There is a shortage of formula for Babies. Is there a shortage of Breasts?
Posted by deleted 2 years, 9 months ago to Politics
Why are babies sucking on rubber nipples filled with highly processed cow's milk when there's a Mom with Real Food in a Real Boob?
I can't put any photos or links I'll get banned :D
I can't put any photos or links I'll get banned :D
As a matter of fact there is a Wet Nurse in Atlas Shrugged.
Good thing he tells us he’s oppressed. Otherwise how would we know?
You are emotionally driven, I can tell. How stupid you are for refusing to accept the reality of life in the past.
If you investigate historical records, you will see infant mortality from a lot of causes and lack of available treatments was much higher than now.
and need formula
Look up the the term 'wet nurse', it is an occupation that has been around for centuries.
I did laugh at the question, but seriously, it is not at all helpful.
and are we seeing an issue/rise in numbers of women with issues requiring other solutions?
But this concept requires COMMUNITY...
(Something Such Leaders as Obummer spent years destroying FIRST... In case you didn't see how the plan works...)
Then Community,
All unfortunate situations, but nature is wasteful with life, and pragmatic. As long as enough are born and grow strong, missing out on some doesn't affect the big picture, only the individual case. The same with all lifeforms--not all are born as world-class specimens, either. Nature is indifferent to individual happiness; that's up to us. And yet it is the unique breakthrough by a unique individual that turns tides and levels mountains. One in a million will do to keep us going. So what if a few billion perish in wars and plagues?
As for breastfeeding, ultimately that is no one else's business, just as with contraception. Formula makers gain from mothers not nursing--sell more formula. Here is where the individual mother needs to make an independent decision, since such businesses are clever salespeople and "influencers". As long as people can be motivated away from or towards choices not in their own best long-term interest, there will be controversies in our complicated societies.
As to the attraction of breasts to men, the deeply buried subconscious whose job it is to instigate mating and reproduction--call it the selfish gene--tempts and tricks males to want sex, especially with fit females, which sometimes does, in fact, produce infants that will need to suck on those nipples that for the male are so attractive and whose exercise and stimulation trains the woman's body towards motherhood and contractions. Pleasurable sensations are the gene's trickery. Otherwise a smart species would avoid altogether the labor pains and decades of devotion to raising the next generation. We have a long way to go to figure out how to have life, liberty, and potential happiness all in one package and still keep human evolution going as a positive process.
And yes, I did bear and nurse three children.
“So what if a few billion die from war and PlanDEMics” I can’t believe that you mean that.
But, I guess that's just me, not being "woke", or something.
This is a business opportunity for Wet Nurses.
Work the problem, people...
Some end-user inventory is not a bad thing in terms of food, medicines, clothes, transportation, even cell phones.
The result of bottle feeding a lamb or kid provides the heartwarming but difficult situation of having a "bottle lamb." We've got one right now, and she follows us everywhere. Mary Sawyer of Sterling, Massachusetts had one that followed her to school one day. Yes, really.
Goat milk for human infants is likely a very good idea.
We seem to live our lives in opposites. Positive/negative Pleasure/pain Happy/sad Hungry/full Hot/cold Confidence/fear Right/wrong and many more . Seems everyone touches those box’s , they are unavoidable. Because of that, it is a great idea to stay on the positive side of those that you can control.
While I agree, there are MANY reasons SOME women cannot breast feed. We SIMPLY must LEVERAGE our new found desperation to find great alternatives.