What says you, is Trump acting in our best interest

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 4 months ago to Politics
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Fighting the swamp, making America great again, bring industry back to America and the fun tweets. It was all good but what about appointing people and warp speed, I think both are complete failures.

Amy Coney Barrett just refused a request for a hearing to suspend the federal student loan forgiveness program. From Mike Pence to William Barr and Jeff Sessions, Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh hasn’t been as constitutional as I would have anticipated, and Amy Barrett is quickly becoming a disappointment.

Here's the Supreme Court Justice Who Saved Biden's Student Loan Bailout (townhall.com)

Operation warp speed was unsafe and opened the door of unconstitutional forcing of the jab among those that questioned its safety and efficacy. Why has he not came out and stated the obvious? I guess the masses still have not heard about the problems with the safety of the jab. In a meeting in my company yesterday, before the meeting stared, everyone compared they jab status, who got the latest, who was going to get the latest. No one, including me, said anything contrary. I’m not doing it because I’m the only person that got a religious exemption and no one knows that. All of them have had Covid multiple times, me once…

My point, enough data exists where Trump can save lives by falling on the sword and admitting that the vaccine is a failure and is unsafe.
I’m assuming its ego; I might be wrong…

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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
    on the shot..

    you are POTUS
    you were just told that millions could die if nothing was done

    that companies are ignoring Federal Civil Rights Law and forcing shots is not on Trump

    Trump and/or De Santis
    but i prefer a non-politician

    will vote for the best one i can
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    • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
      Yes, I see that, the question is in the light of what we know today. He is still (or had been) pushing the vaccine and operation warp speed saved X many lives. I think this is a problem...
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    • Posted by bubah1mau 2 years, 4 months ago
      I think it was the zero-Covid mentality of socialists throughout the world that led to a grotesque exaggeration of Trump's initial vaccine policies. Trump saw the horrific dangers inherent in those policies (a lot of those leading to Dem lockdown exploitation with universal mail-in balloting in the 2020 election)--but the horse had already bolted from the barn. He was left staring at a situation he had only had an initial hand in creating--one that others seized to turn against him.

      I doubt that Trump would support the current CDC recommendation for combining mRNA Covid vaccine with the traditional vaccine regimen now required of preschoolers about to start kindergarten.
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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 4 months ago
    The entire political system is corrupt and the actions since the stolen 2020 elections are the evidence.
    Stop pretending that there is a peaceful solution that restores liberty to the People.
    Thinking that any GOP candidate will fix the system that actually feeds the candidate power is insane.
    It's 1776 again.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 4 months ago
    Trump had his chance. Near the end of his term I was seeing mainly just mean tweets. Those are fine and all, but we needed some action. When he won the election I actually wrote him a letter. Probably never saw it. But, in it I mentioned that he could be the right guy at the right time to fix some major issues. He didn't. Instead, he went the other way. So...I'm ready for DeSantis. America is, too, I think. Trump seems to be the first to really tap into this very legit rage in America over things turning to progressive scat. Now there are others who are doing similar but who also seem to have a better grasp on the system and who are pretty damn articulate. See the lady running for Gov of Arizona? She seems like the real deal. We need a bunch like her to slow this slide over the slippery cliff. You can also see the quickening now...good people being hauled off by federal agents with guns for what appears to be just not agreeing with the "big guy"...
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
      Trump was better than the other option
      and it was clear he was surrounded by traitors

      some he chose, most he did not
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      • Posted by bubah1mau 2 years, 4 months ago
        I think you have it right. You have to consider what he was up against and what he had to work with. He's one guy trying to stop or reverse at least 100 years of national self-immolation.

        For one thing I give Trump major credit: the Remain in Mexico Policy while applying for asylum. How much better is that than Biden's unrestricted, unvetted admittance of 5M destitute, sick, criminal, largely uneducated, non-English speaking "migrants" who probably have zero affinity for preserving any capitalist or American cultural tradition when the US is already headed into recession if not already there?
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  • Posted by 2 years, 4 months ago
    My wife wants DeSantis to run in 2024, I’m starting to agree with her on this one…
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
      That's also what I would prefer. Any Republican winner is going to face stiff opposition for the entire four years, but they already have too much ammo for Trump. He will be unable to do ANYthing.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
        By ammo do you mean lies and phony made up shit?
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
          As you already know, it doesn't matter what it IS (true or otherwise) it only matters what people are willing to BELIEVE.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
            It does matter what is true. What has been revealed in the last 6 years is that the enemy fears Trump more than anything. They will stop at nothing to get him. No one has fought the deep state in America like Trump. Turn off the Noggin washer and reject the propaganda.
            Get behind the one fighting for the constitution.
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            • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
              I am talking about in the mind of the average voter. Of course truth matters, but most people don't recognize it because they are listening to others to tell them what to think.

              Look, you can vote for Trump. Hell, I will vote for him too if he is the candidate. I just hope he isn't.

              This DID start as a question, didn't it? I gave my answer; you gave yours. No need to keep on about it.
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              • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
                Oh …. OK . Is Trump acting in our best interest? yes.
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                • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
                  I don't think so. Certainly no more than DeSantis would. And his road is far more uphill than DeSantis' would be. I think if Trump were acting in our best interest he would support a younger, stronger candidate with a lot less "baggage" to get in the way.

                  Example: in the press, every reference to Trump is negative. I think you already know this, but as an example, listen to NPR for thirty minutes if you can stomach it. They aren't going to just automatically go back and drop the "lies" terminology out of their description of him, even if he is elected, whereas with DS that designator has not been applied. At least not yet. TOO MANY people depend on NPR for their everyday news

                  I am sure I haven't persuaded you, which is fine. I'll support the eventual Republican candidate, but I hope it's DeSantis.
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                  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
                    Listening to the news is like taking Chemo to eradicate the truth in your noggin. I find that every article or statement about Trump being negative is how phfuQing scared they are of him.
                    Why because He caught them all. I don’t hide that my research indicates Devolution is in play and we are at war. Good vs Evil. The rest of this discussion is just devisive( what the news wants to happen).
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                    Not being argumentative here, gharkness, but do you really think NPR would refrain from lying about and destroying a non Trump person who is opposed to the Neo Communist machine? The beauty of having Trump run again is most of the lies about him have been exposed and a large portion of the public doesn't buy the media's, including NPR, crap anymore. Trump can use that political ammo as part of his campaign. If the MSMM (Main Stream Marxist Media) fake news machine thought they had it rough before, I suspect game 2 will be a doozy! A new candidate can be lied about and roasted with impunity by the MSMM and it would be like game 1 all over again.
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                    • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
                      Valid considerations, and maybe so. I for sure agree that the MSM/NPR would have no compunctions about lying about DeS.....it's just that at this point he is younger and more resilient and perhaps can stand up more to the lies they tell. Perhaps not. For sure he's younger, and to me that has a value.

                      While the lies about Trump have been exposed, you don't really think that MOST of people believe that they have?

                      Looking again at your comment it seems our biggest difference is that you think many die-hard liberals no longer believe the lies they are hearing. I disagree with that, but I don't have any actual sources to quote. I also think that DeSantis doesn't have the ego problem that Trump has, but that also remains to be seen.

                      So....who knows? Again, I will support the Republican candidate, but I hope it's DeSantis.
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                      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                        I do believe most people are aware of many of the lies and fake news regarding Trump. I also believe some of them will still vote commie because they have egos that refuse to give in when they are wrong and refuse to stop believing the lies even though the truth is right in front of their nose. Others will vote commie just for the hope of getting more free stuff regardless of how the tab gets paid. Others will still vote commie because they always have and always will - no thinking involved. Others will vote commie because they were told to do so and always do what they're told because it would take effort to do otherwise and go against peer pressure.

                        However, if Trump runs again and gets elected he will be in their faces every day 24/7 for four years as he works to fix the commie mess. And THAT I'd like to see especially the faces of a few of my relatives.

                        Yes, I do like Desantis and a few others, but Trump wold be a great kick in the ass to the commies in game 2.
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                        • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 4 months ago
                          If Trump wants to be taken seriously the 2nd time. Heads must figuratively roll. It begins with Milley in chains for literal treason. If that doesn’t happen on January 21st 2025......nothing will get better. If the Blue Haired freaks want to f around and findout all he needs to do is nothing and let the nation’s immune system function normally. The MSM will wail and scream.....but they would have anyway. At least they won’t have to make shit up this time.
                          I’m not Anti-Trump. But I certainly don’t see him as some sort of messiah. I mean the “8D Chessmaster” was playing Timing Gotcha Games with declassified documents and Fooked it all up about as completely as one could.
                          Honestly THEY will never let him get back in office. They will cheat even more blatantly. We are not “voting” our way out of what’s coming.
                          It’s coming....no matter what.
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                          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                            I don't see Trump as a messiah, either. If he was, he wouldn't have screwed up a few things, IMHO. However, he's generally a pragmatist that works to get things done that need to be done for the benefit of our republic. Add to that he's a giant thorn in the side of the "Deep State" and is down right entertaining as he makes the Neo Communists and their media howl.

                            I absolutely agree with no hesitation or reservation he damned well better roll heads in game 2. If he didn't learn that in game 1, he may as well go hide in the basement.

                            Edit add: I'm running on the assumption he did learn a lot in game 1 so game 2 should be a hoot if he gets in.
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                        • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
                          It absolutely would be a GREAT kick in the ass. The problem I have is while we argue back and forth about Trump and DeSantis, and dilute our vote, THEY ARE GOING TO WIN.

                          Classic shell game, but apparently we're playing it against ourselves!
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                          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 4 months ago
                            The way I see it, for us it doesn't matter because either would be good. They have different styles, but are similar in what result needs to be achieved. We can argue out the details during the primary if they run, but in the end only one will be running on the Republican ticket and that's who will get my vote (for now). We are not playing a shell game against ourselves. Let me guess, if Trump and DeSantis primary against each other, the MSMM hates Trump so much they will roast him heavily and give DeSantis roast lite. If Trump wins the primary it will be game 2 in the press as I mentioned above. If DeSantis wins the primary it will be game 1 all over again with a different face and a whole new set of propaganda fake news.

                            Of course this all assumes they both run and one of them wins the primary. Two years is an ice age in politics and anything can happen between now and then. Texas gov? Trump Jr.? Who knows at this point.
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      • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
        they had that ammo in 2016

        the biggest issue is the traitor media and censorship from on line traitors
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        • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years, 4 months ago
          The judges are more of a roadblock than media. Even with damning evidence and proven lies they can't get a conviction. Spitting into the wind.

          Sure we know and we can prove it (documentation, video, audio, sworn testimony), but they countered by getting politicians and judges in their pocket who will protect their interests without any regard for law, reputation or this nation or their own future. They no longer pretend while we still think there is rule of law.
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          • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 4 months ago
            That is why ultimately ,the military is the only way.

            This is as real as it gets.
            They never thought she would lose.
            Why? See above re: Control.
            Transparency is the ONLY WAY forward.
            FAKE NEWS’ [propaganda arm of the Democrat machine] sole responsibility is to prevent the TRUTH from ever being disseminated to the masses.
            Mass Infiltration (everywhere).
            Transparency is the ONLY WAY forward re: public opinion.
            Prosecution is the ONLY WAY forward re: save & defend the rule of law.
            Prosecution and Transparency is the ONLY WAY to save our way of life.

            Nov 01, 2017 1:41:54 AM EDT
            Anonymous ID: grTMpzrL No. 147449624
            Think about it logically.
            The ONLY WAY is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker).
            Biggest advanced drop on Pol
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        • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
          In 2016 many of us didn’t believe it. And we hoped they’d have enough sense to settle down after an initial upset, which they did not do, and as you know, the rules for Republicans are different than the rules for Democrats. It’s a different feeling now.

          We need someone different.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 4 months ago
    This is when I get into trouble. I’ll vote for Trump again.
    But, remember who was “in charge” when this entire election/COVID fiasco began. All it would have taken was an executive order banning mail in voting for FEDERAL ELECTIONS. Then FORCING the FBI to enforce it. Doesn’t matter if it was legal or not. Let the SCOTUS sort it all out. He had nothing to lose except the election. What was he worried about? The media would say mean things about him?
    And when it came to the JFK files....all he had to do was NOTHING.
    If you can’t drain the swamp of 60 years ago, how are you going to drain the swamp of today?
    (braces for impact)
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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 4 months ago
    it does not matter who runs as a Republican

    1. Republicans for the most part are part of the problem

    2. the democrats and their allies will simply lie, invent ANYTHING to attack our side as they did with Russia-Gate

    i plan to support Trump, to SHOVE it back at the lying POS traitors
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    • Posted by $ gharkness 2 years, 4 months ago
      I will definitely support Trump if he is the nominee. I just hope he isn't. We need someone YOUNGER and STRONGER. Not many people fill both of those requirements.

      But I'd vote for Satan himself as a write-in before I'd vote for ANY Democrat. (and frankly, I am not sure there's much of a difference).
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