White Liberals More Likely to Have a Mental Health Condition
Posted by deleted 2 years, 7 months ago to Culture
I once read a book written by a psychiatrist who noted that a majority of his patients were liberals. One of the reasons he stated was diet. Vegetarian-ism and especially vegan-ism causes a decrease in the amount of tryptophan in the diet if you're not careful. The best sources of tryptophan are from animals. The body uses tryptophan to make serotonin, the "feel good" neurotransmitter. That's just one biochemical connection between liberalism and mental disease, of course there are behavioral reasons too.
In college I was trying to fit in with the hippie crowd and I started eating a vegetarian. I didn't do a very good job and after a while I was severely depressed. Medication was tried and it was useless. A hamburger perked up my mood rather quickly. Problem solved.
But as the article poses, the philosophies in liberalism expose one to more risk of mental illness.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. We need to feed vegans and vegetarians beef jerky at the polls.
In college I was trying to fit in with the hippie crowd and I started eating a vegetarian. I didn't do a very good job and after a while I was severely depressed. Medication was tried and it was useless. A hamburger perked up my mood rather quickly. Problem solved.
But as the article poses, the philosophies in liberalism expose one to more risk of mental illness.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. We need to feed vegans and vegetarians beef jerky at the polls.
I hate Grandma's Guts!
Mom: Well, push them aside, and eat your vegetables!
Punctuation Saves Lives:
Let's Eat Grandma!
(Oops, I see that jack1776 already covered this bonus flavor.)
How compassionate.
you put asterisks around the words or double asterisks to make it bold.
There a GENETIC reasons for which side of the line we fall on. And fundamentally it can be seen as Hierarchy Versus Groups. We need Hierarchy to value/evaluate and to grown.
But we also need "groups" so that we don't forget we have SOME responsibility for the damaged, old, and young.
His point. Taken to an extreme... Hierarchy would kill without emotion for the "group".
Where the group starts by asking for consideration for the weakest of society. But then taken to an extreme becomes the slaughtering of the most productive in society.
In the TYPICAL Household, the father was a Capitalist and the Mother a Socialist.
Mom was worried about FAIRNESS and INCLUSIVITY, and Dad was worried about Right/Wrong/Effort/Effect.
It really puts a bow around it. We need the Creative and we need the Structure.
We need to ensure our families survive. And we need to compete for food, resources.
Start Trek Reference: Kirk was split into his 2 sides. Neither was good! LOL
He needed some rule breaking and some rule following to be Captain Kirk!
They have found that men who cheat and do well in business share a gene.
The Genetic Reference for this comes from Jordan Peterson. Who points out that our Lobster derived brains helps us determine if we are Alpha or Beta, or in our world, hierarchical or "artsy" (Engineer or Artist), which are clearly inherited (but developable) traits. [Why are most geeks and Jocks so easily divided visually] (patterns of genes).
After that, it becomes about training, etc.
It's why it's hard to argue with Libtards! They cannot comprehend anything but their truth, it fits with their world-view, and how things "feel" to them. Even if illogical!
It takes discipline, responsibility and constant effort to think rationally. It's so easy to just give up and do what feels good. Conservatism vs Liberalism in a nutshell.
And when you let those ideas sink in. You realize BOTH halves are important. And neither can get rid of the other half and expect to survive much less thrive.
Finally, AI research is showing that there is ZERO value in having a PERFECT view of reality. We are more effective (and more easily manipulated) with an imperfect view of reality... While BELIEVING it is real. (e.g. the urge to eat and reproduce... Both can be triggered to addictive behaviors... Because of the importance to the species of these 2 behaviors... NOTHING in "reality" makes this such an imperative, except for the continuation of the species).
Yes, her story (and I've met her once at the Carnivore Conference in Colorado), on Joe Rogan is what led me to try this Way of Eating.
4+ years later, and I am still off all medicines and am no longer near being diabetic.
I eat 99% beef. I had 3 ribeyes today. Most of the time, I do hamburger patties (meat cookies).
Not only do I have metabolic damage from YEARS of high stress work + carbs/sugar/salt.
Put I have a ton of food allergies and leaky gut issues. So I get MASSIVE migraines if I don't eat clean.
I am a MINI Mikhaila Peterson. Not quite as severe as her symptoms... But I don't even use PEPPER on my food any more.
I cut out all seasoning. I use butter sparingly.
I can't tolerate vegetables, or mushrooms (sadness). I use snails when I want mushrooms. Close enough!
I shouldn't eat nuts. But I Get away with it from time to time. But it will shut me down.
you should try it. You should know it takes about 14 days to start seeing the benefits.
The first 3 days are like Keto with Detoxing (withdrawal symptoms). Then we recommend 28 days (4 weeks).
you can get CHEAP coaching at Revero.com They have a 30 day free trial.
Also, find Nutrition with Judy (Cho). on YouTube. She is a Meat Only person.
For millions of years, we lived on ANIMALS. Most vegetables did not exist 500-1,000 years ago, like they are today.
I am assuming you might be an older female.
(Forgive me if I am wrong). But your metabolism might not be able to process ketones.
So, Dr. Boz supplements with Ketones for a while first, as you remove just sugar and flour. Then you step it a little more slowly.
Experience has taught me... it's usually the 1 thing someone cannot give up, that they MUST give up. LOL. Diet Soda for me. CREAM for my neighbor.
Yeah, that purple is good. You are WASTING energy. But that's also the problem. Your body is NOT using them. It wants glucose. Your liver has to be coaxed into emptying the stored glucose, and your body has to learn to burn the ketones.
One strategy is to leverage a SAUNA. It's a stressor that allows you to get "exercise" without moving. (Don't get crazy, 10 minutes, get out, make sure you are good). Your body has to burn a lot of energy to COOL down.
The other thing, is to follow Dr. Boz. She walks you through the Body Chemistry Changes in a really simple way. Getting your brain and body to use ketones is huge.
Also, make sure you consume electrolytes!!! If you are low on those, you won't have energy...
Good Luck. PM me if you want!
For those of us with a more conservative bent, we realize that there's something better waiting in the wings and that we can take steps toward it regardless of the lunacy going on around us. That brings inner peace and a stable mindset.
One part I don't understand about the Progressive mindset is how they can still pursue such an ideology in spite of its complete lack of positive results. It's so disconnected from reality! I mean mentally healthy people repeat behaviors because the outcomes bring them peace, stability, etc. These people seem to revel in masochism. Disturbing.
Nietzsche said that since the Scientific Revolution effectively "killed" God, there was a massive vacuum of nihilism left in its wake as people lost their faith. The human spirit cannot stand meaninglessness. He predicted the rise of totalitarianism, that would fill the gap, a century before it happened. He said something like "Now that we have killed God, there won't be enough water to wash the blood off our hands." 100 million dead people murdered by atheists in the 20th century. I think Nietzsche got it close enough.
We know the concept of the Socialist, the extreme lefts and those without conscience envision as their god...and it's not anything Good...
The difference is likewise between the "Woke" and the Awakened.
I am willing to bet that you, as I, have tried to live life as if it had a purpose. (that's why you are a "Conservative", save for Time tested principles.
We have clues of the beyond but can't prove it. One clue is that we live in various field we can't see and we are made of those very same fields at the same time. It make sense that You, I and everyone else are not the physical body, it is only a host.
Are we a sovereign quantum particle?, something else?...I guess each one of us will find out eventually.