Taggart Bridge and Tunnel?

Posted by VetteGuy 2 years, 4 months ago to Humor
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I shot this pic near the tiny community of Taggart Utah. Does that make this the Taggart Bridge and the Taggart Tunnel?

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  • Posted by Joseph23006 2 years, 3 months ago
    Is that Eddie Willers in the shadow by the tunnel?
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    • Posted by evlwhtguy 2 years, 3 months ago
      Poor old Eddie Willers. His loyalty meant nothing for him in the end.....He was just tossed aside as collateral damage.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 3 months ago
        Yeah, Eddie was an interesting character in the book. The movie didn't really flesh him out that much, especially his relationship to "Johnny".

        Interesting that in the movie (part 3), as they are cranking up the choppers, Francisco (I think) says they are going to make a stop and pick up Eddie.
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        • Posted by evlwhtguy 2 years, 3 months ago
          I think in the book, he is left by the side of the railroad when the train he is operating breaks down or runs out of gas.
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          • Posted by cranedragon 2 years, 3 months ago
            Yes, but it's also clear that Eddie made his own choices. While Galt is being held -- just before Stadler is brought to see him -- Eddie flies out to California to try to sort out why the gangs are holding the TT trains. He knows Dagny will be gone before he gets back, but he also says that she'll be able to make a new start, but that he he won't even want to do that.

            Eddie is an interesting linchpin in the story -- when you think about him, it's like 1 degree of separation to all of the key actors in the plot.

            I have always seen him as an exemplar of the good man, the man who is a hero in his own way, but is always an able follower of a great leader. Every Patton, every Carnegie, needs able lieutenants, and Eddie Willers was the best, most loyal, of that type of person. If he had stayed, I am sure that Dagny and Francisco and Galt and Reardon would have made sure that he was on the transport to the Gulch.
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            • Posted by evlwhtguy 2 years, 3 months ago
              He reminds me of the loyal lieutenant that Machiavelli mentions in "The Prince" that did everything right for his prince, in fact in that case some really nasty things, and at some point he was cast aside because he became a problem for that particular prince. That was a sin of commission by the prince in that example, in Atlas Shrugged Eddies being cast aside was more of a sin of omission by Dagny.
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            • Posted by $ Snezzy 2 years, 3 months ago
              Eddie is a parallel to the jury in Night of January 16th. In that play, Rand provided two endings. The ending for each performance depends upon the decision of the jury which is chosen from the audience. What's that got to do with Eddie? His fate is decided by YOUR independent decision.

              I think that Eddie is the ultimate hero of the story.

              Who will save America? Trump? Or the lady to whom Ben Franklin addressed the remark, "A republic, if you can keep it."
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          • Posted by 2 years, 3 months ago
            Yes. I kinda thought the Eddie character deserved better, but I don't know that he could have taken the oath. In the book, he seemed to live his life purely for Dagny.

            There is a book called "Atlas Snubbed" by Ken Krawchuk, that allows Eddie to get the engine re-started and moving. It's sort of an unofficial sequel to AS. Life outside the Gulch following the collapse of society.
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            • Posted by evlwhtguy 2 years, 3 months ago
              With a title like that I suspect the the good ol government comes through and saves the day for the poor old citizens who were oppressed by those evil "Men of the minds" that were of course just greedy oligarchs.
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