12 Simple, Common-sense Ways to Stop "Gun Violence"
Posted by katrinam41 2 years, 8 months ago to Ask the Gulch
The expanding wave of shootings has been used as ammo for the liberals to target gun owners. They have interrupted memorial services and flooded every media with demands to remove guns from civilian hands. As usual, these knee-jerkers have missed the most important points--their own policies have been like gasoline on a fire. These 12 points are simple and there are probably more ideas here in the Gulch. Let's hear them!
Administer Unconstitutional Laws, and/or Fail To Execute Constitutional Laws Against Illegal Immigration.
All those who passed unconstitutional laws took an oath to defend the US Constitution and they are guilty of treason.
Failing that: DC is the source of most problems Americans face. NIFOITOWTBS.
And please tell me what NIFOITOWTBS means. I searched all through your post and the video you posted (Ripley in Alien) and just can't find it. Pretty please with 73 candles on it? My birthday is in a few days. :)
Nuke It (the entire site) From Orbit. It's The Only Way To Be Sure.
I’m really not worried about what happens AFTER Gun Seizures. Because, shortly after they begin, I’ll most likely be dead from HVLP (High Velocity Lead Poisoning).