Insanity in Cleveland
Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 4 months ago to Education
"Woke" Liberalism is a dangerous, incurable disease. The symptoms include, but are not limited to, an inability to understand the consequences of one's actions, to put one's ideology over the lives of others, especially children, to excuse Nad things done by their side yet destroy the other side for doing the same or less. In short, for refusing to think about ANYTHING and to blame every one who disagrees with those non-thoughts.
IMHO, the administrator and anyone in that school system should be arrested for child endangerment at the very least. Throw the book at the bastards!
IMHO, the administrator and anyone in that school system should be arrested for child endangerment at the very least. Throw the book at the bastards!
Train your friends and families who have enough sense to be trained and leave the rest behind IMHO.
+25 up if I could.
I am Galt in place since I retired. I would add my email here if I could.
I'm sorry PM is out of my reach as i am not a Producer. I wince to write that. I worked for 50 years. I do appreciate the invitation.
I cannot read nor respond to PMs.
Katrinam41 and I are emailing. Our exchanges here are self explanatory.
I will send you one to show you.
doing the best i can with limited resources for family friends, neighborhood
Actually I just remembered it is my handle above at gmail!
Then, unemployment.
Or, maybe the other way around...
Cleveland must not have "Gun Free" schools.
Acceleration in rhetoric. Acceleration in emotional and psychological tension. Acceleration in Actual Deployments in the eastern theater of the kinetic war playing out between sovereign forces and proxies of the would-be Globalist empire.
Most of all, acceleration in Narratives and Narrative Warfare.
They want to divide US.
What is being described in this ludicrous security decision story is Genocide …Death by anyway they can kill. A Hegelian dialectic, master slave war philosophy. Post modernism or woke excrement destroys the society and family. Abortions up to and after birth (moloch would be proud).Good is Bad , Bad is good. Free and enable criminals to wreak murder and mayhem. More dead the better. These maniacs don’t discriminate on how you die.
They will kill the human spirit… sharp increase in deaths from many maladies likely related to the JAB , suicides are up sharply, famine will be the story over the next year as millions will succumb to unaffordable and unavailable food. Turning off the Heat in Europe this winter is not a concern for those who think The Donbas is worth unleashing NUKES ( that will cull the population).
Will Zoll has done a marvelous piece on The history so far of the pickle we are in. Who put us in it and why. Do you think The WEF was an organic organization the happened to facilitate a better economy for the worlds people? Did the Eco Nazi’s , World Wildlife Foundation , Sierra Club , Earthfirst and the rest all come from the same origins. These organizations promote human genocide under the guise of environmental preservation. If you think the dead Prince Phillip and his son “King Charles the turd” are just figureheads, they have succeeded in brainwashing you.
King Charles III has declared war on humanity, and is promoting a depopulation program which is hiding behind a ‘sustainability’ narrative that the media says is the only way to save the planet. His true agenda is hard to see because it has been operating in the shadows for many decades. Charles is overseeing the most elaborate deception that has ever been waged against humanity.
Charles and his crew have weaponized carbon and nitrogen, creating a fictional need to save the planet from humans. This is a strategy that will result in less people on earth, and a Transylvanian-like poverty for those who manage to survive
I want to return as a deadly virus to wipe out humanity.
I think physically I'm in poverty, but I think my mind is immensely rich!