"Boots on the Ground" reports from this YouTuber sound like the collapsing times in Atlas Shrugged

Posted by BrettRocketSci 2 years, 9 months ago to Economics
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A friend of mine told me about the Youtuber southernprepper1. He collects local reports from people across the USA about inflation, shortages, systems going down, not enough people or the right people to operate establishments, etc. He has to make videos twice a day to try and keep up with all the reports he gets.

How are things in your locality? In northern California I see at least 20-50% price inflation on basic goods. Some shortages in stores (unprecedented historically) but doesn't seem extreme.

Here's the channel. Hard to argue against the claim that we are living in a collapsing society when you listen to this.


SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1Eqtj3NP9k

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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
    In vegas, prices are continually going up. Buffets (when they are available at all) are at least double what they were pre pandemic. Typical groceries I get at the Walmart Neighborhood Market are up about 30% , I would say costco is up at least 30%, at least from the total bills that I am experiencing. The 8% government figure is laughable, except that it is seriously flawed.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 2 years, 9 months ago
    I decided to check the other day. No baby formula in our grocery store. Thanks for sharing this channel. These things he's mentioning really should not be a surprise.
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  • Posted by Susanart19523rtf 2 years, 9 months ago
    I subscribe to SP1. One of the commenters alluded to AS and included a blog post. I thought she liked AS until I clicked on the link. IT WAS HORRIBLE! twisted and malevolent, accusing AR of being a mistress of Philip Rothschild and a plot to destroy the world.
    In defense of SP1 some of the people who comment are genuine AR supporters.
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    • Posted by term2 2 years, 9 months ago
      I listen to the preppers occasionally. I think on the average they are closer to reality than anything else out there (including fox news).

      Biden is a weak sister and is encouraging all the bad actors, like china, russia, iran, north korea, and others to take advantage of the weakness to further their own goals at the expense of others.

      Previously, when Trump was president, we had a more peaceful world, lower energy prices, more respect from other countries, a functioning global supply system, etc.

      Now that Biden is president, we have a war with russia about to happen, high energy prices, high inflation, a broken supply system, and an open border.
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  • Posted by handyman 2 years, 9 months ago
    Perhaps what is going on here is a “common man” version of what
    transpired in Atlas Shrugged. In AS, it was the high achievers and most
    creative of society that quit their jobs because they made the conscious
    decision to no longer contribute to a corrupt society. I have no illusion
    that people staying out of the workplace are doing so for this reason.
    Many are staying out because they are able to live reasonably comfortable
    by accepting handouts from governments and/or private charity. I suspect
    there are others you just ask themselves “why bother.”
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