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all of them
millions and millions of them
It is interesting to note Ben Franklin credited his contributions to the Constitution based on Iroquois law.
...and then the white man showed up, slaughtered the great herds and saved the planet!
And our anti-U.S. Constitution Criminal-In-Chief is one sick perv, ain't he?
Think the Hour glass meme made me go...emm hum!
I am creating new neurons all over the place although they won't do me much good except for knowing where all the merchandise is in the store...LMAO.
Got a note from my publisher yesterday bugging me about my next book...talk about getting off the pot!
I'm not holding my breath, I'm preparing for the worst.
You posted a cartoon that accused Talmudists of crushing western society. Fact check you are dead wrong. The Talmud (60 volumes debating ethical standards and law of the 5 books of Moses) when translated into English inspired the philosophers of the day and the founders to create this country. A Jewish man named Solomon financed the revolutionary war.
Where did you find this hate cartoon anyway Palestinian literature or liberal madness Nazi publications.
BtW all of today's terrorism was commanded by Hitler before he died. Today's Terrorism was invented and taught by Hitler's number one commando Otto Skorzeny to every terrorist group after WWII including the IRA. Islam, the religion favored by Hitler was taught to and through the grand mufti of Jerusalem and his nephew the PLO leader Yassar Arafat. Look up history. The Nazi influence has not ended. Even this liberal rag gets it right - https://www.huffpost.com/entry/what-w...
What do you call Jewish people who hide behind their religion like Soros , Rothschild , Epstein who when criticized or rightly accused of nefarious behavior falsely claim anti-semitism as their defense?
But I wonder if a 'talmudist' is supposed to be a branch of nudism.
Ova heah!
I saw him 20 yards away and I hollered “hey”.
The Badger don’t give a shit, he looked up and headed my way. Good thing there was an exit behind me because I grabbed me gear and slipped away in a hurry.