It isn't working, so add more government...

Posted by $ Thoritsu 2 years, 8 months ago to Government
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Nowhere in industry would such an approach be successful or even tried. "We have an inefficient organization, and they aren't getting it done, so we are going to pay for an oversight council to provide guidance."

How about fixing the organizations you have? Set incentives properly and they will drive to those incentives.

The problem is the next year's incentive is last year's budget +, nothing else matters.
SOURCE URL: https://www.defensenews.com/battlefield-tech/2022/06/14/lawmakers-propose-technology-competitiveness-council-to-champion-us-innovation/

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  • 13
    Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 8 months ago
    Sorry, Thor, but I just couldn't finish the article. I got as far as the "...to be chaired by Kamala Harris" and choked. Doomed to failure before the ink on the bill is dry. We people do have to realize it probably increases government power over the private sector and will create a bunch of cushy high paying jobs for more unnamed bureaucrats, which will be covered by raising taxes or printing more money, so hey, it just might pass.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years, 8 months ago
      Me dino just acquired a mental picture with audio of empty-headed Kackling Kamala cackling in the chair she is chairing.
      Oops, now she progresses to mouth word salad that always makes no sense except to her senile boss.
      If she did that while waving her arms around like Piglosi, she'd really be one horrific freak show.
      Once again my envisioned Kackling Kamala circles back to cackle some more, some more, some more.
      Me dino needs those ear protectors I take to the range when enduring living nightmare visions with fright night audio such as this.
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  • 11
    Posted by freedomforall 2 years, 8 months ago
    The tail has been wagging the dog for 162 years.
    The choice is: Lose the tail or lose the entire body.
    Excise the cancerous traitors and remove all laws that do not comply to the original constitution and the first ten amendments.
    The con-gress will not do this. They are corrupt, complicit in the destruction of America and have a conflict of interest.
    The bureaucracy will not do this because they are corrupt and have a conflict of interest.
    The judiciary will not do this. They are corrupt and have a conflict of interest.
    The military leadership will not do this. They are corrupt and have a conflict of interest.
    The executive branch will not do this. They are corrupt and have a conflict of interest.
    The state governments will not do this. They are corrupt and have a conflict of interest.

    Only the People can win back their individual liberty, as they did in 1776.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 8 months ago
    To me, there is a very simple way to fix all the budget issues: you constrain the spending to be 5% LESS than the total revenues of the year two prior to the current one, meaning that you are constrained to never spend more than was actually received in revenues in the past. And this MUST include debt payments.

    The House of Representatives has continually shown itself to be incapable of controlling itself regarding spending. Thus we must impose on them regulations.

    Now I would advocate that we impose this AFTER the coming meltdown and default, since its too late now. The system is going to come crashing down - that is now inevitable.
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  • Posted by RonC 2 years, 8 months ago
    The problem with adding more, or any, government is government produces nothing. Even the post office, where people work everyday, produced nothing. Adding to government takes capital away from producers and eventually chokes of growth.

    A progressive might conclude that government should own all, or perhaps essential, businesses. That way government would produce something. When government owns a business the incentives are distorted and the producers figure out how to do the least they can. The result is shortage of everything, no need for innovation, and since it all pays the same people do as little as possible. That's why I Cuba a 1956 Chevy is considered a technological marvel.
    The notion of an economic pie divided evenly ignores the fact that an equal slice is not enough. That approach stifles new ideas, why bust your brain for the same reward?
    The best for me is I'm near the end of my ride, but I worry for my grandchildren.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 8 months ago
      Not all businesses actually produce a product. Many offer a service such as distribution companies like grocery stores, retailers, and shippers. The post office, like Fedex or UPS moves products as well. Whether or not it's profitable is another question.
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      • Posted by RonC 2 years, 8 months ago
        True. Not all businesses create wealth. I have a person that is certified to practice before the IRS on our tax matters. She charges me a hefty fee to take care of our taxes. She keeps us from having more expensive problems and performs a service that I don't want to spend time on. One the day after tax day, April 18, what is the intrinsic value of that stack of papers? In truth, they are worth less that when she started. Once they were useable as paper, now they are covered with ink and can only be used as a record of tax activity. Without the heavy hand of government her job would be unnecessary. But, she does earn a profit. So does the barber, nail technician, funeral director, nurse, etc. None of those vocations create wealth. Wealth comes from land, improvements to land, natural resources, value added through manufacture, and intellectual property. It continues to provide income whether you are well or ill, present or on holiday, dead or alive. I used to barber for a living. Barber's retirement looks like snip, snip, snip, then you die; without a single day spent doing as you please.
        We learned during the 2008 credit collapse the difference between wealthy and rich. When banks and other companies fired millions of people earning 6 figure salaries.
        at the time if you earned 6 figures you were rich, and when you were fired you were unemployed. Shuffling papers, or tapping keys at a brokerage can earn a lot of money. Ask the same question in a different way. What is the intrinsic value of all of those deals when the credit market collapses?

        We were sold a bill of goods in the 70's. I remember reading many of the books extolling the greatness of the service economy. We would have a better life if we let other countries manufacture for us and just became a service driven nation. We became a debtor nation when we decided to let others create wealth (value added through manufacturing) while we deliver the mail and give manicures, using our cash to purchase goods from around the world.

        Full disclosure; after 20 years as a barber I joined the Post Office and retired from there. The retirement has an intrinsic value, but only for the joint life of my wife and myself. In 2009 I noticed that HUD was selling foreclosed houses at a fraction of their historical value. When I was a barber it seemed like every guy that was retiring and moving to a sand state felt that their house had been the best investment of their life. So with houses cheap, and rental needs high, We started buying throw away houses, fixing them up, then renting them for a local source of retirement funds. It turns out they are inflation proof. While my stock holding have taken a beating this year, the average selling price of a home in USA is above $350,000.00. Unlike gold, they pay us each month for a place to live. With gold or any commodity you can only buy and wait for a fit time to sell.

        Back to the original question of bigger government. IMHO if we continue down this road of more government and our government is more concerned with world issues than American issues, USA will collapse from the lack of wealth producing activity and be replaced with another government, either foreign or domestic. We need to solve our issues and let others solve theirs.
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 8 months ago
          You touch upon a very important point and a pet peeve of mine. That is, the income tax system costs the citizenry billions of dollars just to comply with and absolutely nothing is actually produced.
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          • Posted by RonC 2 years, 8 months ago
            Take any government agency and ask what the future value of their regulations or services are. Some are, if not weaponized, of value to society; like FBI, justice department. None produce anything in the classic sense of adding value to a product.

            Further, nearly all of the alphabet soup of agencies are unconstitutional. About 1910 congress started writing laws that allowed the secretary of (name your department) to make rules governing the agency. This allows a president to tell the secretary of energy to stop mining and drilling, his cabinet member makes some rules and things change. All of this without a single vote by our elected representatives. So, we have taxation and representation, but they're not one and the same.
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