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cigarette. N
Find 5 differences, and, I didn't create the virus
are very good.
Remember the plague also good, note the fact check comment by googl, they make fools of themselves.
(But Jack Shields and Peter Clack are each wrong.
1. Israel allows the religious to control religious marriages, only. 2. a geological origin for oil and gas is fascinating but unproven, unfortunately)
Thanks for pointing out what you like before your criticism, seriously appreciate that!
Shields statement may very well be wrong , Clark imo , not so much he does link an Aussie study, maybe more research is needed but the fossil angle clearly is wrong.
We should leave Israel alone. #1 It ain't our country. #2 People in it don't want to end up like Sodom and Gomorrah.
The squirrel disguised as a bird reminds me of my mother's bird feeder when I was a kid. Squirrels were always getting into it while also becoming fruitful and multiplying. Time passed.
One fine day we noticed a backyard as filled with squirrels that it looked kinda like the baboon meme and all the squirrels were fat.
Shooting at anything was not allowed in our suburban neighborhood.
Dad bought a humane cage kinda trap. Each time he caught a squirrel he'd take it to some woodsy area and let it go. The bird feeder disappeared also.