaslight the entire population of the world that we were facing existential annihilation, and would have to henceforth trade in our civil liberties and basic human rights to these authorities to escape it."

    Is he talking about the jab or the man made climate change hoax? (yeah, he's talking about the jab, but it seems to fit the other as well, IMHO.)
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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
    The Atlantic has an article begging for a nebulous “amnesty” for the whole Covid scam and power grab. Whether this is laughable, tragic, or outrageous is left as an exercise to the reader. What is happening is that the unaccountable class is being held to account, and they don’t like it one bit. If our problem is a two-class society — of those above the law, and those under it — then WWG1WGA is a way of stating that we are returning to the equal rule of law and blind justice that protects our unalienable rights.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 4 months ago
    These bastards are poking the bear with this request for amnesty.

    I have been watching the government-pharma complex for a couple decades. I could see this coming. It's amazing to watch it now...
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  • Posted by Stormi 2 years, 4 months ago
    We should have had trials for crimes against humanity for the lies about the virus and vaccine, even the tests by now. But instead, we have Chinese monkey experiments in Florida, Hunter dooling out access to 46 Ukraine biolabs to who knows whom. They are determined to kill off the 75% quota given to Biden by the One World group, and cheered by the UN a couple days after.
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