Shit for brains

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 9 months ago to Humor
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Three surgeons walk into a bar, the surgeons all order drinks and proceed to discuss previous successful surgeries. The first surgeon recalls a patient from Milwaukee who had a terrible accident with a chain saw and had his arm severed at the shoulder. The first surgeon went on about how he was able to successfully reattach the severed arm and is now a major league baseball pitcher. The second surgeon immediately jumped in and told the other three that he had them all beat; he went on to explain about a man from Philadelphia that had lost his leg in a boating accident where the boat prop severed his leg. He continued that he was able to reattach the leg and he was able to make a full recovery. Today, this man competes in triathlons and is very competitive. The third doctor puts his foot up on the foot rail of the bar, takes a drink and tells the other two doctors that he has them all beat. He went on to describe a horrific accident involving a man driving a car and lost control, it was said the man was driving while snorting a line of cocaine from a prostitute’s belly. He lost control of the car and ran into a tree, he hit the tree with his head which caused the contents of his head to spread throughout the field. The doctor then went on to tell them that they were able to gather all of the brain gray matter mixed with the cow shit in the field and put him back together; today this man is the president of the United States.

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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 9 months ago
    I can appreciate that. We have the rodeo here in town this week. I'm not going to make it...but, I think I'd probably enjoy it...
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      The rodeo was fun, haven't been to any as an adult. this was a real rodeo with the whole bit from junior calf riders and roping all the way to bull riding.

      We tried a PBR rodeo, and I felt like i was in the move ideocracy. To over the top with fireworks, big screen monitors flashing advertisements and annoying over the top personalities. On top of all of that, the bull riders were mainly from other countries.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 8 months ago
    Me dino contends that Joe the Schmoe was abducted by Brain Eaters From Venus because human intelligence is what those space aliens crave.
    Nevertheless, the partially munched-on malfunctioning mind a stolen election made out to be our Puppet-In-Chief was released due to his brain tasting already stupid as Schiff.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
    I heard this at the Eagle Idaho rodeo from a rodeo clown, not word for word but close enough. The whole crowd lost it… Had to share it here…
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