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The whole World Order is about the scariest thing I've seen in government.
Since me dino no votes in Texas, I am asking all you Texans to please throw all that disgusting filthy garbage out.
Every year or so, allegations of sexual misconduct by peacekeepers deployed under the United Nations flag ricochet around global media, shocking international audiences.
A few months ago, a report revealed that Burundian peacekeepers deployed in Central African Republic (CAR) have been extensively involved in the sexual exploitation and abuse of women and children.
It led to heartfelt statements about how such abuses will not be tolerated; how they undermine the capacity and credibility of the UN and its peacekeeping efforts.
The scandal surrounding revelations in 2015 of the violent sexual abuse of children in CAR by peacekeepers from France, Chad and Equatorial Guinea was also followed by such statements, and the adoption of Security Council Resolution 2272, which gives the Secretary-General authority to repatriate peacekeeping units or contingents where there is credible evidence of systemic or widespread sexual exploitation and abuse.