Milton Friedman - The 4 ways to spend money - YouTube
Posted by deleted 2 years, 7 months ago to Economics
You spend your own money on yourself.
2. You spend your own money on somebody else.
3. You spend somebody else's money on yourself.
4. You spend somebody else's money on somebody else.
This is worth reviewing.
2. You spend your own money on somebody else.
3. You spend somebody else's money on yourself.
4. You spend somebody else's money on somebody else.
This is worth reviewing.
1-4 plus,
5-Politicians spend someone else's money with the intent to steal it.
I just love the guy. Wish he were here now. Hope Thomas Sowell lives to be 300 yrs old!
There are more than just government pukes that hate Milt. It is bigger than that.
As much as I hate the idea of Plus-Ups, the ones we have pursued were because teh government couldn't get out of their own way and make a decision to save money. One guy buys equipment, another buys fuel. Neither one will cross the aisle. Had to go all the way up, an then get plus ups to get the program funded. Then the government ruined the execution, and it still isn't in service (after 15 years!).
You should learn what they are. Not using them, is like fighting with your feet tied together.
Heck Even Cornpop was giving me 10% Just to jump in the pool and touch the hair on my legs...
"When the people discover that they can vote themselves largess from the treasury, that will signal the end of the Republic."
One of my "friends" -- a Progressive, replied "Who said that, Hitler?"
No kidding. I replied "Well, any home-schooled 10-year-old could be credited with saying it since it is logically obvious."
The conversation perty much ended there.
The Progressive was a government school teacher.
then you lose $600k in the stock market.
Now, mind you, you make $200k/yr and pay $40k in taxes... you GET to take ONLY $3,000/yr of that loss EACH year.
So, you get 200 years to write off that loss.
Income that was already taxed, and with a ton of income taxes due. Because "That type of loss" cannot be written off against "normal income".
Hmmm. I wonder who this benefits?
I could see a scale. 200 years! Oh, and if you die, your heirs do NOT get to inherit this.
They inherit TAX LIABILITIES. But not tax credits.