In Memoriam 2022, by Robert Gore (Straight Line Logic)

Posted by straightlinelogic 2 years, 7 months ago to Government
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This article was first posted on Straight Line Logic on Memorial Day, 2015. It will be published every Memorial Day for as long as SLL continues as a website.

Please click the above link for the article.
SOURCE URL: https://straightlinelogic.com/2022/05/29/in-memoriam-2022-by-robert-gore/#more-102143

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  • Posted by Dobrien 2 years, 7 months ago
    “expose and oppose the latter.“ That’s what I do
    With my posts. I posted about Norman Dodd’s exposure of anti -American actions by the Deep State or as I like to describe them satanic luciferian Globalist pedi files , 7 years ago upon joining this Gulch.. I exposed Jeffery Epstien and his blackmail operation before anyone every heard of him on this board. I have posted about Bohemian Grove , the CFR , the WEF and Skull and Bones. As soon as Fauci hit the news I stated that he was a horrible POS and I explained my experience with him back in March of 2020 at the start of this PlanDEMic.
    I have posted about the Prussian infiltration that we all are experiencing with the government takeover. The Hegelian philosophy espoused by Kissmyassinger is simply Master slave war. Robert I suggest you look into Prussiagate on substack if you want to know who this invisible enemy is and
    to answer your ending of who the latter is.
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  • Posted by $ Commander 2 years, 7 months ago
    Thank you Robert
    I found the story of my uncle's death .... distanced, until March of 2004. I was in Manhattan for an extended weekend. March 23rd found me in front of the Battery Park Memorial. My reality changed forever. I was already a decade into questioning every aspect of international "conflicts". No more fiction....


    Addendum: Three pair of brothers perished on this ship. "Sullivans Act"
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  • Posted by DrZarkov99 2 years, 7 months ago
    Ulterior motives abound in nearly all the conflicts we've been involved in since the war of 1812. The vision of "manifest destiny" drove the artifice of the Mexican war of the 1840s. The Civil war could have been avoided with payments to slaveholders for releasing slaves from bondage, but that's worth a whole separate story.

    William Randolph Hearst almost single-handedly started the Spanish American war, which turned us into a colonial power and thrust us into international politics. Teddy Roosevelt milked that image to force us to become an upcoming international power.

    Woodrow Wilson, whom I regard as the first American dictator, created a propaganda machine that was a model for the Nazis in later years, hiding his own illegal involvement in the European war and violating most of the constitutional amendments in his persecution of critics. Had we not gotten involved in that war, the subsequent second world war might not have happened.

    FDR hoodwinked the American public by purposely creating a situation he knew would leave Japan no recourse but conflict with the US. The Pearl Harbor attack was no surprise, but the commanders in the field were kept in the dark about what the President knew. Americans in Hawaii died to justify our involvement in the European conflict, because FDR knew Hitler would be obligated to join his Japanese allies in declaring war on the US to honor the tripartite agreement between Germany, Italy, and Japan.

    Congress has lost all sense of honor by avoiding its responsibility to weigh whether or not the nation should declare war. It's allowed every president since Truman to slide by that responsibility, with executive-initiated violence under names like "police action", or congressionally authorized supposedly "limited" ability to seek Senate approval after initiating violent action. The limits have become unlimited, with the longest war in our history, over 20 years, carried on by a sequence of presidents without specific declaration of war.

    With our NATO allies emboldened by what they see as obligatory American involvement in a new major conflict, are we once again stumbling into a new, unnecessary bloodbath?
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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 7 months ago
    Well, one can easily see that there was nothing to be gained by America in the war with afghanistan, or the war with iraq. Apart for keeping Putin's advances in check somewhat by stalling him out in ukraine (perhaps), I dont know what we gain in Ukraine either.

    I agree that the army is there mostly to fight for the interests of the politicians. America is protected more by oceans on each side and all the guns citizens have than by the military I think. No country would even bother attempting invasion of the USA. Talk about a mess. Invading would be just the start- keeping control would be impossible.

    I dont think the russians will do well keeping control of ukraine even if their invasion is successful. I wouldnt want to be a russian soldier walking alone at night .
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