I will not comply

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 9 months ago to Government
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I don’t think this is Communism, Marxism or Socialism, its something new using the same tactics of these false revolutionists. I think this is being orchestrated by rich and powerful Sociopaths, Psychopaths, Narcissists and/or Melomaniacs; these people wish to remain anonymous. The funny part is that they and/or their minions must announce their plans, the public version is available to us without disguise. This public version of their plan is Agenda 21 of the 1990’s; I remember thinking this is ridiculous and that this will never occur in the United States, then; now, I see, that time has changed…

The Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, New World Order and the World Economic Forum are all names to describe the same organization. They are using Marxist revolution tactics to enforce their will among us. We need a term to describe this movement and since they wish to remain anonymous, I’ll assign a name, at least for the rest of this article. These people wish to rule the world through a worldwide governance, Globally Repressive Ruling Class.

Marxism used class war in Russia, in United States this will not work because there are no truly repressed classes; they manufactured Critical Race Theory for this cause. The Gender Identity thing is also part of this as well as the fake pandemic. These are simply tools to reach an end.

The Globally Repressive Ruling Class can be fought, not through war but by non-compliance. They want to push us over the edge and to take up arms, once that is done, they can get rid of us. We need to be very smart about this and how we address the Globally Repressive Ruling Class.

The ideas I’ve been thinking about are:

Supporting business in our local community – they want worldwide control of your purchasing; the big box stores are part of that. We are only helping them by complying. The alternatives are new small businesses providing what we can not live without and living without what we don’t need.

Pay in cash – ATM, Credit cards, any digital money can be traced. They intend on killing cash, I don’t know how but they have been speaking about a worldwide digital currency. If you have cash assets, convert it to a tangible resource, like land or precious metals. Alternative will need to be created once cash is gone.

Stop using the cellphone – This is a leash around your neck, they can analyze the most insignificant meta data to determine everything about you. Your browsing habits, social media posts, whom you communicate with, where you have physically been all are pumped into AI. AI is very powerful and can process large amounts of information. In the hands of a marketing director, they can identify you as a potential customer, in the hands of the government… Alternatives technologies exist…

Don’t comply with the government – at some point, the government will apply force, our overwhelming power is shear numbers. Don’t believe the lies, we outnumber them 10,000 to one or more. We need to get to know our neighbors and make relationships with them so we can support them when they need it. The government will be powerless to remove you from your house if 300 hundred armed supporters peacefully protest.

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  • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
    For e-mail I use Proton Mail - https://proton.me/mail

    For anonymous browsing – I use the tor net - https://www.torproject.org/

    For phones, I will be looking into Linux phones

    I don’t use social media, if I was, I’d setup my own or usenet.
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    • Posted by Ben_C 2 years, 9 months ago
      Thanks for the tip. I downloaded the browser. Will give it a try. I don't post on social media social media either. I scroll Facebook for shits and giggles. but may have to stop.
      I agree that we are headed in a bad direction. What is happening today is by design. One day the sheeple will wake up a ask "how did this happen?" but it will be too late for them. Buy more ammo.
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      • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
        Just picked up two thousand more rounds of 9mm
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        • Posted by KevinSchwinkendorf 2 years, 9 months ago
          Reloading components are in short supply too. I've had an order in through an online company for some Sierra bullets for a couple of months. I emailed Sierra directly and got a very nice personal reply who said their demand is way up, but they're making progress. I'm looking for 45 gr .224" Hornet bullets and they're not making them right now due to overwhelming demand for more popular bullets. He promised they're going to get to the hornets though - in a few months. I still need brass too, and Winchester is swamped too. Obama may have been the best firearms salesman ever, but Biden is turning out to be even better! There were almost 14 million new gunowners in this country in the last two years according to the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), which now puts armed Americans at over 130 million. When I read Atlas Shrugged, it occurred to me that the one thing Rand overlooked was our capacity for armed resistance.
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          • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
            I thought about reloading, just replaces a need of ammo with a need of ammo components. You're not reloading if you don't have the powder, primers, lead, etc... Some of this I can see producing yourself, but primers are the stopper for me...
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 9 months ago
    Listen... We broke free of serfdom...
    Then they created the income tax...
    And recreated serfdom.

    Now, they cannot take enough from us, so they need to go full on Socialism/Nazism "You will own nothing and be happy!"

    Tell me, dear sir? Will I work?

    If you want to eat!

    What about you? Do you work? Or do you collect rent?
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    • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
      "Listen... We broke free of serfdom...
      Then they created the income tax...
      And recreated serfdom."

      The road to serfdom actually began with property taxes. The income tax was the coup de grace. You don't own where you live or your paycheck without government permission of some kind.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 9 months ago
        Good Point. But a property tax made sense.
        (To a degree), owning property gave you something to defend. And to this day, we vote by county because that's who held the property rolls!

        So, if you voted, it cost you.

        Now see how they have it. You come here (soon as an illegal) and vote for what you want, and they take it from others at gunpoint.

        My life as an American... Could also be called... My Daily Mugging the USA!

        Worse, all the individual income tax we collect. EFFECTIVELY goes to the bankers for running the system. We functioned for 100 years without income tax. And all we've done since is lose the value of the dollar and pay ever more taxes while the bankers pocketed the money...
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
          "...a property tax made sense. (To a degree)..." I respectfully disagree. Property taxes makes no sense at all for a supposedly free people. It is a lien on where you live that usually gets bigger all too often on how you live and it NEVER goes away. It's no different than the "royal rent" in a serf relationship. If you don't pay it you get thrown out into the street no matter what other costs you incurred. Have you paid off your mortgage yet? I have and yet I know if I fall on hard times and can't pay the royal rent I'll be looking for a tent to live in. Free people, indeed.
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          • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 9 months ago
            Yes, but putting the other shoe on your foot. To protect said property, where/how do you suppose to tax? Because tax you must.

            If we need a Navy to protect our shipping routes, or an army to defend our ports.

            I am all for the privatization. But that too is simply a tax. Maybe a PORT tax is better, since they need the protection. But it starts somewhere.

            I don't disagree that it can get out of control. But it DID NOT get out of control, until NON Land Owners started voting for more stuff!

            FWIW, b/c I wrote mortgage software, and software for banking... I paid my house off in 11yrs, pretty much fresh out of college. The situation is so bad in FL, we have a Homestead exemption to protect retirees from being taxed out of their property in retirement.

            But I am interested in the discussion... Where do you apply the tax?
            Thoughts on the Fair Tax?
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            • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
              Before we tax, we need a constitutional amendment forbidding laws that favor a person/group/corporation over another based on social status or behavior. This would enforce a flat tax across the board and prohibit the crony capitalism where corporations get an unfair tax advantage because they donated to someone’s campaign. Then, after that, a consumption tax makes the most sense to me to pay for the needed protection.

              We need to gain control of the government bid process as well, the above does do that. It fixes the minority bid awards but still, wasteful contracts are awarded.

              If we collect tax money, we should spend it like its coming from our account…
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            • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 9 months ago
              I like the "FAIRtax" concept as long as it replaces both income and property taxes. It's simple and EVERYONE knows exactly what it is. It would become much harder for politicians to steal money from one person to buy the vote of another. No need for everyone or anyone to become submerged in thousands of pages of convoluted accounting procedures to pay a tax (not to mention guilty until proven innocent if you make a mistake). Everyone will see immediately when government becomes an obese beast because their taxes (not only someone else's) will also be affected. Nearly all the citizenry "has skin in the game" and is more likely to hold those spending the money more accountable.

              Side bar: "Forever War" is expensive so if the cost is no longer hidden maybe it wouldn't be supported as much.

              Side bar 2: Maybe the great government giveaways to foreign countries (don't forget the 10% to the Big Guy) will be given much more scrutiny as well.

              The side bars are only line items in a much bigger process so many more could be added.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      If you have the means, buy land and homestead. Provide a place for your family to go... I will not take government handouts ever. I will starve to death before that happens.
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      • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 9 months ago
        Agreed. A friend just found a place with well water and septic. IMAGINE those being selling points. LMAO...

        But pay attention. There are coming for the LOCAL/SMALL/FAMILY level people with Chickens claiming all kinds of disease and dangers.

        They do not want us able to grow gardens, or are own stuff... B/C they realize if we do... Then we can step outside their control systems.

        If you are self-sufficient... Do their mandates matter? Not so much!
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        • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
          Correct - We are having a community meeting on Sunday to get to know our neighbors and this topic is on the top of the agenda. Already people are speaking about a list of skills you possess, equipment that can be used by others, etc… We are preparing now…
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 9 months ago
    This is Feudalism masquerading as Socialism.
    You can tell by the carefully crafted narratives that are made to please, but only apply to, the plebs. They have to keep the clueless on their side. And keep them clueless. Hence the new favorite term of the regime. Everything is “DISINFORMATION”. Until it’s not. But by then the news cycle has moved on and all the plebs care about is if Amber Turd really shit the bed. Because, that’s WAaaaaaaay more important than Ghislane’s list.
    That woman must have one hell of a dead hand switch in place. Otherwise she to would be surprised by her suicide. Just like Epstein was.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 9 months ago
    You can call it whatever you want, at its root its the same old thing: a tyranny of control. That they're using different buzzwords is merely semantics. True, they are engaging corporate partners as much as they are government entities to enact their scheme of total domination, but one thing to remember is that the greater their ambitions, the smaller the issue that will derail them.

    And the problem with a revolution is that you still have to be able to control the beast you unleash. Whether it is Black Lives Matter or Al Qaeda, the hubris in assuming that one can unleash such idealistic groups and then rein them back in when they have served their purpose is astounding. Of course the other part is in failing to understand Sun Tzu - that you should NEVER back up your enemy into a corner with no avenue of retreat, as they will have no choice but to resist with all their might.

    As to your suggestions, I support local businesses. I pay in cash. I comply with moral laws, but not with immoral ones. But ultimately, I think these self-appointed elitists are going to be the cause of their own demise. They're going to collapse the currency system thinking that they will take control in the panic. The problem is that their power is mostly delineated in that very currency they are destroying! And in the panic and anarchy following the collapse, they think that they will maintain control despite the looting mobs and desperation. If they weren't the ones causing all the problems, I might pity their shortsightedness. And rest assured, when the system does come down (because it is already circling the porcelain drain), I will refuse to lift a finger when people start coming for the elitists - except maybe to pass them a few more magazines.
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 2 years, 9 months ago
      “ And the problem with a revolution is that you still have to be able to control the beast you unleash. Whether it is Black Lives Matter or Al Qaeda, the hubris in assuming that one can unleash such idealistic groups and then rein them back in when they have served their purpose is astounding. Of course the other part is in failing to understand Sun Tzu - that you should NEVER back up your enemy into a corner with no avenue of retreat, as they will have no choice but to resist with all their might.”

      Key Concept GOLD right there.
      A great example was the latest Palestinian Uprising. Watching the MSM play Wack-a-Mole with all the “Anti-Israeli” sentiment being flung about by BLM and AntiFa among others was hilarious. Those knuckle dragging foot soldiers of the left just don’t understand the nuances taking place in that situation. I had a lot of fun calling them Anti-Semites and comparing them to actual Nazis. It was entertaining watching their brains tie itself into a pretzel trying to reconcile their core beliefs with their actions/words. Not that I’m a “Israel is always right no matter what” kinda guy. But it was low hanging fruit. And it was delicious.

      And I completely agree with the rest of the comment as well. I will NOT lift a finger to preserve their corrupt system.

      I will instead endeavor to increase my local community’s resilience. It’s not so much that I’m denying their authority as negating it.
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  • Posted by $ splumb 2 years, 9 months ago
    You're right, of course.

    There's a cabal of elites that want to rule the earth and chain the rest of us into slavery.

    The Bible warned us about a one-world government; that it would pave the way to the antiChrist.

    I can't decide if it's the end times, or if the world is going to plunge into a new dark age that will take centuries to crawl out of (if ever).
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    • Posted by 2 years, 9 months ago
      It’s funny, just visited friends and while we were discussion the state of affairs religion came up. I’m not religious at all but I leave the possibility open for being wrong. They are Seven Day Adventist; their opinions are that is was the end-times. I find the stories of the bible interesting as you can think about it as written history from a perspective of ignorance. Noa’s flood was really related to the theory of Chan Thomas and his book that was classified by the CIA called the Adam and Eve Story.


      Very interesting theory where the earth pols flip 90 degrees causing the oceans to wash over the land and resetting civilization. Like in a bathtub… Oddly it explains why we find frozen wooly mammoths with butter cups still in their mouth. One day your eating dinner and the next your setting near the pole.

      We seem to be repeating the stories in the bible, like Sodom and Gomorrah.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 2 years, 9 months ago
    I'm not so sure the "Globally Repressive Ruling Class" intends to take over, as much as scare us into continuing to work to support the society as-is. They elites can't turn a screwdriver or invent anything. They do one thing only: tell other people what to do. So they are aware that they can't kill us all, the gooses that lay the golden eggs. They don't want to ruin everything quite as much as keeping their sweet deal going. Where they get to ride on our shoulders for free, and we do all the work and pay all the money. As long as we are terrified into working and paying taxes, they are in charge.
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  • Posted by LarryHeart 2 years, 9 months ago
    This has been going on since civilization began. The first buttress against the accumulation of power was our Constitution.

    There is only one way to fix this problem and it requires the states to get together and implement the CARRR - Constitutional Amendment Repeal, Repair and Replace. Here is the explanation and the agenda in the form of a blog. There is a huge amount of material so be prepared http://www.TheSocietyProject.org

    This requires a convention of the States (which is why Soros et all are financing and pushing in Democrat at the state level).

    This is NOT a Constitutional Convention! It is only to address amendments and cannot overthrow the Constitution.
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  • Posted by Raider_StClaire 2 years, 9 months ago
    If you haven't read Hope of the Wicked by Ted Flynn, It's a must for understanding the gradual march to global domination thru control of money. Play their game or die!
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