10 Most Destructive Americans 0f the Last 70 years ----
Posted by 73SHARK 2 years, 5 months ago to Government
This is the most comprehensive list of the scum that have fomented the destruction of our democracy!
by Frank Hawkins - US Army Retired Intelligence Officer.
America has undergone enormous change during the nearly eight decades of my life. Today, America is a bitterly divided, poorly educated, and morally fragile society with so-called mainstream politicians pushing cynical identity politics, socialism, and open borders. The past president of the United States was impeached twice and acquitted twice because the other side doesn’t like him. The once reasonably unbiased American media has evolved into a hysterical left-wing mob.
I read Lee Child, the Jack Reacher books, (not boasting).
My opinion-
Getting a Purple Heart award is recognition of outstanding bravery and performance in battle which few come out of alive.
Getting three shows great string pulling.
For a list-
To get a purple heart you usually have to lose a chunk of your body. Kerry has 3 and yet a perfect body. Then he threw his easily won medals over the wall.
So when I took my next drink I felt that filthy bug kicking around inside of my mouth.
Me dino sprang to my feet, spat that sucker out and, screaming with disgust, I did a dance stamping that roach both flat and into bits and pieces.
The corporal on duty for watching the barracks armory and the barracks itself came running with a holstered .45 on his hip. (I got to do that when I later made corporal).
Anyway, that corporal reported the repulsive incident with the phone on his desk.
The next day Pest Control arrived to only stir all the cockroaches up even worse, though they all settled down within a week.
Well, for as many times I felt compelled to wash my mouth out, I deserved a medal for that sacrifice of my service, but me dino be no asshole John Kerry. So me no bothered to ask.
Here is a video that I solemnly dedicate to my sacrifice~~https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyIHH...
I'd add Woodie Wilson to this list, even though he was a nancy boy kind of evil...weak, pissy hand and dumb as a rock, but though his schiff didn't stink!
They killed more innocent, brave Americans than anyone on the 70 year list, although the deaths
are still piling up for Clinton and Obama.
I'd put George 'Chimp' Bush on the 70 year list for 911, Homeland Security, the "Patriot" Act,
WMD's, and the 2nd Iraq war. I'd love to have a chance to get the truth from GWB.
He is currently actively FUNDING our demise!
That's a tough sell when you have liberty, Freedom, and can work and get what you want...
As to Dewey, from what I've read, he was the one who brought in the idea of teaching children "social adjustment" rather than "facts and truths", and I believe he also brought in "look-say" reading rather than teaching phonics.