To gay or not to gay, is this NOT a question.

Posted by jack1776 2 years, 10 months ago to Culture
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Serious question – is this widespread and rampant among Millennials and Generation Z? It seems to be everywhere or at least the media is telling us its everywhere. I know for a fact that this is being promoted in our high schools through on campus classes like gay straight alliance. This is disastrous to these generations; it's going to decimated families. My oldest daughter started to attend the gay straight alliance without our consent, we found out and demanded that the school not allow her to attend. She was told to demand that her family promotes this lifestyle (not just accept). We told her that when she is an adult and was able to make these decisions on her own, we wouldn’t agree but we would still love her.

My daughter was vulnerable due to other situations I her life and she was too young to make this kind of decision. In the end – she no longer speaks with us and now is homeless in downtown Sacramento. She is transitioning to a man (not really because that can’t happen). My daughter and family have been victimized by this movement.

I don’t know of a rational way to address…

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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years, 10 months ago
    Pink Floyd hit it a long time ago: "Hey! Teacher! Leave them kids alone!"

    IMHO, science has no answer as to why a very small percentage of the population becomes sexually confused. However, when the education system targets adolescent and pre adolescent children to deliberately confuse them before they reach adulthood is pure evil.
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