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OK, in the fear of being viewed as an old prude, with the leaning against porn in the Gulch, are the phallic memes (as humorous as they may be) really necessary here? This stuff has been here before and I've kept to myself, but IMHO these are poor taste in this venue. OK, I've said my piece on the matter and won't again.
Speaking of Hunter, I hate that he sullies the name. I am a descendant of the Hunters from Scotland and even though the Hunter name in my family is a surname, he defiles it and I hope he gets what's coming to him.
The reality is the lot of them sully humanity
Lying creep would be what sells and is a part of all the résumés of democraps.
1. An energy independent country
Milton Freedman said- if the fed gov were in charge of the Sahara desert, in a year there would be a shortage of sand.
2. Is Tulsi Gabbard one of the very few dems standing with feet on the ground?
Although, have to admit, didn't follow the Stacey Abrams or Fossil Fuel ones entirely.
Honestly, if one more insane thing happens I’m pulling the ejection cord early. I’m sooooo tempted to just walk everyday. But, it’s not my employers fault that all of our efforts somehow prop up this corrupt imperium. I need to quit when it is most advantageous for me. Which is December 3rd.
Now as for "Patch McCain" AKA Dan Crenshaw, I have no use for that RINO.
Guess I neglected to click on the Add button.
Please, God, don't let old dino become like Sleepy Joe. At least I know I'll never be a Sleepy Joe Fulla Schiff.
Long live Dino 🦖
I haven't been prone to falling yet like my deceased mother, who had Alzheimer's..
Yet a year ago I fell out of bed 5 times within 2 months. (Nothing broke maybe because I like milk and cheese and take multi-vitamins).
Looked for a solution on my PC. Amazon was selling several devices. Got a looped metal thingie you slip between the mattresses and secure it with your own body weight when you lie down.
Me dino hasn't fallen out of bed since and the raised metal loop helps me get up and down.
Yeah, getting old can be hazardous at times.
They are now purchasing coal and telling the people to stock up on wood for this Winter. The deletes sanction Russian oil , that oil is then purchased in India at $20 per barrel below the market. Refiners in India produce what Europe is starving for and they purchase it from India at a big premium. While the European refineries are idled. The breadbasket of California has dried up in deference to the California Salmon. Lmao all my life I have never seen a California Salmon. I don’t doubt some are there but you sure could not catch and sell them.To me they are as valuable as the cheese on the moon or a tranny for any position of power.
Or the progress of standing in line for up to an hour taking shoes off to show some TSA pervert you aren’t going to blow your self up. While on this topic, how about 2022 and there are still Kings and Queens. Oh wait that’s a part of the Cabal.
And the seasons they go round and round.
I would crown you dino 🦖 as King of Links. You have the tremendous knack for finding the most fitting clips.
batman, LOL
The Pope...
How was School!
i turned him off
i do not believe that a majority do not want Trump
we cannot spare him
unless you want more of the same liars and traitors, called politicians
we NEED someone that is NOT a politician
you find someone that can do the needed job, let me know
who is moral with ethics and has the strength to execute those who betrayed the constitution and/or committed treason to the People.
The bureaucracy must be replaced with only original constitutional activities.
This includes shutting down both major parties ability to be funded.
Social Security and medicare must be phased out starting immediately.
Then the federal reserve and the income tax must go.
I have a dream. Where a man is not judged by his ineptitude, but instead by his competence.
(and not affect any of them negatively because they have 40+ years to build up savings
for retirement.)
The problem is paying for those currently receiving social security and medicare, and
those 50 and older who have paid in for more than 30 years. A phased payoff of people
to exit the system over 10-20 years would be effective, while also freeing younger people
from their chains (ss taxes) and switching taxation from production to consumption taxes
that by constitutional amendment get lower every year.
Killing all medicare payments for any treatment that doesn't cure an affliction in less than
a year would lower those costs immensely, but won't happen as long as pharma controls
every area of fedgov.
The problem is that the Deep State won't do anything that reduces their power and profits
without armed rebellion, imo.
A spanking for the deep state and corrupt business, and exposure to reality for the People.
Changing the medcare industry will do more to reduce federal expenditures than any other action (with gutting the corrupt war machine manufacturers a close second.)
See also: https://www.galtsgulchonline.com/post...
Is this a paraphrase of Lincoln's response to those who wanted to get rid of Grant because of his drinking?
"I cannot spare this man. He fights."
He had me fooled for years ,very much like Hannity.
Why was her Sargent at arms allowed to kill An unarmed vet Ashley Babbit? When here in Minnesota when an officer accidentally killed a criminal resisting arrest was she convicted and sentenced?
Give me a break.
What people mean is the punishment for treason. If you would look it up it is a Capital offense.
And the only proven traitor I've seen is Trump. Trying to overthrow an election is a prime example of being a traitor.
“Trying to overthrow an election” is his evidence of Trump being treasonous ,this sets off my
Warning bells . Beep beep disengage.
I did not see any videos of gallows. Besides, hanging in effigy has been part of American protest since the Brits were in charge. So what? That does NOT constitute an insurrection. Only a person suffering from TDS would interpret it that way - and then spend millions of taxpayer dollars trying to convince the public of the lie and try to convict innocent protesters using the same lies.
F: "Oh yes, they know it. Every single one of them here knows it. But they don't think you do. And the aim of all their efforts is to keep you from knowing it."
H: "Why should I care what they think?"
F: "Because it's a battle in which one must make one's stand clear."
H: "A battle? What battle? I hold the whip hand. I don't fight the disarmed."
F: "Are they? They have a weapon against you. It's their only weapon, but it's a terrible one. Ask yourself what it is, some time."
In a way, the J 6 hearing is the weapon brought into the real world and set loose on steroids and what's left of Free America is Hank.
Hanks enemy has the same traits as our enemy. They are Nihilistic Nascistic Oppressive Pigs 🐖
The main weapon used is fear. The objective is
Compliance and enslavement. This is why the push for gun control. They know the chickens shits in law enforcement that they have placed in power. Will think twice about rounding up the dissidents after a few resisters win the stand off.. The first task of a Marxist takeover in a country does is round people up that oppose them.
He said it must be fought for …..that is past tense for fight. As if you don’t understand that.
Personally, I would like to see more discussion of Rand and her ideas (since that's what this is supposed to be about) and less pro-Trump propaganda.
People who call the truth hate speech …well they hate the truth.
“References to treason and traitors just looking at this thread”
Go find a “safe space” , you will not find one on my posts. References to Traitors and treason is the reality of today. Like Ayn Rand said ( paraphrasing ) you can ignore reality but you can’t ignore the results of reality.
By the way, I never called anything "hate speech". I called it dangerous to use violent figures of speech in light of actual violent events that have occurred in this country.
I don't need to find a "safe space". Thanks for your concern.
Even weirder than that belief is holding on to it and refusing to consider evidence.
jbghytffbbvcf is that.
a book with evidence that oil is a natural product of the Earth
Most secure in history. Yes. you need a new source my friend for any consideration. You might note that I write these memes are never fake checked.
My objective self understands that Reuters has zero interest in facts so my objectivism is based in reality.
Posting memes in the category of entertainment. If I was trying to teach you something it would be in the topic of education.
White Supremacy Absurdity...
LGBTQSR2D2+Pride(sin)+++ Vomit...
Thanks a Grand Dob -- quite the collection.