$40,000,000,000 Ukraine aid package or money laundering?

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 10 months ago to Politics
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Why 40 billion dollars? Is it truly all going to help the Ukraine fight Russia? Why is the American taxpayer taking it up the ass again? This spending looks more like preparing for war with Russia.

Replenishment of US stocks – $9.05 billion to replenish US stocks of equipment sent to Ukraine through drawdown authority.

European Command Operations – $3.9 billion for mission support, intelligence support, hardship pay for troops deployed to the region, and equipment including a Patriot battery. The bill also increases the cap on assistance that can be provided to friendly foreign nations from $450 million to $950 million.

Defense Production Act – $600 million to mitigate industrial base constraints for faster missile production and expanded domestic capacity of strategic and critical minerals.

Administration for Children and Families – $900 million to provide refugee support services, such as housing, English language classes, trauma and support services, community support (including school impact grants), and case management, for arrivals and refugees from Ukraine.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – $54 million to provide medical support, screening, and related public health activities for arrivals and refugees from Ukraine.

$4 billion for the Foreign Military Financing Program to provide additional support for Ukraine and countries affected by the situation in Ukraine, including NATO Eastern flank countries and other partners in the region, to build and update their capabilities.

$8.766 billion for the Economic Support Fund to respond to emergent needs in Ukraine, provide needed budget support to assist with Ukraine’s continuity of government, and counter human trafficking. Includes $760 million to prevent and respond to global food insecurity.

$4.35 billion for International Disaster Assistance to provide emergency food assistance to people around the world suffering from hunger as a result of the conflict in Ukraine and other urgent humanitarian needs of populations and communities inside Ukraine.

Increased Authorities – The legislation includes $11 billion in authority to draw down defense articles and services and increased flexibility to provide excess equipment and direct procurement to Ukraine and other regional allies

The full bill --> https://appropriations.house.gov/site...
SOURCE URL: https://appropriations.house.gov/sites/democrats.appropriations.house.gov/files/Additional%20Ukraine%20Suplemental%20Appropriations%20Act%20Summary.pdf

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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
    So. Trump finally gets Europe to start covering its own NATO ass and Xiden using Ukraine as an excuse starts footing the bill again and letting them off the hook. Chalk up more Xiden breakage of what Trump fixed.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
      I don’t think this has anything to do with NATO being self-sufficient but with the democrat party grooming a country they can control. Remember the Ukrainian regime change in Feb 2014? We were medaling back then.


      We need to realize the fact that we are just like 1930’s Germany. Our government is leading us to a war through faults pretense and moral failure. The righteous are remaining silent…
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      • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
        Can't argue with you here, Jack1776, because I see much of the same especially how handling the aftermath of the Obummer idiocy is concerned. My observation regarding the differences between the Trump and Xiden administrations is an off the cuff illustration of what I believe to be an overall truth. I don't think Trump would be so quick to pour American money on this fire or even let the fire ignite the way it has in the first place. Being cynical it looks like "somebody" is trying to get the USA and Russia to a face to face brawl in the arena and make it look like Russia's fault. This plan seems to have been in the works for some time when one considers the anti Russia propaganda over the past decade or two. Finding an excuse to pour more American money into NATO is just part of the plan.
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  • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
    I think the important question we should be asking ourselves is when we decide to stop supporting a tyrannical government and how do we do that, short of violence? More specifically, if after the 2022 mid term election and we witness obvious voting fraud, what should our actions be?

    Stop complying, anything and everything.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
      Debit is control - Our mortgages are bullshit, the banks simply create cash to lend, they only hold a faction of the money they lend out. When they do that, they produce more currency supply and causes the value of our money to deplete. So they crate money out of thin air and charge you a premium to use it for thirty years. I place the banks in the same category as the government. Few pay off their debts, I’m too old but I wish I knew what I know today then.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
        The left makes it complicated so its hard for people to understand. Printing money is just theft- always has been when the kings did it, and its the same now.
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    • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
      Imagine our country where we produce everting we need and export the rest. We have skilled people to work, design and engineer. AI and automation will be here soon and we need to be in front of that by transitioning our workforce.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
        Imagine that. Its hard to as there would be substantial pain to be endured if we started to make stuff again. Prices of all goods would rise a LOT, resulting in a slowdown of the economy and bankrupting a lot of people. We should never have printed teh money in the first place that we sent to china. That meant that the producers here couldnt compete and so they closed down.
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        • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
          I'm not speaking of the past but more specifically the future... We do have skilled people; they have skills in automation and software development. If we focused our economy to utilize automation and AI where appropriate, we could undercut China while providing local jobs. The bifurcation of social classes will happen with automation and AI but it's better to realize this now and get Infront of it. Actually, as we start to use automation; it would only hurt jobs in China as we don't produce much now as it is...
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          • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
            Our company buys a lot of subassemblies from china, and we were surprised at the level of automation that exists in china right NOW. We are far behind china in terms of automation here. We buy automation by buying FROM china.
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            • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
              Sure, the classical assembly line automation, we do that, and we can do it cheaper and better. Automation and AI will be permeating all industries, rather if you like it or not. This is the fourth wave of industrialism spoken about by the great reset idiots. This automation will replace the call center at amazon with AI backed phone assistances, this is already happening. We already lost those jobs and they have been shipped to India, now it gets cheaper because you employ no one and it's only a capital outlay. I don’t agree with the great reset agenda one bit whatsoever, but I will say that it will happen, it’s inevitable because it necessary from a business competitiveness point of view.

              I think we need to embrace it and not fight it; we need to dominate it in every aspect if we hope to win and stay a superpower.

              What about the lost jobs? The great reset idiots want to write you a check every month and you’ll own nothing. This is why the big corporations like Black Rock are buying up properties left and right; people’s self-worth will be destroyed by this. I don’t have the answers but there must be something better than that?

              My background, I manage a team of software developers, we write automation to produce virtualized environments for corporations. Our automation makes supporting an Information Technology department impossible to afford. All of those IT jobs we have outsourced to India and not being replaced by automation. I have a few employees that live in India, they are moving fast as well. Get the gender studies out of school and replace it with science, technology and trades.
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              • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
                China is automating and using AI too. They are way ahead of us in manufacturing. A lot of what we do here involves manual labor. We offload that to cheap labor in China. Now China is replacing that cheap labor with automation and AI. Big challenges for the usa
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                • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
                  When I worked in China on contract to help put a plant on line there were things I could have done to make the process more automatic, but was told not to because people needed jobs even if they were boring. Working people are not begging on the street corners, protesting, or just rotting away.
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              • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
                Interesting. I am vc an engineer and can see robots are all around us already as is AI There are so many repetitive and boring jobs that are better done by robots. I can’t wait until fast food is easily ordered without human interaction. It’s exciting to think about. It has to be done so it doesn’t feel like so, and it’s not being done like that in general
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    • Posted by 2 years, 10 months ago
      Taxation is control - Stop supporting them through taxation, why would you pay your oppressors? We know the money collected through the government is just a method of control because they spend money that they don’t have, regardless of the tax revenue.
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      • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
        I am quite upset at the whole government setup here. There should be NO deficit spending allowed, and no money printing through the crooked federal reserve system. And this should be done NOW.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 2 years, 10 months ago
    So... What I don't see:

    1) Protection of the European Wheat Belt
    2) Ensuring Ready/Available Fertilzer
    3) Creating enough Seeds to offset the ones we might not get

    Call me crazy... But the money they are spending seems to support doing stupid sh!t longer. And the money they are not spending will cause Food Shortages... (I would imagine that 5th graders could do better allocation of resources... But then again, 5th graders don't have to worry about making themselves and their friends rich!)
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  • Posted by $ blarman 2 years, 10 months ago
    Money laundering. Plain and simple. When they bring a bill to the floor with only three hours notice, you know its full of looting.
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  • Posted by Stormi 2 years, 10 months ago
    At this point, Is appears that Biden and sonny want to buy a permanent place in Ukraine. Whether it is to launder money, sell acceess to bioweapon labs, or just smooze with Soros who is the man behind the curtain there and here, reamins to be seen. But, will he finish off the US before he is done?
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years, 10 months ago
    Elections have Consequences.
    Stolen elections have catastrophic Consequences.
    Two Thousands Mules proves beyond a shadow of a doubt our election was stolen!
    Heads need to roll. Starting with the judges and politicians who are standing in the way of the investigation..

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  • Posted by term2 2 years, 10 months ago
    I think this bill is another way biden can help bankrupt the USA, given his Tear Down Faster multi trillion bill wont see the light of day.

    Why are WE paying humanitarian assistance money when its Russia who caused the humanitarian disaster? Each 100 billion expended means about $1000 per us taxpayer, given there are about 100 million taxpayers here in the usa.
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