The New FBI, soon to be in your neighborhood.
Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 5 months ago to Government
A pro-life activist arrested for pushing a pro-choice activist faces up to 11 years in prison, three-year monitoring and up to $250,000 in fines, all because the pro-choicer was spouting unrepeatable crap in the pro-lifer's 12 year old son's ear. This is just one of a whole slew of arrests and harassment unleashed by the F(ascist)B(astards)I(nsurrection) goon squads running rampant under the upside-down justice system we now have. The Bidoom administration is going full-automatic to subdue any and all who might vote Republican or conservative this November. They are so confident of their jackboot tactics that they don't even try to hide the partisan politics. Instead, they blast it all over the media--MAGA and anything remotely associated with Republicans is now an Enemy of the State.
Babylon 5 and the Earth Civil War are a good analogy
seems we have too few like Sheridan
Edit add: I bought the DVD sets years ago and ripped them into my digital library and I watch them from my Apple TV box from time to time - usually when I get totally disgusted with current day crap and want to be entertained by something other than woke propaganda.
B5 is the best science fiction series ever broadcast on any network.
Note: The 5 years are a predefined story arc with many clues in early episodes that are used later in the series - just like real life.
So you must watch it from the beginning in episode order to grok the entire message.
The early episodes build the foundation and the characters grow into their roles.
It's a series for thinking adults' minds who pay attention to what is happening, just like Atlas Shrugged.
Don't expect to jump over episodes and completely understand it any more than skipping chapters in Atlas Shrugged.
(I tried to start by watching an episode late in season 1 and was put off by it.
Later I started from the beginning and it all worked beautifully.)
There are sites online that also show in what order add the movies to the series.
We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocation of equations. These are the tools we employ, and we know many things.
You’re channeling Ayn herself with this comment. Every think of taking up writing?
Regarding the subject matter....:”Philadelphia”......nuff said.
Just get out of the cities.
I’ll ruffle a few feathers here but this passage holds true for even non-believers.
“Come out of Babylon my people. Lest you share in it’s plagues.”
Since the beginning of recorded history......
More People=More Problems
She also liked the American idea of Christmas, "Rejoice and be merry," presumably in contrast to Yom Kippur's, "Weep and repent."
Your posts are making me cry. I am 70 and not taken the shot. For me, the main reason is I'm allergic to so much. My whole family has, thankfully no one far. What surprised me was one of my long standing (25 years) Objectivist friends stunned me by his ranting. Other incidents were overcome by steadfastly repeating my principles. We are civil to each other and I can tell by his actions his mindset has changed, but I know he will never admit it.
Pain and Justice is coming. Durham has them in his sights. We just need to get the fraudulent pardon in chief out and the duly elected President in. After all Biden would pardon everyone convicted, that is why the foot dragging By Durham and Weiss.
The kid was on the phone calling his mom for help. To add to that, an 84 year old pro-life lady was shot as she went door to door talking to people about an abortion bill. They're still trying to find that SOB.