Mass delusion among left =Munchausen by Proxy?
Posted by jeffdhurley1 2 years, 7 months ago to Politics
Small epiphany last night whilst listening to the news. It hit me that our leftist want to be overlords are making things as bad as possible . Could there be a touch of Munchausen by proxy- ish delusion as a mass syndrome ? Creat the problems so they can be a hero by solving them. If only they could. Discuss!
Imagine the actual outcome of their radical utopian dream.
Electric power comes solely from solar and wind sources. To get around, everyone is forced to buy an electric car they cannot afford.
They won't be able to power their cars either. Imagine all the brownouts and blackouts.
Hell, imagine all the starvation! And the violence that shall come with it.
There is home-defense meatware, too. My neighbor's bull is not happy with people, including my neighbor himself, who trespass on Bull Territory. Neighbor also has a donkey who hates coyotes. Starving people (and coyotes) should keep their distance.
Humorous advice from a previous century:
Puer ex Jersey,
Iens ad school,
Vidit in meadow
Infestum mule.
Ille approaches.
O magnus sorrow!
Puer it skyward.
Funus ad morrow.
Qui vidit a thing
Non ei well known,
Est bene for him
Relinqui id alone.
The whole Dr. Gates BioMilque thing is a thinly veiled example.
Note: F isn't even close to th,