After Hearing The President Has Covid-19, Joe Biden Calls Obama To Wish Him A Speedy Recovery

Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 6 months ago to Humor
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Recorded while making that heart-warming call, our Pal Joey said, "Hey, man, this is Peter Pedo Brandon here. So how ya holdin' up, Jack? I heard on the news the president got the Covid. C'mon man, you shoulda called me. I just want you to know you're my rock. I love, you, man. I, uh, um . . . what am I doing here? Oh, yeah. Hey, man, sending thoughts and Pringles your way. You, know, libbenshenblet, my favorite ice cream flavor. So just chill out and listen to your record player. What's that? What record player? Yours, man, yours. Yours is yours, just as I proved when I closed my televised television show about Putin when I closed it by saying~~GO GET HIM! I really showed the world how cogowhipple my cognitypical smarts are when I . .. when I--oh. never mind. Well, gotta go. End of message. FART! Damn gas! I really did want to say more to my favorite bring me coffee boy. Yeah, and all about that riddelstickel next bit."
Undeterred by Joe's dementia, that same day Obama sent more executive orders for Dr. Jill to get her hopeless hubby to sign.
SOURCE URL: https://babylonbee.com/news/joe-biden-calls-obama-to-wish-him-a-speedy-recovery-after-hearing-the-president-has-covid?mc_cid=0527310a31&mc_eid=5af0f3f340

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