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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 years, 5 months ago
    Personally, I believe that if there is anything worse that being blamed for something I didn't do, it is being blamed for something done three hundred years ago by idiots whose only connection to me is the amount of melanin in our skins. I prefer to be judged by my actions and ideas and the content of my character.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 5 months ago
      Guess the racists would tell us that MLK is so passe.
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      • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 years, 5 months ago
        Hear! Hear! The fact that such a commonsense statement by MLK jr. can so easily be ignored is frightening. How much longer will America be the home of Individual Rights?
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        • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
          I fear that we are quickly becoming a "has-been" in that respect. Why? Because people take for granted things they themselves did not earn.

          The sad fact is that even nations who fought in WW II quickly devolved back into socialism once the war was over. Britain did so even before Japan had surrendered. Greece as well even though the British specifically fought to keep the Russian-backed communists from taking over. Italy backslid right back into it as well as did France and the Netherlands.

          Americans are going to have to fight for their freedom or it will be lost for generations. They can choose now to fight via the ballot box or be thrust into a physical confrontation if they do not.
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          • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 years, 5 months ago
            Ayn Rand detested those who thirsted after unearned wealth.

            I tried to explain this in greater detail on the index page of my now defunct website ,

            The fatal flaws in our Constitution were that the Right of the Individual to own property was not made absolute and the power of the Government to tax was not denied to it absolutely.

            Taxes are the price we pay to arm and feed those who would enslave us.

            The very essence of a civilized society lies in:

            1) The absolute Right of the individual to own property that he has earned or inherited and;

            2) The respect paid by each citizen to each other's right to own property.

            As fewer and fewer people adhere to the latter principle, the faster will be the erosion of the first. As civility declines so will savagery increase.

            The essence of a non-civilized society can be found in the Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Freidrich Engels in 1848 in which they wrote

            "...In this sense, the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property..."

            Joseph William Gabriele
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            • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
              "The fatal flaws in our Constitution were that the Right of the Individual to own property was not made absolute..."

              It was recently discovered that the original draft version of the Declaration of Independence recognized property rights but was removed so as not to give credence to slavery, as slaves were considered property at the time. It was a necessary omission at the time but I agree that the right to property should have been codified by Amendment immediately following the Civil War.

              "and the power of the Government to tax was not denied to it absolutely."

              This one isn't feasible in any way, shape, or form. Government has to be able to operate and to do so requires a funding mechanism. Until the Sixteenth Amendment, however, the US Federal government was reliant on tariffs and import taxes for its income source and I advocate to repeal the Sixteenth Amendment and return to a reliance on tariffs and dropping Most Favored Nation status from any nation which does not have a non-socialist representative government - basically everyone at this point. I have a much longer diatribe on this subject I have posted elsewhere.

              "The very essence of a civilized society lies in:
              1) The absolute Right of the individual to own property that he has earned or inherited and;
              2) The respect paid by each citizen to each other's right to own property."

              I would suggest a Zeroth law: the right to own one's self and the results of one's labor and mind. Without those, the others are irrelevant.
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              • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
                We could get rid of forced taxation, if we set up a laissez-faire nation. Once the government was chopped down to its proper functions, there could be something like the present sales tax, except voluntary. What would be the incentive to pay? If the storeowner refused to collect/turn in the money, he would simply be told, "All right. Suit yourself. But if a hold-up man comes in here, it won't do you any good to call 911, because this address/phone number will be on a list of those who have refused to pay the Law Enforcement Fee, and nobody will come." The storeowner would then be left to be in danger. (In the case of his discovering a burglary that had taken place overnight, he also would not be allowed to go after the burglar and seek/take private revenge, because that would be taking the law into his own hands.)
                As to Federal function, there could be a rule that a certain percentage of whatever was in the State's funds (which would have arrived there by the above voluntary means), perhaps 25%,would go to the Federal government, to pay for the military, etc. Also, copyrights and patents would be paid for by fees; people should be willing to pay for what they want.
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              • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 years, 5 months ago
                A Government strictly limited to providing a military force would not need to tax income or property in order to complete its mission. These costs could be covered by tariffs and fees.

                All else could be covered by the private sector more efficiently.
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                • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
                  When you argue that the government should be funded by tariffs, that is a method of means rather than ability - two wholly different arguments. The government must have the ability to lay and collect taxes or it will not be able to function. Article I of the Constitution recognizes this (and the difficulties in the Articles of Confederation) and specifically authorizes Congress to lay and collect taxes for its own funding with the condition that such be apportioned equally. (Read further for my suggestions.)

                  Regarding the use of tariffs, I don't disagree with this premise and note that this was the original means of Federal funding until well after the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment. A reliance on tariffs provides an external feedback mechanism to Congress which forces them into robust debate between which nations to trade with (at all), which nations to exempt from tariffs via Most Favored Nation Status, and how high to set individual tariff rates so as to generate revenue without unduly restricting imports.

                  I don't approve of personal or corporate income taxes as a federal funding mechanism for several reasons. First, personal taxes and taxes on business were the entire reason there was a Revolution in the first place! There is no shorter road to tyranny than that which allows a government to confiscate personal property through punitive taxation.

                  Second, personal income taxes at a Federal level stifle free speech. Such taxes provide an easy mechanism for an abusive IRS to go after groups who evince speech they do not like, Lois Lerner being a potent example. (I also note that until the passage of the Sixteenth Amendment, churches were instruments of public policy and robust debate in the public square. The squelching of their participation in the public policy sphere because of threats of taxation should not be underestimated.)

                  Third, corporate taxes are always passed along to consumers. The reason corporations are taxed is to hide this fact from consumers! Taxes should always be DIRECT taxes - never indirect taxes. Everyone deserves and can make good decisions only with the full information regarding costs. Diversion and obfuscation emanate from government operatives who don't want to have to justify their tyranny.

                  In my perfect world, the funding of the government would be primarily through tariffs on trade. If further funds were requested, the taxes should be laid on the States themselves according to their population at the last Census, i.e. if California has 13% of the US population and a nationwide tax is levied, California would be responsible for paying 13% of the levy amount. How California then collects the money to pay that tax is then a matter for their State Legislature to ascertain. (My druthers would be that such additional taxes be levied only for specific purposes such as prosecuting a war, building major infrastructure projects like the Interstate Highway system, etc.). Such levies would require a 2/3 vote to pass.

                  The second aspect of this would be that government spending bills be constrained to budget not a penny more than the government actually collected through taxation in the second year prior to the one being budgeted. In other words, budgets would be created every other year but the amount actually allotted could never exceed actual/historical inflows. This would have the economy itself provide an effective check on those enamored with taxation. This would also force robust debate and the elimination of government functions which could not be supported in a bipartisan manner. Pet projects would necessarily have a short shelf life and perpetual welfare programs would cease to exist.
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                  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 years, 5 months ago
                    "The government must have the ability to lay and collect taxes or it will not be able to function.

                    Should this ability be without limits?
                    Remember the Sixteenth Amendment
                    reads "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration." Notice the lack of any limits! What is to stop this Government from taxing income at 100% and forcing compliance at the point of guns of armed IRS agents? 87,000 of them! That's a little more than 4 Army Divisions.
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                    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
                      Can't we repeal Amendment #16, as #18 was repealed?
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                      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 5 months ago
                        It would be tough as there are way too many stake holders in the present system profiting from a thing called "compliance". The loss of revenue to tax lawyers alone would be enormous upon repeal, not to mention thousands of accountants and tax preparers right on down to the least paid employee of companies like H and R Block and tax software companies. In spite of the fact NOTHING is produced and ZERO wealth is created by the whole "compliance" industries the amount of money changing hands is enormous. That and the power of the IRS to destroy any politician that even hints at such a repeal makes repeal unlikely. Keep in mind the 87000 new IRS jobs is also part of the "compliance" industry and that part makes the IRS even more powerful.
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                    • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
                      Government should always be a constrained government. I share your concerns about the recent funding for more IRS thugs and agree that it can only lead to tyranny.
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 5 months ago
                      The lack of limits on income taxation is a concept not missed by the Neo Communists who desire total government ownership, control, and redistribution of all the wealth in the economy in the communist fashion. The IRS as has become today is a communists dream. Stalin would be proud.
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                • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
                  I don't see why it couldn't be covered by the voluntary sales "tax" (or Law Enforcement Fee) I mentioned. with a certain percentage (say 25%) of whatever was in the state's coffers going to the Federal government, a citizen would know that when he was paying the Law Enforcement Fee, he was also paying for national defense.
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                  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 2 years, 5 months ago
                    First of all a voluntary tax is a contradiction in terms. "There are no contradictions in the Gulch" John Galt.

                    Secondly, in order to repeal an amendment requires that a new amendment be agreed to and passed.
                    Same rules.
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                    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
                      It wouldn't be a "voluntary tax", because it wouldn't be a tax. It would be a Law Enforcement Fee--a fee paid, like other voluntary insurance, as an insurance against crime (and, indirectly, also against foreign invasion). And if a citizen refused to pay it, he would suffer the disadvantage of being in danger due to his being left without the government's protection against criminals.
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                  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
                    It's not that I necessarily disagree, but you're largely arguing semantics. If government takes receipt of moneys from the public, it's a tax. Fees are for specific services rendered such as issuance of permits and licenses, etc. to which a nominal value may be ascertained. I'm not sure how you would set the value for such basic services as law enforcement, fire protection, roads, etc. The practicality aspect leaves me scratching my head.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
      Oh, it's not only the melanin. It's also the eye shape and the hair texture, don't you understand?(Just BS-ing). Racism is racism, regardless of your color or which race you belong to. I never thought race segregation was right when I was a kid and it was going on. I'm not going to take the blame for it now that it's gone. A racist is a racist, regardless of his race.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 5 months ago
    There is no such thing as "reverse racism". It's just plain racism and has been illegal since the Civil Rights Act in 1964.

    Why is it when black people stand up for their Constitutional liberties they are cheered as heroes and called "civil rights advocates", while white people who stand up for their Constitutional liberties are jeered, smeared, and called "white supremacists" or "domestic terrorists"?
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 5 months ago
    We are currently living in a very racist country. Progress had been made until the Marxists recently got a strong foothold. Now the pain. What’s being taught in some schools, for example- pure prejudice and racism. Who knows how far they’ll push? Laying people off for having white skin might just be the start. We’ll see.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
      The "Liberals" pretended to stand up for individual liberty. Now it appears that they were a bunch of contemptible hypocrites. But maybe they will learn their lesson (that is, maybe the white "limousine liberals" will,) when they find themselves being condemned along will George Wallace and his ilk.
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  • Posted by jack1776 2 years, 5 months ago
    I think the question here should be why is a segment of our population believing this? I’m so confused and dismayed by the uptake in this non-sense. Are these people truly just idiots? Where have they been for the majority of my life?
    The best question to ask if its that easy to sway people, are free people a good thing? How do the free people handle the idiots that corrupt our freedom?

    I understand that there is always a segment looking to get something for nothing. I also understand the people that might truly have had a hard life and victimhood is just easier then dealing with it. I can even understand the idiot that doesn’t know better. What baffles me is the Caucasian morons teaching our kids this drivel? Self-Depreciate much?

    I’ve been placing these people in the corruption bucket as its not in their best interest but the persist anyways. There must be an hidden reason for them to do this, maybe it’s a payout?

    We are under attack from within.
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    • Posted by mhubb 2 years, 5 months ago
      too many parasites

      to much false anger, it is liberals that for decades have been keeping blacks poor

      lies that are easier to believe than for people to get off their butts and work
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
      The white "liberals" go along with it; probably it is because they are elitists. They want to see themselves as the powerful aristocracy, giving out the "benefits" to the peasant-types who "don't know what is best" for themselves, and wouldn't be competent to produce what they need. Why wouldn't they? Who knows? But in the minds of these elitists (including "limousine liberals" like FDR,)the "peasant-types " are helpless incompetents.
      And as for the ones who teach the kids, it is easier to manipulate children than adults (I found the petty officers in Naval boot camp to be more respectful of human dignity than my former teachers in elementary school), and if gives them an outlet for their power-lust.
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    • Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 5 months ago
      A lot of people seem to be predisposed to feel guilty. From my experience, protestant churches push this perspective. When someone tells them they have something else to feel guilty for, they shrug and accept, instead of asking "why".
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 2 years, 5 months ago
    Nobody owes anybody anything for the remnant of Medieval serfdom (slavery) that existed in early America - until it was eradicated on explicitly moral grounds, for the first time in human history. Because (News Flash!): The perps have been dead for at least a century.

    Where do we start and where do we stop with the analogies? If having white skin makes someone in 2022 guilty of crimes committed ca. 1600-1860 by people who had white skin because the 2022 person... has white skin... means that anyone who has long, straggly hair and crazy-looking eyes should be jailed for the crimes of Charles Manson and his traa-laa-lalalala-live-for-to-daaaay hippie-dippy Family;

    Anyone who wears dorky glasses should be jailed for the crimes of Jeffrey Dahmer;

    As the meme goes, anyone who's Japanese should be jailed for the attack on Pearl Harbor;

    Anyone who's Russian should be jailed for the crimes of Stalin;

    Anyone who's German should be jailed for the crimes of National Socialist Hitler;

    Anyone who's Cambodian should be jailed for the crimes of Pol Pot;

    Anyone who's Cuban should be jailed for the crimes of Guevara and Castro;

    Anyone who's Korean should be jailed for the ongoing atrocities of the Kim regime;

    Anyone who's Chinese should be jailed for the ongoing atrocities of the Xi regime;

    And BTW: Anyone who's black should be jailed for the crimes of the black slavers who rounded up other blacks in Africa, to hand over to the slave traders who were anchored at the shore;


    "When is enough enough?" is a concession to the irrationality and evil that is the premise that "You're guilty for someone else's crime because.... well you kinda-sorta look like him." The entire premise and the entire wash of lunacy that's been constructed atop it, is a gargantuan scam.
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  • Posted by rainbowstew 2 years, 5 months ago
    If anybody is going to get reparations for slavery, the only ones who would be entitled to get it would be people who were actually slaves, and the only ones who would have any obligation to pay it would be slave owners. How many of either category are still around now?
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  • Posted by lrshultis 2 years, 5 months ago
    Time for some rational though by those demanding to be paid for having been born. Had slavery not happened they never would have exited and if they believe they would have been born in Africa, that is not how reality works. One's consciousness develops in the individual body and will not develop in any other body. There is no separation of consciousness and body, no ghost in a machine. What a rational person does is to look at history and not practice the evils of the time, in this case slavery and racism. Those demanding reparations are attempting to bring back slavery of those of other races ( if races actually exist ) believing that somehow that will correct the evils of the past. It is nothing more than a wish to never have been born. Also, reparations would be due to all future generations of decedents of slaves.
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  • Posted by chad 2 years, 5 months ago
    First, there is no such thing as reverse racism. Racism is. Systemic racism is when a system of governance or culture embodies, emboldens, and protects racist behavior. This was done by Democrats mainly in the South.
    The Minnesota move is racist, no other motivation. Violating someone's property, ability to work, or protection of law with a law is immoral and a contradiction of establishing justice. If your great grandfather stole from my great grandfather my stealing from you does nothing to rectify that criminal act, it merely perpetrates an evil act on you.
    There were 350,000 African slaves brought to this country, 3,000,000 African people have freely immigrated here. The chances that someone is of particular slave descent because of the color of their skin is 1 in 10. Why are all black people entitled to compensation?
    All of these efforts are not about righting a wrong, it is about the excuse to have power, the right to use violence against others, in order to obtain property (money) that is not theirs.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
    There has been no one alive for 100 years who even remembers actual slavery. "Reparations" were paid at the time the slaves were freed with over one million American lives. Anything more denigrates their sacrifice and serves only to feed the greed of individuals who were not harmed.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 5 months ago
      Lying Lyndon Johnson set in motion with the "Great Society" Trillions in taxpayer dollars in "reparations" on condition they break up their black nuclear family.
      Lying Lyndon could quite possibly be the most evil man this country ever produced.
      Stepford Biden is simply dupe and a dope.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 5 months ago
        Johnson certainly sits up there with Woodrow Wilson, Jimmy Carter, and Barack Obama IMHO. In order to measure evil, however, one must look at how far each advanced the football in relative terms, however. When we consider that those who came along later in history required the events of their predecessors, it makes an objective comparison difficult. I'm not nearly as interested in the comparison of evil as I am that they were evil in the first place, however.
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        • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
          I consider FDR the worst of that bunch. When I was young, I read about his pushing more government control; he was presented as something of a hero, but I didn't agree. But saying something like that was not widely accepted. But a few years ago, I heard Glenn Beck on the radio say, "The man was an evil son of a b---h!" and I was comforted that now a remark like that can be made in public. (Beck also referred to his violation[s] of civil liberties; I assume he meant the round-up of Japanese-Americans, American citizens, on account of their ancestry.) It is encouraging that people have been learning something.
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  • Posted by marktayloruk 2 years, 5 months ago
    Visiting the sins of the fathers on the sons -I have no more use for Bible fundamentalists than I have for Marxists or whniging emotional blackmailers with chips on their shoulders.
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    • Posted by LibertyBelle 2 years, 5 months ago
      By the way, are you on the Galt's Gulch Facebook? I haven't gotten on it yet because of the long Terms of Service which usually accompany such a site. (And it seems that it's not going to be possible to have it printed and take it home to read, from what the librarian told me.) But it would be nice to be able to send you an e-mail, if you didn't mind. Your handle seems to indicate that you are from the UK. Is that so?
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 5 months ago
    Enough is enough now. We've done enough, it didn't work, we don't owe anything at all anyway. You can lead a slave to freedom, but you can't make him be free.
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