A terrible accident or government orchestration for gun control?
Posted by jack1776 2 years, 9 months ago to Government
How does an 18-year-old that didn’t attend school or graduate have the funds to purchase two AR-15s, three hundred rounds and a Ford pickup. Why the emphasis on “legally purchased”? If they were illegally purchased, we could say hay wait, the dumb shit gun store owner broke the law.
Why are some many mass gun crimes occurring now? How come not in Trump’s administration?
I hear the widespread call for gun control from the media and Hollywood. Fact checkers are in full force.
Something stinks here…
Why are some many mass gun crimes occurring now? How come not in Trump’s administration?
I hear the widespread call for gun control from the media and Hollywood. Fact checkers are in full force.
Something stinks here…
Find a nut case. Tell him what to do. Give him money or whatever. Let it happen.
Do it in TX, where you can sway swing votes.
Separately the cowardice of the police knows no bounds. In this case, the Parkland case, or (when I was in college) the old guy who went nuts, shot a couple of cops and a few people and then took a bunch of people hostage in a Kmart in Palm Bay, FL. One ~77 yr old guy stood off police from four towns for hours, with an M1! People lay in the parking lot, shot but alive, and police or the EMTs wouldn't go get them! Get a god damn brink's truck and go get them. These same cops will dress down a 22 year old all day and hand out speeding tickets and advice like they are Sgt York.
NYC, Chicago, LA, et al cops have a tough job. Little town cops? Nope. Some are good. Some a bad. Some a brave. Many are cowards. These are the people the totalitarians want to instill all the power in. I don't think so.
Relying on paid mercenaries (police) who are regulated to the hilt and at this point totally afraid of what happens if they damage a black person in any way- just doesnt seem to be very effective.
Personally, I feel more secure when the current batch of cops are NOT around to give me tickets and harrassment. I try NOT to get into dangerous situations in the first place, or if I see something that looks strange, I am OUT of there. The cops probably arent there to help at the moment anyway.
My brother had a car painted in red primer, getting ready for the paint (we had no $, so this was for a while). He got pulled over 8 times in six months. The last time, he said: "I've been pulled over 7 time in the last six months with no issues any time. Why did YOU pull me over?" The cop replied while looking at his feet "Dirty tail lights" and let him go. It just goes on and on.
If I worked in a saw mill, I couldn't count one hand's worth of fingers the times I needed a cop.
There are nice ones. I've spoken to plenty that were police and friendly. I live in a small semi-rural affluent town, and they don't mess with the adults who live here. However, they give out tickets to everyone else like they are going out of style. The town is also VERY firearm friendly, and you will get approved for an LTC (in MA) every time. Reason on the form: "To exercise my Constitutional right", suggested by the officer himself.
I still think its more likely that I will need to rely on myself than wait around for a mercenary cop to help out.
And, like it says above, how does an 18 year old get 2 AR-15s and 300 rounds LEGALY ? Without getting some notice, even in Tehas.
Lastly, why can't the Betos and the Schumers etc. let these people grieve and heal themselves without not letting one of their famous crisis go to waste. (? not needed , we know why) WPOS all of them. Public Servant is the biggest misnomer ever.
The only other rifle I still have is a replica 1861 Richmond, which is essentially a Confederate version of a .58 caliber Springfield. I did fire it live a few times at a friends farm and it's a hoot! Definitely got off more than three rounds in 45 minutes.
Buy an AR-15 with 2 upper receivers (5.56 and .300)
However, buy lots of AR lowers! After rebuilding an AK, I have to say that is a great firearm too. The biggest fault it has is the lack of mounting for an optic. However, there is a mod that replaces the recoil piston cylinder that has a Picatinny rail! They are ultra reliable, simple and cheap. Everything about them is "American" except the origin, just like American cars, with lug studs, not idiotic lug bolts!
Unfortunately they don't look at shorter range which is more pertinent in SHTF situation, imo.
The blackout appears to be most controllable (low recoil) and effective for whitetail size game at 50 to 150 yards.
(Hypothetically, if someone already has an AK though, that's covered. ;^)
I'm not recoil sensitive, and a 223-ish round is essentially a one-hander. 7.62 or 300 Blackout would be in the same range. I only have 12 gauge shotguns for the same reason.
Looking for a 300 win mag rifle now for elk. I have 308 and 45-70, but no longer range calibers. Spent an age looking at cartridges. Largely ignored recoil in the metrics. 300 win mag carries great power a long way, is accurate and pretty common. Really want the new Savage Impulse Big Game, but it is as scarce as elk in MA. I love the idea of a working man's straight pull bolt action over snotty European versions for $5K. The Blaser R8 is very cool, but stupid expensive. You can change the barrel and caliber easily, but one can buy a different rifle and glass for each caliber for the price!
Looking is almost as fun as buying...
How true. Enjoying the journey and the destination.
The most dangerous action that people are expected to operate without proper training (in rational thinking) is voting.
One could expect no less a clear and cutting reply, FFL! One of many reasons everyone here respects you!
The youth are depressed and disassociated mostly due to covid. Easier marks for terrorists.
It's a viscous circle as many here have pointed out.
It sounds less crazy every day.
But I don't know about that pickup. The last time me dino bought a car, I tried to do it with a debit card after showing a dealer that same day's
ATM slip (whatever you call it) showing I had transferred enough money out of a savings account into a checking account.
Dealer wanted a check. I didn't bring my checkbook but remembered I always keep a blank check in my wallet in case of an emergency.
He accepted the check and I left with a fully paid-for year-old used car.
Me dino never bought a car from anyone asking for my education status.
The shooter walked around outside the school and was spotted by a number of people. Did anyone call 911? He entered the school through an unlocked door. Why was that door left unlocked, and why didn't those who first spotted him outside check to see that the building was secure?
While armored, well equipped police and US marshals cowered outside, an off duty Border Patrol officer took action, entering the school and killed the shooter with a shotgun he had borrowed from the barber, where he was when his wife called to tell him what was happening.
You're right. This smells fishy.
And. I am convinced that between now and November, there will be more.
Anyway there are probably a lot of those "fast and furious" cache of weapons that the Mexican cartels can sell back to anyone with the dinero.
And I have NO DOUBT he was “encouraged” by some letter people.
You got three doors to chose from Monty: 1:Cowardice, 2:Incompetence 3:Willing Participant (PSYOP)
I have to say that biden's policies have led to a lot of additional stress added to life. When people are stressed, some of them snap or change their behavior in irrational ways.
An 18 year old who somehow cant see a path to a good life for himself can find a way to get the funds to buy guns and steal (borrow) a car, and take advantage of lax security at a school or somewhere else. Not that hard really.
Remember that the second amendment is there to protect us from OUR GOVERNMENT when it goes bad, or another government attempting to keep control of the USA after they take it over.
What did we do for the Ukrainians ? We gave them GUNS which are helping them keep the russians from taking over their country.
Why didn't he just steal (borrow)... Because if he did, then they couldn't push gun control. I just found it odd that every article I read said "legally purchased"
The perp murdered many innocent children and he chose the victims and the location because he would not face resistance from unarmed people.
The tools he used are not guilty.
If anyone other than the perp is to be blamed, it should be the lawmakers who made certain that the victims would be defenseless.
How did a high school dropout that worked at Wendy’s gain enough cash/credit to purchase two top of the line assault weapons and a Ford pickup, all without family knowing about the weapons.
The government has been in the business of manipulation for some time, they need to rid us of our self-defense.
They have frequently been clumsy in their actions.
Perhaps some evidence will emerge on this incident from alternative sources.
If we used the same logic:
- We would have to stop driving because cars kill people
- Stop selling rope because rope strangles
- Disallowed cliff climbing because sudden stops are bad
- We would have to disallow the unvaccinated from public places, so the good people don’t get sick.
- Force a vaccinee for employment because the unvaccinated kill
This is just fodder for the anti-gun idiots, funny part is when the engineered food crise truly began, they will want me and my gun to protect their food, lives and family.
I'm saying this is why our government targeted this kid... To create a narrative of gun control