An American Declination Of Codependence

Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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"Today, the Declaration of Independence is one of the (if not the) most cherished American documents. Its language is inspiring, and it reminds us of the incredible courage shown and the price paid by those who risked and gave all to secure for us the gift of freedom. It is a foundational part of our history.

But it is not a part of our present. We no longer are a distant colony living under the rule of an unreasonable king. We won our freedom, wrote a constitution, and built a new nation. Using the greatest ideas from the Enlightenment, our founding fathers started us on a path that led us to become the greatest nation in the history of Western Civilization.

We won our independence, but we now suffer under a new sort of tyrant. We find ourselves bound by the invisible chains of codependence. We are not being ruled unreasonably by others. Instead, we are unreasonably letting ourselves be ruled by the need to appear caring and helpful. We are supporting, perpetuating, and enabling the irresponsible and destructive behavior of our fellow citizens who are determined to fundamentally transform the tenets of Americanism.

It is, therefore, once again time for a statement to be made and for lines to be drawn. We cannot find the strength to restore our republic if we cannot first find the strength to set our own minds, bodies, and consciences free. It is time to formally and publicly decline to remain codependent."

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  • Posted by $ 25n56il4 2 years, 6 months ago
    I love it when you give us a history lesson. Thanks. I heard a diddly dumb dumb on a news ABC, I think it was, say, 'I don't care what gasoline costs, I'm taking my family on a vacation anyway!' Well if he doesn't care what gasoline costs he should at least wonder why Biden is now blaming the oil companies for the high prices and wonder when in the last 50 years the grocery stores ran out of baby formula, and how about the price of groceries which get higher as you reach on the grocery shelf to buy something! As for oil, they just discovered a 1,000 year supply in one little piece of Texas (Oil and Natural ocean of it). Now, why are we exporting oil and gas and charging our citizens $7/gallon? Think about that!
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  • Posted by 2 years, 6 months ago
    Therefore, we are resolved that from this moment forward, in declining our codependence on those who do not hold to our truths, that we shall:

    1. Break loose from the self-fitted chains and shackles of political correctness.
    2. Take back our language: no longer will we surrender words and phrases from our language to others. We will use the words we choose, regardless of their contemporary characterization or classification by others.
    3. Not be made to condemn or apologize for the actions of others. Likewise, we will not be made to applaud or affirm the behavior of others. We will apologize only for our own actions, when we feel it appropriate, and we will salute others only when we are personally so moved.
    4. Never deny our friendships or turn our backs on those of us who are being attacked by others simply because it is easier, convenient, or avoids confrontation.
    5. In accordance with the above, we will not hesitate to intervene in a situationally appropriate manner when we see one of our fellow citizens coming under attack. To turn away is to become complicit.
    6. Let those around us know that when they attack any one of us, they attack all of us. e will not tolerate the phrase “but I didn’t mean you.”
    7. Embrace the classical notions of being masculine and feminine whenever and however we choose, and we shall not make excuses or issue apologies for so doing.
    8. Be skeptics at every turn when someone claims to be an “expert,” an “authority,” or a follower of “science.”
    9. Not allow ourselves ever to use the excuse “I was just following orders” to serve as a reason for engaging in or helping to silence or harm our fellow citizens.
    10. Not engage in defending ourselves when we are called “racist,” when we are called “homophobic,” when we are called “privileged,” when we are called “xenophobic,” or when we are labeled by anyone other than ourselves. We will not respond by giving examples of people we know or things we have done to prove what we are and what we are not. We do not need to try to justify ourselves or disprove baseless accusations to others. We will simply respond: “Your words. Not mine.”
    11. Embrace our faith in God if we possess such faith, without reservation. We may wear it on our sleeves, or we may keep it to ourselves. We will display our faith however we so choose, and will not deny the existence or importance of our faith for the sake of providing false comfort to others.
    12. Refuse to acknowledge the need for and legitimacy of “safe spaces” or “microaggressions.” Simply because someone else decides they are threatened or offended will not be a reason for us to question our beliefs, our words, or our actions.
    13. Call “lies” by their proper name—which is “lies.”
    14. Not give the benefit of the doubt to those who seek to silence us or control us by presuming they are of good intentions. We will take them at their word and assume they mean and intend exactly what they say.
    15. Take great care in using terms such as “courage” and “bravery,” understanding that those terms have become corrupted in their use to signify simple acts of hate and defiance. We know true courage and bravery when we see it, and we will not lose sight of either.
    16. Be unwavering and undeterred in proclaiming that the interests of American companies, workers, and citizens must be placed above all other interests when it comes to matters of policy.
    17. Look directly at God, ourselves, and another human being every single day and say these words out loud: “I know who I am.”
    Signing of the Declaration of Independence.

    We, therefore, the free people of the United States of America, do solemnly publish and declare our new independence by declining to be codependent upon those who seek to do us harm. There can be no harsher sentence served upon a people than that of being held prisoner to the approval of others.

    We recognize that, in making this Declination, we place ourselves at risk of various forms of reprisal. We do so, knowing that the truest expression, the fulfillment of individual freedom, is the willingness to place that freedom at risk for the purpose of preserving it, so that future generations of Americans might enjoy it.

    As we join in this Declination, we do so with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, and we mutually pledge to support each other with our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor."
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  • Posted by CircuitGuy 2 years, 6 months ago
    "Instead, we are unreasonably letting ourselves be ruled by the need to appear caring and helpful. "
    Don't be rule by the need to appear caring and helpful. The right to your own life is for everyone, even uncaring and unhelpful a-holes.
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