Biden’s Tech-War “Goes Nuclear”. “Blocking China’s Access to Crucial Semiconductor Technology”
Posted by saucerdesigner 2 years, 5 months ago to News
Excerpt: "...The Biden administration is squandering American power on unilateral actions it cannot enforce and that will no have meaningful impact on China’s development. They’d be better off looking for ways to ease the transition to a new world, then pathetically trying to turn back the clock to the bygone 'unipolar moment'...".
Nope, just desperate fake news.
This deep state plan has long term origins as you know.
Kissinger’s Curse
One of the most infamous characters in modern history is Henry Kissinger. His musings and policy recommendations have shaped much of the Western world today, warts and all; and there are many warts. Population control, nuclear proliferation, Middle East wars, de-pegging of the USD from gold, the rise of China, the impending collapse of the West and so much more can all trace their roots back to Henry Kissinger.
Generally regarded as the ultimate neo-conservative, Henry Kissinger was loathed by his ideological opponents:
No matter what anyone thinks of Fritz Kraemer, herein lies the dilemma: His Prussian traditions led him to the belief that a “noble elite” was required to run Western democracies. A government “for the people, by the people” an unacceptable risk to the State. Instead, a government must be “for the people, by the chosen elite”. Sounds familiar. Fritz’s ideology permeated through the central intelligence agencies. The ‘kult of Prussia’ was now on full display, and Kissinger was his prime choice to shape America’s future.
The other man that influenced Kissinger’s thinking was his teacher at Harvard, William Yandell Elliot. Elliot “would eventually be a political advisor to six US presidents and would also serve as a mentor to Zbigniew Brzezinski and Pierre Trudeau, among others.”
Judging by the company Kissinger kept in his early years, it should not be surprising that his outlook on world affairs was decidedly Prussian. He would deny it if asked, but Kissinger was uber Bismarckian. A man who would take Realpolitik to its extreme: more…..
stealing chip tech takes time
it takes time to see what you've stolen, then get it into production, before you go back to the well for more
All companies are in competition, too, so the ones who can participate in espionage, do so, with the larger
ones using government to destroy anyone who gets in their way.
Even heroes, few as they are, must at least seek information to defend themselves.
Ignoring reality can be deadly.
But the Deep State has been actively destroying everything good about America for over a century.
Presidents Carter, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Buydem are all guilty of this treason,
and they have had many accomplices, in governments and in NGO's and in business
(especially the banking cartel.)
The current US Deepstate resents competition, even fair competition. Hence the attempt to put down Russia, probably failing. The attempt to put down the EU is working, disgracefully. Food shortages are possible and the outlook for heating buildings this coming winter looks grim. This measure against China could work for a few years, then rebound.
China has an easy counter-measure, they can remove the self-imposed noose round their economy of the wuhu scare. It is not genuine of course, it is used as a political repression measure.
If they remove the wuhu nonsense, their economy grows and the repression relaxes at the same time.
It may even be a winner for them!
Nancy didn’t go “to tie one on” she can and does do that at the Capital. She went to Taiwan for other reasons.
How many billions will we send to Zelensky’s NeoNazi’s
In defense of the Chinese island. When it is invaded. Heck Ukraine got money to protect US against inflation. I wonder if we have biolabs there.
and we still wait on optics? Pointless.