We Will Regret Closing Down our Reliable Coal Plants

Posted by 73SHARK 2 years, 2 months ago to News
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It always chaps my behind when they show pictures of power plant stacks emitting what the less informed (didn't say stupid or ignorant) masses will perceive as smoke pollution instead of the water vapor. Of course they don;'t realize that smoke doesn't disappear like evaporating water vapor does. In the winter, the same thing happens at nuke plant cooling towers.
In the 70s when flying into or out of LA, you could see the long trails of then smoke from power plant stacks in Arizona. These were plants that supplied SoCal as they shut theirs down to cut smog.
SOURCE URL: https://amac.us/we-will-regret-closing-down-our-reliable-coal-plants/?dderh=0d73ea3b12ea5b80ec71d34d3b28c558

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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 2 months ago
    Coal fired electrical is much cleaner than the propaganda; same for autos.
    CO2 from human activity is a benefit to life on earth and is in no way a threat to all life on earth.
    The world is being run by anti-human-life scum who should be tried and executed for war crimes and genocide.

    Australia has closed about half their coal plants and has spent a fortune on "renewable" power, wind and solar.
    Australia has had near constant issues getting emough power for their miniscule (22million) population ever
    since the closings, and power prices have skyrocketed. Recent bad days had priced at $2 to $4 per kilowatt
    WhOLESALE compare to $0.13 average RETAIL in the USA.
    Yet the ɟʊȼƙįɳɠ morons living in Canberra continually blame we Americans for their plight
    and claim we should follow their plan of suicidal action.
    Well they chose their plight.
    We must learn from their idiotic errors.

    Give up coal power and kill off your civilization.
    Give up your guns and become slaves.
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  • Posted by Lucky 2 years, 2 months ago
    A moving story, yet those are the facts.

    That wind/solar generation is unreliable is not the end of it, unreliability adds to the operating costs of reliable generation in having to continuously adjust.
    As the writer says, coal plants last for decades when maintained with sensible care - 50 - 70 80 or more years. Wind generators need replacing after 15 years or not much more, they are not maintainable.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 2 months ago
    "It always chaps my behind when they show pictures of power plant stacks emitting what the less informed (didn't say stupid or ignorant) masses will perceive as smoke pollution instead of the water vapor." It doesn't even have to be a power plant scenario for our local commie rag (mistakenly called a newspaper) to make a big article about "air pollution" and reprint a file photo of a local manufacturer's machine cooling towers giving off water vapor and calling it "smoke". I say file footage because most of the towers have been shut down from constant downsizing and shipping jobs overseas and you don't see much "smoke" from what's left.
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