After Hearing The President Has Covid-19, Joe Biden Calls Obama To Wish Him A Speedy Recovery
Recorded while making that heart-warming call, our Pal Joey said, "Hey, man, this is Peter Pedo Brandon here. So how ya holdin' up, Jack? I heard on the news the president got the Covid. C'mon man, you shoulda called me. I just want you to know you're my rock. I love, you, man. I, uh, um . . . what am I doing here? Oh, yeah. Hey, man, sending thoughts and Pringles your way. You, know, libbenshenblet, my favorite ice cream flavor. So just chill out and listen to your record player. What's that? What record player? Yours, man, yours. Yours is yours, just as I proved when I closed my televised television show about Putin when I closed it by saying~~GO GET HIM! I really showed the world how cogowhipple my cognitypical smarts are when I . .. when I--oh. never mind. Well, gotta go. End of message. FART! Damn gas! I really did want to say more to my favorite bring me coffee boy. Yeah, and all about that riddelstickel next bit."
Undeterred by Joe's dementia, that same day Obama sent more executive orders for Dr. Jill to get her hopeless hubby to sign.
Undeterred by Joe's dementia, that same day Obama sent more executive orders for Dr. Jill to get her hopeless hubby to sign.
biden the usurper in the Oval Office is an insult and brings the entire world closer disaster
Worked really well for me as a corrections officer. So far made it to 75 when I was life expectancy supposed to be dead by 59. Can recall some who died earlier than that.
One who died was my exact same age. Heart attack in his late thirties.
Me dino 75 since March, I've also beat my average life expectancy in Alabama even as a Type 2 diabetic who for the last three years needs a cane to get around. I'm also legal as a handicapped parking person.
You can see I'm not el perfecto. Not going to tempt God by hooping it up too much. Something out of the blue could always make something like a tree fall on me.
a few of them
Old age is not for sissies.
No technique works if it isn't used.
Not responsible for advice not taken.
It is easier to destroy than create.
Any damn fool can predict the past.
History never repeats itself.
Ethics change with technology.
There ain't no justice. (often abbreviated to TANJ)
Never fire a laser at a mirror has awakened a murky memory of a comic book me dino read as a kid.
By murky I mean I can't clearly recall the image of some villain with a laser gun being foiled by a hero using a mirror as a shield but I'm pretty sure I saw that. Kinda deja vu.
Another memory has been more clearly awakened, though. In the link is the exact cover of a robot fighter comic book I received among other but completely forgotten comic books
I received as a Christmas present as a kid. Within the covers of this same robot fighter comic book, I can only recall one scene. As a kid the robot fighter is being taught by a good robot
how to fight the bad robots. When that kid grew up he could actually punch a robot and break it. Almost makes me dino's knuckles hurt thinking about it.
along the lines of those that swore an Oath keeping that Oath
Harris ends up on a park bench. Hillary now has what she and Klaus Schwab want.
Can this be processed prior to Mid terms?
It’s the logical path to the Oval Office