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PS your memes and IN THE MEME TYME are getting burried already...below the fold, they are.
Bananas debunked.
Researchers injected mice with a filtered extract. The immune systems of the mice produced tumour necrosis
factor as part of the normal immune response to dealing with something that shouldn't be there.
The scientists made no claim that the bananas produced the factor, or that they'd found a cancer cure.
So if you want to inject yourself with rotten banana paste based on that, please keep good records (if you survive.)
Otherwise, great work DOB. 👍
Used to swim all the time as a teen and often with a snorkel and a speargun. One time I swam all the way around the main portion of that big lake just for the hell of it.
as an old dino was surprised when I caught a leg cramp swimming in the same lake after the turn of the century.
Sister-In-Law said that can be prevented by eating a banana a day to increase my potassium level. Did that for two years or so.
Then one fine day my blood was drawn during a periodic Type 2 Diabetes check-up. That led to my doctor advising that I had too high of a potassium level.
After I told him why, he advised that I switch to eating an apple a day.
Now me dino eats an apple a day to keep the doctor away.
Side note of caution: Don't eat that venison!
I've been to Florida beaches between Panama City and Sarasota and the beaches have a fine white sand.
Think maybe I saw the same thing at St. Augustine on the other side of Florida but I was very young back then.
Me dino went for a swim during the Seventies at a California beach when visiting my only lib of 4 brothers (one now deceased), who moved from Los Angeles to Delaware over a decade ago.
Brrrrr! is right! He explained I was in a current that flowed down from Alaska. The Gulf of Mexico is far more comfortable for a summertime swim. Never swam on the Atlantic side.
Pacific west coast beaches, yes colder than I expected.