Alfredo "Alpha Warrior" Luna - "Man On Target"

Posted by $ rockymountainpirate 2 years, 9 months ago to Government
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An excellent interview with Alfredo Luna and David Rodriguez.

Buckle up. Even Rand couldn't think of a government this much out of control.


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  • Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 9 months ago
    Q: How many con-gresscritters do you suppose have the 'potential to commit violence'?
    A: All of them.
    Q: Did President Nixon (aka toilet-mouth) have the 'potential to commit violence'?
    A: Yes
    Q: How many members of the armed services have the 'potential to commit violence'?
    A: All of them. They are trained to have it.
    Q: How many of the US Secret Service have the 'potential to commit violence'?
    A: All of them. They are trained to have it.
    Q: How many of the ATF and FBI have the 'potential to commit violence'?
    A: All of them. They are trained to have it.

    Should we lock them all up for doing nothing?

    Thanks, RMP for posting this. 👍
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 9 months ago
      During 1969 me dino was drafted into the Marines because there was a supply clerk shortage and I had the aptitude to do that kind of work.
      At Parris Island I had it drummed into me that I was a killer. I loved the shooting. When trained to use a 1911 .45, as instructed I yelled "Halt! Halt!" at a human shaped target that rolled as if running away and punched bullet holes through where a man's chest would be.
      After Parris island and before I went to supply school at Camp Legeune, NC, others and I were trained to pick up almost any weapon and be able to use it in case of an emergency. My biggest thrill was shoot a general purpose M60 machine gun and watching tracers bounce off a busted-up wagon.
      Long story short, me dino got a job with the Alabama Department Of Corrections March, 1982. You can imagine I had no trouble NRA qualifying with a revolver, an AR-15 and a pump shotgun at the academy in Selma and every year when I had a week of "advanced training."
      Here is the target I used time and time again.
      My trainers did not want head shots. Center mass only. See the X? That is what you aim to hit. The idea is that should you miss dead center you will still hit the target theoretically stopping an escape attempt.
      According to my commendation (what we call an "attaboy letter"), on 4/18/96, I was working the back gate tower and was having all kinds of people coming and going (what a sergeant who witnessed what happen called a "cluster f--k") when I saw an inmate run from a work release van and start climbing a steep grade that led to a woods (more like a forest) behind my tower.
      I did everything by the book. I yelled for him to halt. He kept climbing. I fired a warning shot with an AR-15.. He froze. I lined up sights and aimed for center mass.
      Then something cold seemed to sweep over me. If that sucker continued to climb another inch, I going to put a round straight through him.
      I'm old and crippled now, but at that point I was an extremely good shot. And at that point I realized something. I wasn't aiming at center mass. I was aiming for his heart right between his shoulder blades. I was going to kill him.
      Fortunately, enough of going by the book was still clicking in my head. I was otherwise still doing my duty. When the inmate looked over his shoulder and saw me aiming dead at him, he slid back down the grade.
      The next day at working inside (the custom after one has to pop a round from a tower & the day after that I was back up on the same tower) I was getting a lot of "attaboys," but one picky officer pointed out that inmate was minimum custody because he ran from a work release van. I retorted, "How was I supposed to be sure of that. If he got away and hurt somebody, that would be on me." That shut Officer Picky up.
      Anyway, guess I know I'm a killer who has never killed.
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