Wasn't the "gallows" of January 6 Just a Prop...?

Posted by deleted 2 years, 7 months ago to Politics
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I have to comment on the "gallows." If you go back and look at it in detail, you'll see that it is a flimsy thing that would fall down if it even could be used, and the barrel knot is just rope wrapped around some fat wad of white fabric sticking out both ends. They made it fat so it could be seen from far away, and that's why they used yellow rope. It won't even slide. (And to be even more of nitpicker, a hangman's noose has 13 wraps, that one only has nine.) You cannot hang a person with that thing anyway. That gallows was a PROP, yes a scary SYMBOL of death-to-come, I'm sure someone far away would be scared by it, but no one seems to notice that it was a statement, not an actual usable killing machine. Kathy Squatty Potty Griffin held up a Trump head and that was a prop too, and just the same symbol of violence.

SOURCE URL: https://www.nybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/danner_2-021121.jpg

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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 years, 7 months ago
    Made by someone who just barely knows how to tie knots. The knot at the top, hitching to the crossbar, should be a bowline or a running bowline, or perhaps the two-half-hitches knot that might have been intended. The knot used, the running cow hitch (or running girth hitch), is a poor substitute.
    Source: Dad was Merchant Marine. I work with horses. Can't avoid using knots correctly.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 7 months ago
    Everything about the "January 6th Committee" is a prop. A complete farce. These are the globalists who object to a nationalistic approach and don't want an independent America.

    Personally, I think we ought to prosecute those FBI agents who fomented the Jan 6th stuff and use this gallows - on them. Might also be appropriate for anyone else involved like Nancy Pelosi - who refused additional security requests - and the officer who killed Ashley Babbitt.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 7 months ago
      IMHO the killing of Ashley Babbitt was deliberate cold blooded murder. One of the "tells" is how fast it was covered up by both the Neo Communists and their in-the-pocket media and how they desperately tried to hide the officer's name and any other details.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 7 months ago
    Thanks for posting! Even though it was mentioned in another discussion this is the first time I've seen it. LOL, it's definitely a flimsy prop like a 3D meme conveying a message. No different than hanging in effigy seen in the past or putting up a snake that says "Don't tread on me".
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    • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
      You're welcome. Been bugging me a long time. I never thought some troll on here would inspire me to post it.
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      • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
        Of course it begs the Q uestion who put it up?
        The optics are pointless unless you want to make a certain group in attendance look like a dangerous extremist threat. 99% sure it was Ray Epps.
        Prove me wrong Ray. Come testify in Bannons trial Ray.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
          There's more in the photo. I just saw in the upper right corner, a bolt sticking out. And there's handwriting on it, like initials and possibly a web address, I can't make it out. Also look at where the photographer stood, exact right angle so that the fake noose was perfectly centered over the spire of the Capitol. Even the NYSlimes article about it stated it was not known where it came from or who put it up, nor was it tall enough to be used. They said it looked like a threat! Don't waste your time reading it, I read it so you don't have to. (Ya gotta read what your enemies write.) Now I have to wash my eyes out with soap.

          "I can't say it or I'm gonna get arrested...we have to go INTO the Capitol!" Yeah I called bs on him the way Epps behaved when he spoke that scripted line.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 7 months ago
            Yeah, the only lettering I can make out for sure is the "F VG" and the shape of what's below looks like an "@" something. If I was still working and had access to some of the software and equipment I could likely enhance the image and see what it says (if anything).

            The bolt is likely a pin so the cross member doesn't fall off the fake scaffold and hurt someone showing a little foresight in caring for others safety. Bah, some "gallows"!

            More stuff in the photo I noticed:
            1) Nobody is covering their face - all are plain to see
            2) Doesn't look like anyone is armed - some "insurrection"
            3) The people are just standing around talking to each other - again, some "insurrection"
            4) Nobody is throwing stuff
            5) No fires being lit
            6) no looting taking place

            Heck, this isn't even a decent riot by leftist standards!
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 7 months ago
          Hmmm, interesting angle. If true, then it's turning out like a lot of things the left has done lately - a weapon in the beginning, but bites them in the butt when the people catch on. I suspect this whole J 6 charade is turning out to be just that.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 7 months ago
            They are preaching to their own audience, and not that many are watching, it's so boring. It's not great television, ratings are low. Those hearings are more heat than light.
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